
The Elf Princess

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasia
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: Home Sweet Home

The next day it was getting close to noon. We were heading towards Ezra's to see if he wanted to join us. (Knock Knock) Ezra opened the door. "Oh hey Kion Liam and Rhylie what's up?" "Oh well today is our last day and we are heading over to ride some sea dragons. Want to join us?" "Uh sorry I know today is your last day but I have business to attend to soon. Sorry." "Its ok. Good luck on your business." "Thanks Rhylie." Then we left and headed over.

We were halfway to the lake and I stopped with a serious expression. Kion and Liam both noticed. I was in a daze looking around. In my mind I was somewhere else. The others were calling her but she wasn't responding. Then when she was done she finally heard them calling. "Huh? What?" "Are you ok Rhylie? You looked like you were out of it for a minute." Said Liam. He felt my head and I said, "I'm ok really. I just had an episode I'm fine." "Well you don't have a fever but you are sweating a little. Are you sure your ok?" "I think so." "Ok then lets continue." Said Liam. As they were walking Kion was thinking, 'I wonder what episodes those are? If I'm going to be protecting her I have to know. I'll just talk to her after we have fun.' Then they finally made it over and saw Sea and Cove waiting for them.

"Hey Sea and Cove." I said. "Oh good you finally made it." Sea was in his human form and I saw Cove in his Sea dragon form with the necklace I made him. "I think I want to ride Cove today. Liam and Kion you can ride sea if that's ok with you both." "Of course its fine." Then sea turned and we hopped on to our sea dragons and they went fast over to the Sea dragon home.

"Ok here we are. Oh Cove how long does you buble spell work for?" said Sea. "Oh it works for an hour like yours." "OK then." Then I explained to Liam and Kion what they were talking about. They nodded. "Ok Sea and Cove Go ahead." We all held our breath and they put the buble on all 3 of us. "OK you can breathe now guys." Then they let out a breath. "Hehe. Ok do you both want to go on a tour? I know liam has do you Kion?" "Yeah sure." So they took us on a tour then Kion saw the music room. "Is that a music room?" Sea nodded. I looked at him and nodded. "Why don't we go in." Kion was excited. "Hey Kion. I can play piano want to hear?" He nodded. "OK then. Any request?" "Oh how abut the song of healing? That was a pretty one." I hesitated but agreed. Then I started playing it. My breathing started getting rattled toward the end but I managed. "Ok done. What about you Kion?" Then I started feeling dizzy. "Hey I feel a little dizzy. I need to lay down." "Here come l lay down on me Rylie." Said Cove. I hoped back on him and laid down a bit. I closed my eyes. "Want to continue Kion?" said Sea. "If Rhylie will be ok yes I would." "I'm sure she is fine." "Then yes." Then they finished the tour and headed up to the surface. That is when Rhylie woke up. "Hmm. What? Where am I?" I was in a daze and forgot where I was for a second. "Oh yeah we were on a tour. Did we finish it already?" Then Cove said something. "You feeling better?" "Yeah I'm fine. Did you finish the tour?" "Yes we did. Kion thought it was cool." "I have a question that piano. Does it has a special ability?" "As you can see it used to be an old castle that used to be on the ground it has been there ever since. We found the symbol of it and I have been keeping it safe. Come here before you leave tomorrow ok? I will show it to you then maybe you can figure out what it means ok?" "Ok I think we will be leaving about 8:00 tomorrow morning. "Ok I will be here around then." "Thank you Cove." So we got to land and put our towels over us and waved goodbye. Then we headed back.

"Were back Prince." "Oh hey did you guys have fun?" "Yeah we did. Oh tomorrow before we head home I have to stop by to see Cove. He has something for me to see." "Ok then." So I got changed in my room into some warmer clothes. Then the day went on like normal.

The next morning It was about 7:00. I started getting ready and was excited to see Liam's palace and my home again. I will also miss my friends dearly. "Ok ready to go Rhylie?" "Almost. Ah here they are. I have to stop by and see Ezra." "Oh no need he will meet us at that gate." Said Prince. It was time to go and we headed towards the lake.

