
The Echoes of Destiny

Elias Brooks wakes up in a mysterious world full of monsters and magic. With only his survival skills, he sets off to uncover his true identity. Along the way, he learns new abilities and faces dark forces threatening both worlds. Join Elias on an epic adventure of self-discovery, friendship, and hope.

TheMerchant007 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Trials of the wilderness

Elias' POV

As the days stretched into weeks, I found myself delving deeper into the unforgiving wilderness. Every step I took seemed to bring forth new challenges, new dangers lurking in the shadows of towering trees and dense undergrowth. With each passing moment, I could feel the weight of the wilderness pressing down upon me, testing my resolve with every breath I took.

Encounters with ferocious beasts became a daily occurrence, each one a test of my newfound skills and abilities. From savage wolves to cunning predators lying in wait, I fought tooth and nail for every inch of ground I gained. The forest echoed with the clash of steel and the roar of beasts, a symphony of struggle that echoed through the trees.

But with each victory came a sense of empowerment, a surge of strength that fueled my determination to press onward. I could feel myself growing stronger with each passing day, my skills honed to a razor's edge by the crucible of the wilderness.

One of the most useful skills I gained is one that allows me to see the attributes of other living things. I call it "Nature's Insight." With this skill, I could now see the level, characteristics, and even skills of both plants and monsters. Thanks to Nature's Insight, I was able to tell which plants were edible and how useful they are. As a result, I was able to make spices and seasonings which has made my meals much more palatable.

I'm currently level 6 and most of my base stats I've increased greatly. The monsters are still difficult to handle though. Everyday feels like it might be my last. Yet, I haven't found the way out of this hell hole. Just how much longer do I have to go before I can leave this goddamn forest. It's been so long since I saw another human. Am I beginning to feel lonely?

While journeying through the forest, I stumbled upon a serene oasis, a stark contrast to the rugged wilderness. A majestic tree stood at its heart, surrounded by vibrant flowers and a glistening waterfall. Juicy fruits adorned the nearby trees, tempting me with their sweetness.

Lost in the beauty of the scene, I heard a chilling yet oddly familiar voice. "You've arrived? I didn't expect you to come this far." I turned quickly and my eyes fell upon the figure seated upon the throne beneath the towering tree. The mysterious being I had encountered weeks ago, exuded an aura of ethereal elegance. His form was tall and slender, draped in robes that shimmered with a silvery light, like moonbeams dancing upon the water.

His skin, pale as the glow of starlight, bore intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with a soft, iridescent glow. His features were sharp yet graceful, with eyes that held the wisdom of ages and hair that cascaded in silken waves down his back, gleaming like strands of spun silver.

As I gazed upon the being, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder wash over me. There was something undeniably captivating about his presence, something that drew me in despite the mysteries that surrounded him. And as he met my gaze with eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe, I felt a sense of both trepidation and fascination stir within me.

I could tell he was a transcendent being, one way above the level of a human. I decided to use "Nature's insight" on him, but to my surprise, it didn't work. Apparently my level was too low to view his info.

I hesitated for a moment before gathering my courage to speak. "Who are you?" I asked, my voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

The mysterious being regarded me with an enigmatic smile. "I am known as Solas," he replied, his voice carrying a weight of ageless wisdom. "A guardian of this realm, a keeper of secrets, and a guide for those who seek the truth."

I nodded slowly, absorbing the revelation. "And what exactly is this wilderness?" I inquired, gesturing to the expanse beyond.

Solas's gaze turned somber as he spoke. "This wilderness is known as the Withering Woods," he explained, his voice resonating with a somber tone. "It is a place of exile, where the condemned are sent to meet their end. None who enter have ever returned."

I felt a chill run down my spine at the mention of the Withering Woods. It was a name I had never heard before, yet its ominous reputation sent shivers down my spine.

"How is this area different from the other parts of the wilderness?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Solas's smile widened, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "This place is a sanctuary within the Withering Woods," he revealed. "A haven untouched by the chaos and danger that lurk beyond its borders. Here, those who are deemed worthy are granted a chance at redemption, a chance to prove themselves in the eyes of fate."

My heart raced with a mix of fear and disbelief as I processed Solas's words. "Were you the one who brought me here from Earth?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

Solas chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Oh, so you're an outerworlder," he mused, his tone tinged with mild surprise. "This is a first. No wonder you're different from the others before you." He paused, then continued, "No, Elias Brooks, I am not responsible for bringing you here. The Withering Woods is a forest in a world far removed from Earth—a world known as Elysium."

