
Ice Path

"Ice Path"

The first skill of Ice Element that he obtained after choosing the latter as his next element. Earlier, prior to the match, after he saw the "Incinerate" attachment video, Kael was surprised to find out that he was rewarded with 50 EXP and + 5 INT stats. As a result, his level rises in that instant, allowing him to learn a whole new ability.

The Ice Element has always been the Element he sought-after to be within his arsenal. Thus, when he was allowed to choose another element, he naturally did not even think twice about choosing the ice element.

Though, it is still not within his expectation to use the skill this early. But, since he had no choice or else, he would lose the match if he couldn't measure up any possible counter-attack as soon as possible.

Brilliant bluish-white lights crept up to Jumpy's legs and froze them in an instant, rendering him immobile. His legs were now covered in thick translucent ice, making it harder to see from afar.

Jumpy didn't expect this and roared in horror, "Wha-What are you doing?!"

He was in the impression that he was on the winning side. However, when he noticed that half of his body plunged into abrupt coldness, he panicked. His breath started to emit a cold gas, and his shoulders were shivering with chills. Even though the artificial sun radiates brightly atop of the colosseum, Jumpy felt like he was standing in the middle of a blizzard.

Even the onlookers couldn't help but scratch their heads in confusion, "What's happening? Why did Jumpy stop his attack?"

"What a waste of a good opportunity."

One of the spectators was scrunching his eyes and saw that something translucent was wrapping Jumpy's legs sturdily. He exclaimed in surprise after recognizing the thing, "T-That's ice! His legs are covered in ice!! That's why he can't move. BattleToad is actually a Dual-Elementalist Divergent!"

Upon hearing his exclamation, many spectators eyed the centre of the arena and started discussing in excitement.

A translucent glass of ice has spread out from Kael's legs to Jumpy's lower body, creating a somewhat scene of a severe winter storm just passed by and freeze whatever on its way.

Dual-Elementalist isn't rare, but watching one of them directly in front of their eyes is a different topic. This fact alone manages to raise their enthusiasm for the match.

Same as Jumpy before. Kael had no intention of giving Jumpy another chance to come back. Hence, he immediately raised both his arms and performed the Incinerate stance. He was aware that his body could not afford another combat sequence. If he missed this opportunity right now, he was sure that he would be doomed for the next remaining minutes of the match.

In a matter of seconds, the table turned in its favour with Kael in advantage and Jumpy on the contrary.

Kael knows that he can just beat the shit out of Jumpy right now since the latter is partially in a frozen state. But, what's the fun in that? Furthermore, in order to level up, he needs to frequently use his ability. Therefore, he rejected the idea of aiming for victory immediately. Another reason was that he wants to enjoy the moment of roasting an arrogant pig alive. Of course, he would do it safely without putting him in harm's way.

Kael unknowingly smiled at the thought.


Fires instantly shoot straight from Kael's palms centre to the stiff Jumpy.

"Noooo!! You'll pay for this humiliation I suffered!!" Jumpy roared indignantly while getting burned slowly in a painful way. His palms start pounding the ice blocks desperately, sending shock waves one after another, attempting to destroy them.

One of the interesting aspects of the Artificial World is that any players that suffered damage wouldn't get their wounds revealed. Their appearance will remain the same, plain white blurred. This provides a significant element of mystery. Without knowing your opponent's status, guessing each other's limitations and weaknesses will be a difficult effort.

And this aspect is currently upsetting Kael. Because Jumpy's looks continue being the same. He had no idea how much his burns had affected him. But, based on his body language, he knew that Jumpy was no longer as aggressive as in the beginning. His struggle waned as time went on. He looks like a trapped fatigued animal, wanting to be free. This indicating his method is properly worked out, and simply needs some pressure or time to be done.

Suddenly, he saw cracks slowly developing on the icy surface. A few seconds passed and the fissures sprang massively like a giant spider web.

Kael wrinkled his brows, but remains faithful to what he is doing now.


The ice then promptly shattered into pieces, producing a fog that dusting the area for a while. No additional motion was detected. As the fog cleared up, Jumpy's motionless body was revealed before it fell directly to the ground ahead of him.

[Battle Ended]

[Result: BattleToad Wins]

Light of dawn suddenly appeared in the arena and elevated Jumpy's motionless body along with it. His body soon disappeared into the sky, followed by the beam which gradually faded away.

[User has defeated an opponent]

[User has received 50 EXP]

A weak sigh escaped from Kael's mouth upon glimpsing at this view. Not to mention his current opponent was troublesome, his wound from the first fight had not yet completely healed. It was only because he froze his wounded chest temporarily to ease the pain that he could fight normally just now.

Unlike his first fight, this time, much more people start praising his ability that even Kael's face had long turned into a tomato. It was probably because of the uniqueness of his combined elements that people started to take an interest in him.

'I need to thicken my skin from today's onward' Kael thought to himself as he waved his hand weakly to the crowd because he could still feel the lingering tremor force in his arms.

Some people tried to strike a conversation with him, but he denied them politely, saying that wanted to rest first.

He then strode toward his seat's direction and immediately slumped at its tiredly. He went to close his eyes to recuperate as much as possible, considering that another match will soon present on his doorstep.

Kael ended up sleeping for five minutes before he got agitated in his sleep due to the sudden turmoil that erupted in the arena.

Groaning in annoyance, Kael opened his eyes groggily and let out a yawn, "Can't these guys be quiet for once in a while?"

Thinking that it was impossible to continue his sleep, Kael decides to check his status and perhaps spend his remaining time watching the Ice Path video on the Notes tab.

[Name: Kael Lys]

[Level: 2]

[Strength: 32]

[Agility: 31]

[Intelligence: 31]

[HP: 66/160]

[MP: 44/155]

[EXP: 75/250]

[Available Stat Points: 5]

//Can you guys spare your little time to suggest me something related to the battle? So, my question is, what would you guys prefer to? A battle with system involved, for instance: [User HP reduced by 5] [User received damage] etc, or, a battle without system involved like I've done on previous chaps. Lemme know your thoughts!///

Edited by: LordChew

Billy_Castellanoscreators' thoughts
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