
The Eldian Emperor (Attack On Titan AU)

When a ruthless entrepreneur is exposed for his crimes. He takes down New York City with him through a virus his scientists and himself have created. He is transmigrated in the world of Attack On Titan. With his new life, he is determined to achieve his goal of world domination and gaining more power.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · Anime e quadrinhos
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20 Chs

The Female Titan and Experiments

In the walls, the Scout Regiment is preparing for their next venture outside the walls.

The public was informed of David's Titan ability and was shocked.

When they heard that, David knew the truth. They wanted to know what he knew.

David told them that it's better for them to know the truth if he has solid evidence that proves he is not lying.

He also told them about how the military police were ordered to wipe out any form of technological innovation.

This angered the public and a decrease in the influence of the Military Police.

David also informed them that he is developing new technologies outside the walls and will bring them back when he is finished.

The public was filled with excitement at the fact that they would gain improved technologies.

Now they are watching the Scouts and David leave with excitement.


OK, so Annie will go after Armin and Reiner to find out my location.

I am with Levi Squad waiting with anticipation on when Annie will show up.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of lightning as it looked back.

It was the Female Titan, and she was killing off the soldiers.

I held my knife close, contemplating on whether or not I should engage in combat.

Ultimately, I decided to engage in combat, I used ODM gear and transformed.

The Female Titan took its fighting pose. I cracked my neck and knuckles.

My fists started to harden much to the shock of Annie.

She then began her assault of punches and kicks.

She's a good martial artist, but she's dealing with someone who has a lot of experience and fighting techniques than her.

I blocked every single one. She began hardening her fists. This time, I moved to the side, grabbed her arm, and pulled.

I jumped and then threw a right hook onto her face, which caused her to stagger.

Now it's my turn to attack, I rushed to her and then went for an axe kick to the face.

I then swiped her legs to the floor, which caused her to fall down.

I clicked my fingers as my workers, who have been training in the usage of Thunder Spears.

They have been given orders by me to not kill her, so they went for the legs and arms.

After the damage was done, I quickly bit off her nape. Annie looked terrified and began to crystallise.

Shit, I tried grabbing her, but it was too late. She was encased in crystal.

All that's left to deal with is fewer warriors and the government. I exited my Titan form.

Erwin came out looking disappointed.

"We had a trap set out for her. I'm quite unhappy that you didn't trust us."

"I do trust you. it just that you don't know much about the power of this Titan Shifter. I'll tell you all about them after we get her back into the walls."

Erwin nodded and ordered his soldiers to place the crystal on a wagon.

We placed her into a wagon and went back. Hange was happy to see how effective the Thunder Spears were.

"Now I'm really confident that these spears can beat the Armoured Titan."

As we were riding, I remembered that Erwin had ordered those suspected of being accomplices of Annie to be stationed in an abandoned mansion under the watch of Mike Zacharias.

Meanwhile, I secretly ordered my workers to find a pure Titan. I drew them a picture of it.

This titan was Dina Fritz.

I remember that the Founding Titan can only be used by those of royal blood.

If I make contact with Dina, I can activate the Founding Titan.

But I seek all nine titans, I will use Dina Fritz as a secret trump card.

The thought of gaining all nine titans fills me with greed.

Ymir Fritz could have used her powers to no longer be a slave and take vengeance, but no. She chose to remain a slave.

Such power is wasted on her.

The king, who was the master of Ymir Fritz, was like me, a conqueror. But why didn't he take the power for himself.

I then gave the Scouts Thunder Spears and instructed them to use them wisely.

We then split up. The Scouts went back to the walls, and I went back to my base.

When I came back, I saw the corpses of Titans. My artilleries are really effective.

I went back to my lab and continued experimenting.

I have made some Titan serums from Titan Spinal Fluids.

I had to put the liquid into tightly sealed vials.

One of my experiments was to strengthen the human body.

I had to quickly in order to see my own DNA. My blood would evaporate in the air, which was pain for me to deal with.

As a result, I had to keep on making myself bleed.

My biology was that of any normal human being.

What I really wanted was to see inside the spine of a Titan shifter so I could see the worm

I don't want to pull out my spine in fear of dying.

This was why I wanted Annie alive, but she turned herself into a crystal.

I should have knocked her out using one of my poison darts I made.

I guess I'll have to settle with Reiner or Ymir.

Definitely not Bertholdt, as he may wake up and transform. A nuke is killing is something I don't want.

I continued with my experiments.

Later, my lab was filled with corpses who were criminals from the underground that I kidnapped.

The workers were OK with my experimentations as my test subjects were criminals whose crimes made them very angry.

Then I cooked my own food, which was just rice and chicken curry.

The reason why I cooked my own food was because I was afraid that someone might try to poison me.

My mother was the one who taught me how to cook.

Her cooking was very good.

It was a shame she had to die due to her finding out about my illegal experiments.

And with that, I went to bed and locked the door and windows.