We got to the lake and saw Sea and Cove there. "Oh hey Sea perfect timing. I have something for you. Here. I made this with the extra rocks I had and leftover string. It's a friendship bracelet." "Oh thank you. I will put it on in my human form." "Cove you said you have the sign of the castle?" "Yes right here." He dropped it into my hand and I was shocked. "This is! Prince look!" "This is the sign of the stone Palace." "Then that piano I played…." "You played that piano Rhylie?" "Yeah I did. I'm lucky I survived. I guess its my special blood." "Yes Rhylie it is. Once you learn to play it, you will be able to without feeling sick." Said Prince. "If you have a way you are welcome to take it up to the surface." "Thank you Cove and Sea. Would you like this back Cove?" "No you keep it. It seems to mean more to you than me." "Thank you." Then I hugged it. "Well I will be sure to come when I can. I will see you again ok?" "OK see you some other time. Get home safely." "Thanks guys I will."

We got back to the gate and we stopped. "I have something for you Ezra. Here. Green is your favorite color right?" I made him a necklace with one emerald green rock and braided the string. "Thank you Rhylie. I'll miss playing with you. Guys." I have him a hug and he hugged me back. "Bane thank you for everything. Prince you too. Oh Prince I have something for you. I know you don't' like necklaces so here." I made a braided bracelet with a Purple stone in it. "Thank you Rhylie. No thank you for everything." I gave Prince a hug. Then Kion thanked everyone. I saw my dad show up. "Oh you made it father. Here for you. I know you don't like jewelry but wear it anyway." I made it. It was bracelet too with a dark green stone in it. I hugged my dad. "I'll see you at the palace dad. Don't stay too long ok?" "I'll try not to." So I hopped on Sparkles, turned around and said, "Kion I have something for you in the forest so your welcome home present will have to wait." "Sure I don't mind." I rolled my eyes. We waved and headed out. Liam was on his phoenix Cyra. "Oh I haven't seen you around lately good do see you again." "Likewise." "Oh an ayakashi as a pet how strange." "Oh she's an ayakashi? I'll have to talk to her when we get back.

It took a day in a half but we made it back to Liam's castle. "So this is Liam's castle huh?" "Yeah does the environment feel ok?" "Yes it actually feels like home. Its nice and warm." "Yeah it always is they call this the fire castle." "Good name." I put Sparkles in the stables and said we could leave either today or tomorrow. I am heading towards tomorrow. Ok Sparkles?" "Good I can rest then." "Get a good rest you did good." She laid down to sleep.

We saw the guards and they were happy to see their prince back. "Welcome back Prince Liam and princess Rhylie." "Oh thank you. You will be seeing more of this boy in the future his name is Kion." "Nice to meet you Kion. I am Sir. Bradly and this is sir Alex." "Nice to meet you too." So we headed up the stairs and walked in. "Hello father and stepmother I have returned." We bowed and Kion saw and did the same. "Rise all of you. Then Cyrus and his two sisters came running over. "We were worried about you both. Are you ok?" "Yeah we are fine. Cyrus thanks. Lets go in the parlor and relax." "First I have to introduce Kion to father and stepmother." "Oh right." "Father. Stepmother. This is Kion he will be staying in the palace once Rylie and I get married. He is an ayakashi. Half Demon half human." "Sorry your ears are just so cute Kion I can't resist." I said. "Well resist its annoying." "When the time comes I will have a manservant talk to Kion and see how he would like his room. Until then stay the night and relax." "Thank you father." So we headed to the parlor. We relaxed and talked about what would happen. In the future. Until it got late. "Well we better get to bed. There should be maid to show you your rooms." "OK goodnight Liam." Then he left and we headed out ourselves and a maid was waiting. "Hello my name is Ellie let me show you to your rooms."

She walked us to our rooms which were right across. "Oh cool thank you miss Ellie." 'No problem. Goodnight." "Goodnight Kion see you in the morning." "Yeah sure." So we both went in. Kion and Rhylie both crashed on their beds and fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning I got up and got dressed. I went next door so see how Kion was. He was just opened the door when I got there. "Oh I was just coming to check on you. How did you sleep?" "Good I guess. Are we going to meet the Ayakashi?" "That is my plan. I want to go outside before we go home." "Ok cool." We saw Liam on the way. "Oh Liam good. We were going to look for you. I found out Cyra is an ayakashi. Can we go outside and see if she will turn human for us?" "Yeah sure."

