
The Elf Princess

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasia
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20 Chs

Chapter 14: Captured by Nina

We headed to the forest and Kion said, "Did you know there are ayakashi in this forest? I can tell if they are one or not. Only another ayakashi can tell." Said Kion. "Oh that's cool." "If there is any let us know. I would love to meet one or a few of them. "Hello Rhylie." Said our little bird friends. "Oh hello Alara how have you been?" "I've been good. Oh I see you brought along an ayakashi." "Does that mean you are one too?" I looked at Kion. He nodded yes. She transformed to her human form. "Wow your just a little girl aren't you?" "Hehe yeah. I'm 7 years old. You must be Kion. I have been hearing a lot about you since you came here. Sorry about your parents." "Its fine. As long as Rhylie is here I am fine." "Hehe she is like an older sister huh?" "Yeah she is like an older sister. She said she will be my guardian." I nodded. Then she turned back into her bird form and said. Well it was nice to meet you have fun you 3." We nodded.

"Who are you looking for?" Said Ezra. "Oh I'm looking for the twin bunnies. I want to know if they are one as well. Oh here is their home." "Hey boys are you in here?" They popped their heads out. "Oh Rhylie Your back want to play." "First I want to ask. Are you two ayakashi?" "Yes we are. I see you have one as well." "Yes this is Kion." "Oh well nice to meet you. Yeah now that you know it will be easy to play with you in our human forms." The turned human and they were definitely twins. The only difference were their eye color. "You don't look any older than my little brothers. How old are you two?" "WE are 12 years old." Said the older twin. "So am I." Said Kion. "Oh cool. Lets run around now." So we all played around we ran and kicked each other with water.

After a while it was time to go home for lunch. So we all 3 of us walked back home. Once we got in the village we waved to Ezra then headed over to Prince's house. "Hey Prince. We're home." "Oh good. I have lunch already for both of you." So we ate our lunch and I said. "Hey Prince? Can Kion come with me to training? He hasn't heard my singing voice in awhile. I have been very careful not to sing lately after what happened last time." "Yes as long as he stays with me or your father ok?" "Yes sir. Thank you." Kion was excited. "Oh Kion next month is my birthday. I will be turning 17." "Oh that's right. So Is mine. I will be turning 13." "Oh so you're a little over a year older than my brothers." "Yeah I guess so." "Hey I have an Idea. Hey Prince? Can we celebrate our birthday together?" "Yeah if you want too." "OK cool." "Oh and don't make any plans that day ok? Just make plans to walk through town. Don't go into the forest on that day ok?" "Yes sir." So we hung out and got to know each other. Then it was getting dark.

I started yawning and said, "Prince. I think I'm going to skip dinner. I'm tired. Kion you need to eat your younger than I am." "Ok." So I went to bed and went to sleep. Then eventually Kion came.

The next morning it was time for me to train. We went to the open field like last time. This time It was my father and a couple of other centaurs helping out. It's the first time that my brother and sister weren't here to help. I was bummed by I've got my father. "Ok Kion. Stay next to my father Calder ok? Prince will be teaching me." Kion nodded and did as he was told. "Oh Hello Kion. You come to watch Rhylie train?" "Yeah. I want to hear her sing." "Ok. Stay close behind me ok?" He nodded. I closed my eyes and did a lot more like last time like a village worth. I opened my eyes. "I can clear this. I feel I have had a power up." I closed my eyes and sang the song of healing with feeling this time.

Once I was done the fog was completely gone and I wasn't tired at all. "Wow already that much huh?" said Prince. She will be able to do it next month if she keeps this up." said Prince. "If she can do it tomorrow we can actually leave in the day after." Said father. "OK lets do it again." She put more out one more time. Then she sang the song with more power and it was gone. Then she started getting tired. "OK I'm a little tired now. Prince you go ahead first. Kion stay with me. I'll see you later father." I sat down for a little bit to calm down. "Ok lets go now Kion." "OK Rhylie." They got to Prince's house and I said, "I'm home Prince." Then she had a strange feeling. "Kion listen to me. I want you to go to Ezra's house. Tell him I told you to stay there until I come get you ok?" Kion hugged me and nodded. "NO go hurry!" He ran to Ezra's house.

Kion knocked on Ezra's door. (Knock Knock) Ezra opened the door. "Oh hey Kion what's up?" "Rhylie told me come here until she was able to come get me. I think she may be in trouble. We entered Prince's house and she told me to come." "Come in. I will let mom and dad know." He walked in and told Ezra's parents what was going on. "Ok you can stay in the guest room. I will set up a cot." Said Ezra's mother. "I'm heading over to My brother's house. Kion be good ok?" "Yes sir."

Back at Prince's house. "What have you done with Prince? He better not be dead or I will make sure you will be." "Oh he's not dead. Just asleep. Now come with me and I will leave your friends alone." "No. I won't go with you. I will not harm people again unless its you." "Don't you want to see your fiancé again?" "If you hurt him then I will torture you!" Then I started fighting her. "What the hell did you do to Liam!" "Oh don't worry he is in a cell right now asleep just like Prince. Here is. Prince will be asleep until morning. I will put him to bed and you will be coming with me." She grabbed Rhylie and Bane just got there. "Dammit! I'm too late." Said Bane. "Brother!" He looked everywhere then went Into Prince's room and checked on him. "Oh thank God. He will be awake in the morning. I just hope Rhylie gets back ok."

