
Augmenting weapons

There was a very literal hum that broke the silence of the armoury, as if the spear was waking from a long and deep slumber. It vibrated gently in his hands, and the silver body of the spear took on a bluish tinge.

Nero's aether flowed into the spear, and from the spear power flowed into Nero. Nero instantly felt strengthened, so much so that the weight of the spear went from being a burden to being just right. But he experienced more than just an increase in brute strength.

Nero could feel his thoughts flowing faster, clearer than before. He could tell that his speed had increased as well. He experienced an overall augmentation in every aspect of his being, and it was incredible.

Yet it was not free. He could feel the spear feeding off his aether, and Nero knew that it was at an unsustainable rate. If Nero used no other cards and did not use his innate ability, then he would at most last twenty minutes holding this spear, or less. Probably less.