
The Education of Professor LiNa

An attraction between the elegant and beautiful Professor XuLiNa and Young Ceo Lu Li-Jun leads to a forbidden love that threatens them both. Professor Xu Lina is set off by men due to the trauma from her past relationship. Attracted to the Young, good-looking, and enigmatic CEO Lu Li-Jun, who became her student because of his love for horticulture. An exciting and captivating exploration of forbidden love began between the two of them, bringing them to their happily ever after. Image for novel cover taken from Pinterest.

dare2oat · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

Chapter 21- Now she was smiling

Li Jun was coming out of the library when he passed by Li Na's office.

He saw light spilling from underneath the door of her office, but since one of her students had pasted brown craft paper over the narrow window in the door, Li Jun couldn't look inside. He was surprised to find Li Na working so late on a Wednesday night.

It was Nine-thirty Pm in the evening, and it seems the department building would be closing in thirty minutes.

Li Jun tried to open the door gently without knocking. He was taken aback by what he saw inside.

Curled up in a chair was Li Na, her head resting on folded arms that were balanced elegantly on the tabletop. Her eyes were closed, her mouth partially open but not quite smiling. Her cheeks were flushed with sleep, her chest rising and falling slowly, soothingly, like the waves of the ocean against a quiet beach. He stood in the doorway entranced, thinking that the simple sound of her breathing would make a piece of excellent melodic music. One he could imagine falling asleep to again and again.

Her laptop was open, and Li Jun saw her screen saver, which was a slide show of different kinds of flowers and plants. The strains of music filled the air, and Li Jun realized that the sound was coming from her computer.

He quickly entered the office and closed the door behind him, taking care to lock it.

It would not be good for the two of them to be caught together like this.

He regarded her peaceful form, not wishing to disturb her or to intrude upon what looked like a very pleasant dream. Now she was smiling.

Gazing at her, he knew that if he touched her, He'd be powerless to resist the irresistible and primitive need to embrace Professor Li Na. She was there, waiting for him, calling to him, her Honeysuckle scent heavy in the small, too warm space.

He knelt as he gazed longingly at her, his fingers exploring her wavy hair, imagining her voice laving across his name like a beloved's tongue on the skin...His mind raced as he imagined taking her into his arms.

Kissing her, embracing her. Lifting her onto the desk and pressing himself between her knees, her hands tugging at his hair and caressing his face, his shirt, and flinging it to the floor.

His fingers would trace gentle lines across her neck, causing every space, every pore, to explode into scarlet—his nose nuzzling her cheek, her ear, her flawless milk-white throat. He would feel her pulse at her neck and find himself strangely calmed by the gentle rhythm, and he would feel connected to the beating of her heart, especially as it would begin to quicken beneath his touch. He'd wonder if they were close enough for their hearts to beat at the same time... or was it just a writer's whim?

She would be shy at first. But he would be gently insistent, whispering words of sweet seduction into her hair. He would tell her whatever she wanted to hear, and she would believe it. His hands would drop from her shoulders and inch over her lovely and innocent curves, marveling at her receptivity as she blossomed under his touch.

Eventually, she would be eager and responsive to him. Oh, so responsive. They would kiss, and it would be electric—intense—explosive. Their tongues would tangle and tango together desperately as if they had never kissed before.

She would be wearing too many clothes. He'd want to tease her out of them and spread feather-light kisses against every inch of perfect beautiful skin. Especially her lovely nose and ears. She would blush, but he would kiss away her nervousness. Soon she would be naked and open before him, thinking only of him and his rapt admiration, and not the feel of the office air against pale, pink flesh.

She would not feel ashamed since he would compliment her with soothing murmurings of beautiful pet names. He'd persuade her of his love, and she wouldn't be completely wrong.

Eventually, the teasing and tingling would be too much, and he'd lean her back gently, cradling the back of her head in his hand. He'd keep his hand there throughout, for he would be worried he might hurt her. He would not have her head banging against the desk like an unloved toy.

He wouldn't be harsh or uncaring in any way. He'd be sensual, passionate, and gentle all at the same time. He was well aware of her. And he'd like for her to be as happy as he was the first time they met. But he lusted after her, sprawled beneath him, breathless and seductive, her eyes wide and unblinking, flaming with want.

As she gasped and moaned, his other hand flexed across her lower back, the exquisite stretch of arched skin, and he gazed into her huge and liquid eyes. He'd make her moan. Only him.

She'd bite her lip, her eyes half-closed as he slid toward her, willing her with whispered words to relax as she gave herself to him. It would go easier for her that way, the first time. He would still and not rush. He would pause and not tear. He would stop, perhaps?

His beautiful, professor…her chest rising and falling quickly, the flush of her cheeks blooming across her entire body. She would be a rose in his eyes, and she would flower beneath him. For he would be kind, and she would open. He would watch entranced, almost as if it were occurring in slow motion.

As Li Jun continued his musing he felt Li Na stirred, suddenly bringing him back to reality.

Li Jun's hand moved away from her hair, and he drew in a very deep breath. He straightened his shoulders and closed his eyes, wondering what he would say to her.

He slowly turned around as he heard the sounds of stirring behind him and saw Li Na moan slightly and stretch. Her eyelids fluttered, and she stifled a yawn with the back of her hand. (continued)