My eyes widened in astonishment at the revelation. Elysium—a fantastical realm beyond the confines of my understanding.

"And is there a way out of the Withering Woods?" I asked, my voice tinged with desperation.

Solas's expression turned solemn as he delivered the crushing blow. "It is impossible," he stated simply, his words heavy with finality.

I felt a wave of devastation wash over me at the realization that escape was beyond my reach. "No one has ever left the Withering Woods?" I questioned, my voice barely above a whisper.

Solas shook his head, his gaze filled with empathy. "No," he replied solemnly. "No one ever has."

"But there must be a way," I pressed, my voice growing more desperate with each passing moment.

Solas's eyes held a mixture of pity and resignation as he delivered the impossible task. "There is a way," he admitted, "but it is one that is nigh impossible to fulfill." He paused, then continued, "You would have to slay exactly one hundred thousand horned monsters that roam the depths of the Withering Woods. Only then will a gate out of this forsaken place open for a mere ten minutes."

My heart sank at the daunting task laid before me. One hundred thousand monsters seemed like an insurmountable obstacle—a goal beyond reach. Yet, despite the overwhelming odds, a fire ignited within me, fueling my determination.

With a steely resolve in my eyes, I made my decision. "I will do it," I declared, my voice firm and unwavering. "I will kill the one hundred thousand horned monsters and find a way out of this accursed forest."

Solas regarded me with a mixture of admiration and concern. "You do not have to do this, Elias," he insisted, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Remain here in the haven, where you will be safe from harm. There is food and water enough to sustain you."

But I shook my head, my mind made up. "No," I replied, my voice resolute. "I will not rest until I have fulfilled this impossible task. I will find a way out of the Withering Woods, no matter what it takes."

As I stood resolute in my decision, a flicker of admiration crossed Solas's features. "Your courage is commendable, Elias Brooks," he said, his voice tinged with respect. "For your bravery, I shall bestow upon you a gift—a tool that may aid you in your quest."

I listened intently as Solas explained the nature of the gift—a skill that would allow me to absorb the cores of the horned monsters I slew, granting me strength with each victory. "With this skill," Solas continued, "you may stand a chance against the formidable horned beasts that roam the Withering Woods."

Gratitude surged within me as I accepted the gift, my heart filled with determination. "Thank you, Solas," I said earnestly, my voice tinged with appreciation. "I will not forget your kindness."

Solas retrieved a shimmering orb from a pouch at his side, its surface pulsating with a faint, ethereal glow. With a graceful motion, he extended it towards me, who accepted it with reverence. "This is the essence of a low-level horned beast," Solas explained, "By absorbing its core, you will gain strength and abilities beyond your current limits. Usually a core of this level will only give a tiny boost of power, however, since this is your first time of absorbing a core, I poured some of my manna into it in order to stabilize the absorption"

I nodded, my hands trembling slightly as I reached out to touch the orb. As my fingers made contact, a surge of energy shot through me, tingling with power. I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensation as the essence of the horned beast flowed into me, merging with my own being.

For a moment, I felt as though I was being consumed by fire, the intensity of the experience overwhelming my senses. But as quickly as it had begun, the sensation subsided, leaving me feeling invigorated and revitalized.

Opening my eyes, I felt a renewed sense of purpose coursing through my veins. I could sense the changes within me, the subtle shifts in my stats and skills as they expanded and evolved.

Status Window:

Name: Elias Brooks

Age: 23

Level: 6

Health: 120/200 [120 (+35)]

Mana: 150/280 [150 (+30)]

Strength: 25 [25 (+10)]

Agility: 75 [75 (+5)]

Intelligence: 20 [20 (+8)]

Poison Resistance: 36.7%

Points: 0


Survival: Intermediate

Cooking: Intermediate

Fire Starting: Intermediate

Woodcrafting: Intermediate

Archery: Intermediate

Nature's Insight: Intermediate

Ethereal Veil: Intermediate

Gluttony: Intermediate

Arcane Blast: Novice

Teleportation: Novice

Mystic Shield: Novice

Ethereal Veil: Novice

"No way!" I exclaimed. "My stats increased by this much?" With newfound resolve, I turned to Solas, my eyes alight with determination. "I will not fail in my quest," I declared, my voice rang with conviction. "I will defeat the horned beasts and find a way out of this accursed forest."

Solas regarded me with a solemn nod, his expression unreadable. "I have faith in you, Elias Brooks," he said softly. "May the gods watch over you on your journey."

With a final glance at the mysterious being who had granted me this newfound power, I set out once more into the heart of the Withering Woods, my destiny calling to me with each step.