"Wait! You better Promise me something. Tomorrow I can go to the palace of Flowers. I am strong enough now." "oh are you sure?" I nodded. "The so be it." So she took me back to her lair.

"Where is Liam? I want to see him." "Yes yes follow me." I followed her to cell he was in. "Liam! Why won't he wake? When will he wake up?" "He will wake up when you kiss him." "Haha very funny I'm serioius." "So am I." "What do you need him for anyway?" "To lure you here and it worked." Its late why don't you go to bed. You remember where you room is right?" "Whatever. I do." "Good. See you in the morning." Said Nina. Then I left for the room.

The room looked the same as I left it. Why do people have to use my friends and family to get to me? Are they too afraid to approach me? What is wrong with me? I sighed then went to sleep.

The next morning Nina gave me a healthy breakfast to have a lot of energy for the clearing of the fog. "Ok then. Ready to leave?" said Nina. I nodded. Then we headed to the flower palace.

We finally got there and it was the same as it was last time. I went to the castle first. "Uncle and aunt. I have come here to finish the clearing." "Alright finish the village then do the forest ok?" "Yes sir." I went towards the village to where the fog was. Then I sang half the song and it disappeared. The whole village was fog free. I left for the forest now. I stood at the entrance and sang the song with the strongest feeling I had in me. It was cleared but I was getting tired. " I can do the castle and the gate entrance now. Nina open make sure the palace doors stay open ok? I have enough energy for that." Nina told the guards to keep the doors open. Rhylie is going to clear it. They did as they were told and she sang the song with even more feeling than the forest. She forced herself. She just barely finished when she collapsed. Nina hurriedly grabbed Rhylie and took her back.

Nina took her to a healer to take a look at her. "She will wake up. But, I'm afraid unless a miracle happens she will never sing again. If she tries her life can be in even more danger than she is now. Although her voice will be different for awhile until she officially heals. We won't know when she will wake up. She might be out for at least 2 days." "Send word when she wakes." "Yes. Your majesty."

4 days after she cleared everything up she woke up. "Hmm. Where am I? Ow. Why does my throat hurt?" "Oh good your awake. How do you feel?" "My throat hurts." "hang on let me give you some medicine. I have to let Nina know you woke up." She gave me the medicine and called for Nina. Nina came hurrying down the hall to see Rhylie.

"Rhylie! Its good to see you awake." "Yeah whatever. So did I do it? Did I clear all the fog?" "Yes you did. After clearing the forest you wanted to do the castle and the entrance to the palace. You were tired after the forest but you forced yourself for the rest. You will eventually get your voice back but your singing will be impossible unless a miracle happens. Even if it did return you may not be able to have the magic ability when you sing anymore." "That's ok. I don't need the magic ability when I sing. I just enjoy it. Can I wake up Liam now?" "Rest one more day. I put him on a cot don't worry. He's in a better space now." I nodded then went back to sleep. '

Then next day I was escorted to where Liam was. He looked sound asleep. "My handsome prince. I went in and I kissed him. He woke up and was shocked to see me. "Rhylie! Thank God your ok!" "Yeah." I said in a hoarse tone. "What's wrong with your voice?" "I finished it. The fog is gone. I just woke up after 4 days. I may not be able to sing again unless a miracle happens even if I get cured the magic with it might be gone. I don't care if it is. I just want to be able to sing again." We hugged each other tight. "Ok Nina. What do you want me to do. I did what I wanted as long as its not killing anybody. Hurting but not killing." "Oh fine then." "Liam you stay here. I don't want to see you hurt." " I know I will be fine." I smiled and him then kissed his cheek. "See you later." So I followed Nina wherever she wanted me to go.

"OK You see those guys over there?" "yeah what about them?" "They are famous they thing they can just walk on us folks. I want you to hurt them so bad they will leave this place and never come back. I will have to posses you since you don't have your singing voice." I nodded. Then she did just that wen and my body moved and headed towards the people. I didn't do anything. I just let her do whatever as long as it wasn't killing anyone.

She did what she wanted and we went back to the castle and she unpossessed me. "Ok can I go back to the Centaur village now? Leave us alone now that you have done what you wanted?" "If I must. I will take you and your prince charming to the Centaur village." "Thank you."

She dropped us off and the gate and flew back home. Rhylie passed out from exhaustion. "Hang on Rhylie. I will get you to Prince's safe and sound." When Liam got to Prince's house he knocked on the door. (Knock Knock) "Who is it?" "Its Liam. I have Rhylie." Prince opened the door and was shocked. Quickly! Bring her here! Lay her on the bed." "She collapsed from exhaustion she also cleared the rest of the fog but she may not be able to sing again unless a miracle happens. She will be able to get her voice back eventually. Oh and if she gets her singing ability back the power might not be there anymore. She said she didn't care. She just wanted to sing freely again." "Thank you for telling me. You look pretty tired yourself. Did she capture you as well?" "Yeah I will be fine." "Here I have a couch that turns into a bed. Sleep here." "Thanks." Prince pulled out the bed and got it ready for him. He laid down and closed his eyes. They both slept until the next day.