
The Echoes of Destiny

Elias Brooks wakes up in a mysterious world full of monsters and magic. With only his survival skills, he sets off to uncover his true identity. Along the way, he learns new abilities and faces dark forces threatening both worlds. Join Elias on an epic adventure of self-discovery, friendship, and hope.

TheMerchant007 · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Wilderness Survival

Venturing deeper into the wild, Elias relied on the stream's magical waters, which refreshed him, calming his tired body and boosting his determination.

Empowered by the water's magic, Elias set out to hunt, eager to see how well he could face the creatures of the forest. The dense trees hinted at lurking dangers.

Suddenly, a strange creature appeared—a huge, two-headed chicken, as big as a bear, with shimmering feathers and an aggressive stance. Elias shot an arrow at it, but the creature dodged with surprising speed. It lunged at Elias, its beaks snapping.

"What? How the hell is it so fast?" Elias wondered in shock.

He stumbled backward, barely escaping the creature's attack. He quickly tapped into the stream's power to heal his wounds and strengthen himself.

"It's a good thing I found that stream or I would have been toast"

Renewed by the water's mystical energies, Elias squared off against the monstrous fowl, his gaze steely with determination. With each arrow he unleashed, he targeted the creature's weak points, aiming for its eyes and throat with lethal precision. The fowl shrieked in agony as its plumage was pierced, its movements growing sluggish and uncoordinated.

Just when Elias thought he had the upper hand, a sudden blast of icy wind caught Elias off guard. He dodged just in time, narrowly avoiding a barrage of freezing shards that cut through the air.

Baffled by the unexpected attack, Elias scanned his surroundings, searching for the source of the magic. Through the chaos, he glimpsed a massive bear-like creature, its fur shimmering with an icy sheen.

Realizing he faced not only physical but magical threats, Elias adjusted his strategy. With quick thinking and nimble movements, he evaded the icy onslaught while continuing to fend off the relentless assault of the two-headed chicken.

"The chicken is huge and fast but defeating it is not impossible. The problem is the bear and it's ice magic. Dragging things out will put me at a greater disadvantage. I can't escape these two…..then I just have to take out the chicken first"

In the heart of the chaotic battle, Elias focused on survival as the two-headed, four-legged chicken lunged at him with ferocious determination. Ducking and weaving, he maneuvered around the creature's snapping jaws and thrashing talons, each moment fraught with danger.

"This isn't easy, my agility is too low. And fighting them head on will be suicidal so "strength" isn't very useful here. There's a few second delay each time the chicken stomps its feet, I just have to time it right and attack then."

Elias patiently waited while dodging attacks and timing the right moment to attack the raging chicken and as soon as the chicken finished its habitual method of stomping its feet, Elias moved.

"An opening! I'm gonna aim directly for its heart!" 

But Elias calculation was wrong, he didn't take the bear's attack into consideration and received damage from a fury of ice shards slicing through the air. Although, the chicken got caught in the attack and was fatally wounded, Elias couldn't completely avoid the attack.

As the bear's icy magic closed in, Elias knew he had no choice but to retreat. With gritted teeth and aching limbs, he stumbled through the underbrush, each step a struggle against the encroaching darkness. The wound on his side seared with pain, a grim reminder of the peril he faced.

Finally, with the last of his strength, Elias reached his makeshift campsite, collapsing beside the soothing trickle of the stream. With trembling hands, he uncorked the water skin, drinking deeply of its miraculous healing waters. In a desperate bid to staunch the flow of blood from his wound, he poured the water directly onto the injury, gasping as its cool embrace washed over him.

As he drank, a strange warmth spread through him. Then, a bright light flashed, and a new message popped up:

New Skill Unlocked:

Regeneration: Novice"

Elias blinked in disbelief, his mind reeling at the revelation. With shaking fingers, he reached out to touch the status window, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and exhilaration. As the text rearranged itself, he saw his new abilities laid out before him:

Status Window:

Name: Elias Brooks

Age: 23

Level: 1

Health: 95/100

Mana: 30/50

Strength: 17

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 12

Poison Resistance: 15.2%

Points: 0


Survival: Basic

Cooking: Novice

Fire Starting: Novice

Woodcrafting: Novice

Archery: Novice

Regeneration: Novice

"Nice! I'm getting stronger." Elias thought to himself. 

Elias knew he needed to retrieve the chicken he had battled earlier, as it would serve as his meal for the day. Careful to avoid encountering the bear again, he made his way back to the scene of the fight. Fortunately, the beast was still there lifeless and there didn't seem to be any other monster around. The bear was gone too.

Ensuring he didn't linger too long to attract other monsters with the scent of blood, Elias swiftly cut off a hefty portion of the chicken and hurried away back to his "camp". 

With his fire starting skill, it wasn't long before he made a fire and started to roast the chicken. As he cooked and consumed the meat, he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with its bland taste, realizing he would need spices and seasonings soon. His cooking skill was still at novice. There was no way it could improve by just putting meat over a fire.

Ding ding! The usual sound Elias hears whenever he gains a new skill rang through his ears.

"Uhn? Did I gain a new skill again? What is it this time?"

Elias looks down at the floating window to check his new skill.

Biclavix blitz

 See more

"Biclavix blitz? What's a Biclavix?" Elias pondered in confusion

"And see more? Am I supposed to click on the screen to get more info? Let's try it"

Elias moves his index finger towards the screen and clicks on "see more." The full information about the skill appears before him:

"Biclavix Blitz:

Description: The Biclavix Blitz is a swift and agile maneuver inherited from the two-headed chicken monster known as Biclavix. This skill allows the user to perform rapid, evasive movements with unparalleled speed and agility, enabling quick dodges and lightning-fast attacks. It enhances the user's reflexes and agility, making them more adept at evading enemy strikes and closing the distance to deliver precise, rapid blows.


Increases agility and reflexes.

Enables rapid movements and evasive maneuvers.

Enhances combat speed and precision.

Provides a temporary burst of speed during combat engagements."

"Woah! Isn't this too overpowered? Wait! Doesn't this mean I can gain the abilities if the monsters I consume? So, that giant chicken is called a Biclavix uhn. It would be nice if I had more info about the kind of monsters in this forest. I need to keep moving."

Elias packs up his belongings and the remaining chicken meat, a steely determination sets in his gaze. With each step forward, he knows he is one stride closer to unraveling the mysteries of this enigmatic world and finding a way back home.

But as he gazes into the darkened depths of the forest, a nagging thought tugs at the corners of his mind. What other challenges and secrets lie hidden within these ancient woods? And what unforeseen dangers await him on his journey to freedom?

With a heavy heart and a wary eye cast towards the unknown, Elias sets forth into the wilderness once more, his resolve unyielding, his spirit undaunted. For in the heart of adversity lies the true test of one's strength, and Elias is determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

As he disappears into the shadows of the forest, a sense of anticipation hangs in the air, mingling with the whisper of leaves and the distant cry of unseen creatures. For Elias, the journey has only just begun, and the path ahead promises both peril and promise in equal measure.