We went outside and he called Cyra. "Go ahead and ask her." "Ok. Cyra. This is Kion he is an ayakashi that is how I knew you were one. Can we see your human form please?" "Well since you asked nicely. Yes hang on." She turned and she was a beautiful elf with a purple dress on. Her eyes matched her dress. Her hair was wavy and down to her waist. She had Purple hair as well and fair skin. "Wow beautiful." I said. "Well thank you Rhylie. Its nice to finally meet another Ayakashi. Kion is it? A half demon. Were your parents Dion and Bella?" "Yes they were. I also had 2 brothers." "Yes I know Sion and Jin. I'm so sorry for what happened." "Its fine I got some friends that can help take care of me now." "Yes and I am sure your family is proud of you wherever they are now." "Thank you Cyra." "No problem." "Well you guys are going home now right?" "Yes just for a year then I will be living here after I get married to liam." "I'm actually happy for you both. I can't wait to fly you into your happily ever after." "hehe thanks." "Have a safe trip home." "Thank you." So she turned and flew off. I will wait by the gate. You two can say goodbye how ever you want." Said Kion. "Thanks Kion." Once he was gone. Liam and I hugged each other. "A year will go by fast." Said Liam. "I know it just seems like forever until it finally comes." We kissed then hugged again. "Ok I'll walk you to Sparkles and the gate ok?" "Hehe thanks." I got Sparkles, I walked her to the gate. "About time." "Hey Kion." "Well it took forever that your father made it back." "Oh Father. You said you had a gift for me?" "Yes I will be sending someone over to your palace tomorrow. He specializes in your condition. Your singing condition. He will tell you what you need to know." "Ok well I'll see you father. We are leaving now." "Have fun. I hope everything works out for you." Then I hopped on Sparkles and Kion did as well. "Come visit soon Liam ok? Bring father too." "Of course." Then we galloped home.

It took us Awhile to get home but managed. My brothers were out playing with their animals. I snuck up behind them and said, "Boo!" They both jumped and turned around. "Sister!" They both said. They both came running and knocking me down trying to hug me. "Ok. OK boys. There is someone I want to introduce you too." The boys helped me up and Introduced my brothers. "This is Leo the oldest twin. Then Tyson the youngest. Ash the Raiju and the Nyx. "Oh cool. I have wanted to see one. Can I hold him?" I looked at the Nyx. "Yes he says you can." "Wow how cool. Oh he's a rarity. He has 2 colors instead of one. Beautiful." "Oh thanks that's only the 3rd time in my life I heard that." "Oh you." "He said it's the 3rd time he's heard that. I haven't seen mom and dad yet. I'm going to see them now." "Ok sure." I went inside the house and said, "I'm home mom and dad." "Rhylie is that you?" "Yes mom. I'm home." "Oh my baby." "Mom dad this is Kion. He is an ayakashi. Half demon half human." "My mother was human father demon." Then mom decided to touch his ears. "Hehe. Mom he doesn't like that." "Oh I apologize." "Its ok." "He can stay in the boys room. I'll bring out the extra bed." "Thank you father." "Oh When dad is done with that I have something to tell you both." "Ok sure." "I'm just going to tell them about the doctor and what happened you can play with the boys Kion." "OK sure." So he went outside and dad finally came back. "So what do you want to tell us Rylie?" Said mom. I told them about my adventure. And about what the healer said and that the doctor was coming tomorrow. "Oh well you been through a lot huh?" "Yeah I have. Oh that's right the festival is coming up huh?" "Oh yes its in 2 days you should take Kion around with the boys." "Good idea."

The next day the doctor came by to check on me. I was in my room getting checked out. "Your Father is right. I may be able to bring your voice back but not the power." "I don't care about the power anymore I just want to sing again." "Ok Ok just calm down. Once I do this wait until tomorrow to sing ok? Wait until I am there with you to do it." "Yes sir." He put one hand on my head and the other on my throat. I closed my eyes and I felt I could sing again but I promised the doc I would wait. "Ok done. Now remember no singing until I am there ok?" "Yes sir."

The next day it was the day of the festival and it was noon. The doctor came by and I said, "Doctor can we go into the forest? I love singing in it." "Ok sure. Lets go." My family followed. "OK start off slow ok?" "Ok." I started singing the song of healing slowly.