
The Echoes of Destiny

Elias Brooks wakes up in a mysterious world full of monsters and magic. With only his survival skills, he sets off to uncover his true identity. Along the way, he learns new abilities and faces dark forces threatening both worlds. Join Elias on an epic adventure of self-discovery, friendship, and hope.

TheMerchant007 · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Gateway to the Unknown

Elias POV: 99,999!! That's how many horned monsters I've slayed in the last 3 years. Yes! I've been stuck in the withering woods for 3 years, slaying monsters every week. The first 10 monsters I slayed almost cost me my life. It was tough! But as I continued to slay more monsters and absorb their core, I began to grow stronger and stronger. There were many times I wanted to give up and run back to Solas' haven but I persevered. After killing about 60,000 horned monsters, it began to get really difficult to find them. They were getting scarce, their numbers dwindling until they were but a rare sight in the forest. Sometimes I would go on searching for weeks without finding even one of such beast. Only low level un-horned monsters lurked around. And most of them no longer dare approach me for even they could tell I was a predator. And now, after three grueling years, I stood on the precipice of freedom, my destiny within reach. I slayed the 99,999th horned beast roughly a month ago. I've been searching for the last beast ever since. Day and night, without rest, I kept looking knowing I was only one step away from achieving my 3year-long quest. I continued to scout the forest with sharp focus. It's then that I spot it—a massive creature with eight imposing horns, its presence commanding and powerful. "This is definitely an "8-horned". The first time I encoutered one was about a year ago. Though, they have different characteristics and look different, it definitely possessed 8 horns." I thought to myself. "It was the toughest battle I had ever faced and I even almost had my arm ripped off from my shoulders. I would have been crippled if not for my regenerative ability. Well, It'll be different this time! Im much stronger than I was a year ago" With a surge of adrenaline, I activated my skill, "Nature's Insight," allowing me to see the attributes and constitution of the beast before me. Name: Eightfold Behemoth Level: 75 Health: 1000/1000 Mana: 500/500 Strength: 500 Agility: 300 Intelligence: 50 Defense: 700 Magic Resistance: 60% Special Ability: Infernal Blaze - Unleashes a torrent of flames capable of incinerating foes within a wide radius. Skills: Horned Charge - Charges at high speed, goring enemies with its formidable horns. Infernal Roar - Releases a powerful roar that can disorient and intimidate opponents. Earthquake Stomp - Generates shockwaves with each step, causing tremors and instability in the surrounding area. Ice Shard Barrage - Summons sharp ice shards to impale enemies from a distance. Arcane Barrier - Creates a barrier of arcane energy to deflect attacks and mitigate damage. Regeneration - Slowly regenerates health over time. Thunderous Smash - Slams the ground with tremendous force, creating shockwaves that can knock back enemies. Swift Retreat - Temporarily enhances speed and agility to evade attacks and reposition itself in battle. "W-what the hell are these stats? Is this really an 8-horned?" I exclaimed in disbelieve. "Hmm, it has a really high defense and even has magic resistance? It even has a regenerative ability! I have to watch out for its special ability too. Ths is gonna be fun" I smirked and took my stance. With a deep breath, I focused my energy,tightening my grip on my scythe which had become my main weapon and readying myself for the onslaught to come. As the behemoth charged forward, I sprang into action, my movements swift and calculated. I summoned a gust of wind to buffet the creature, aiming to disrupt its advance, but it shrugged off my attack with ease, a benefit of its defense and high magic resistance. As the beast closed in, I danced nimbly out of its path, narrowly avoiding its razor-sharp horns. With a flick of my wrist, I conjured a barrage of ice shards, aiming for the creature's vulnerable spots. They struck true, inducing a roar of pain from the beast as it recoiled from the assault. But the Eightfold Behemoth was not so easily deterred. With a mighty stomp, it sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, threatening to knock me off balance. I gritted my teeth, bracing myself against the impact, and retaliated with a blast of flames from my palms. The forest echoed with the sound of our battle, the clash of magic and the roar of the behemoth filling the air. With each passing moment, I could feel my strength waning, but I refused to back down. I called upon every ounce of power within me, channeling it into my spells and strikes. Finally, with a final burst of energy, I unleashed my most potent spell yet—a cascade of arcane energy that engulfed my Scythe as I slashed the behemoth in a blinding light. As the dust settled, I looked upon the fallen creature with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. I had emerged victorious, but the battle had taken its toll. As I stood amidst the wreckage, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at what I had accomplished. The journey had been long and arduous, but I had proven myself capable of facing even the most daunting of challenges. And with that realization, I knew that I was one step closer to escaping the withering woods once and for all. As I stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, a sudden surge of energy several kilometers away rippled through the air, sending shivers down my spine. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what it meant—the gate was opening. Without a moment to spare, I scooped up the core of the Eightfold Behemoth and broke into a sprint, my muscles protesting with every step. The distance to the gate was vast, and I knew I had only a limited window of time to reach it. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I pushed myself forward, willing my weary legs to carry me onward. The adrenaline coursing through my veins lent me strength, but I could feel the toll of the battle weighing heavily upon me. With each passing second, the energy of the gate pulsed stronger, urging me onward. I pushed myself to my limits and beyond, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I raced towards my salvation. As the gate loomed ever closer, I summoned the last reserves of my strength and poured them into my sprint. Like a bolt of lightning, I hurtled towards the gate, the world blurring around me as I propelled myself forward with all my might. And then, with a final burst of effort, I reached the gate, hurtling through the shimmering barrier just as it began to close behind me. As I emerged on the other side, I stumbled to a halt, gasping for breath as I took in my surroundings. Before me stretched a vast and unfamiliar landscape, bathed in the soft glow of an otherworldly light. Strange flora dotted the landscape, their vibrant colors contrasting with the stark beauty of the terrain. I had made it. I had escaped the Withering woods and emerged into a world beyond my wildest dreams. And though the journey ahead promised its own challenges, I knew that I was ready to face whatever lay ahead, for I was Elias Brooks, survivor of the withering woods, and nothing could stand in my way.