
The Easteria & The "Empress"

The Easteria one of the 7 continents of Eclorld, a land with an vast amount of magic & mana along with warriors bearing great strength and exceedingly large wealth to all empires here with an absolute fertility for generations. The "Empress" of Acun Empire one of the 12 empires of Easteria, a new page for his legacy being the only son of Lucian Herean the head of House Herean and Jare the Priestess of Acun, Friend with Easoon Empire Royalties, Chosen by the former "Emperor & Empress", Born with the magic of the God of New, The 100th and youngest "Empress" of Acun, And the Partner of the Current Emperor which was his friend before. Along with the mysteries of the Old and New, what would've been the present situation of the people with endless unanswered mysteries of Eclorld, mysteries of Eclorth, mysteries of Goddess of Old and God of New, mysteries of Easteria, mysteries of House of Novun and House of Herean. Can the "Empress" find all the answers for the sake of their present life?

Emrys_Herean · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 013: The House of Skyetiello

12 days had passed since Archsage Fistes arrived and the Temple of Acun's renovation is progressing a lot they said just a year would be enough to finish the Templar of New Acun I think it's possible cause everyone are helping each other, also the Acun Empire had achieve lots of glory for just 12 days from the west against the Jin de Dragon Empire.

A week after Archsage Fistes arrived we receive a news about Lady Amare Novun the former empress & Priestess Jare Herean my mother had conquered the Fortress of Dragon also killed one of the Jin de Dragon Lord governing the fortress an siege of 30,000 Acun army against 50,000 Jin de army, for 3 days of occupying the fortress another siege occur against the crowned prince of Jin de Dragon Empire accompanied by dozens of Jin de Dragon Mages & Knights with 30,000 Jin de Soldiers against Lady Amare & Priestess Jare with their remaining 25,000 Acun combatants occupying the fortress their battle took a day to be finished and resulting for another victory to our side but the crowned prince had escape from them.

It was a great victories to the empire and everyone was celebrating it since yesterday and now the 25th day of the month my guest have arrive, for they're the house I know would be suitable for my plan and thank goodness they agreed now we're just waiting for them to arrive at the Novun Palace, the House of Skyetiello.

House of Skyetiello was a dukedom for millenniums and their blood was both from the royalty of Akira Empire & Dusk Empire they maintaned their Royal Blood as purer than pure all of them are royalties with no doubt, for they don't marry a person who was not royalty by blood also the Dukedom of Skyetiello have two lands only , one was near at the Akira Empire and the other one was near at the Dusk Empire south and north of another empire called Northeria Empire.

Yet House Skyetiello had an single exception of accepting someone to their family and the was members from my house the House of Herean, they don't care if you're blood-related or not of House Herean they will just accept you if you bear the name Herean, for the Hereans ancestors who keep rejecting of partnering with the Skyetiello they still don't give up of making a relationship between our houses so I will use these opportunity for the Empire I ruled & served.

I was waiting for their arrival at the Sun Gate of Novun Palace accompanied by Hereans & Imperial Guards of course also the nobles have hear these news of their arrival right now so some of their will be suspicious of me for the people they will make stories about finally the Hereans & the Skyetiellos are having a new bond to be known, for these action I'm just doing it for the empire not just for my house only let us stop thinking right now they have arrive.

A carriage flying from the sky waving a sigil of Dawn & Dusk from top & bottom and a carriage of with both Akira & Dusk Empire culture also adorned with magical crystals from side to side, a carriage landed near at my front and a couple step out from the carriage a man with light hair & dark skin with a tall and muscular body wearing a coat with stripes of red & black along with shirt & pants dyed on white his eyes are brown not hazel eyes like Sir. Mylon and a woman with red hair & light skin with a perfect slender physique wearing a dress with a style of feathers from top to bottom in the color of pinkish red along with a scarf like wings dyed in dark red her eyes are pink like a gemstone.

Both of them step out of the carriage holding each other hands also I can see they bring a lot of their combatants here and I can see a person like a same age of me or much older than me but let us ignore it for now I need to give my greetings first to the Duke and Duchess Skyetiello.

" ' Welcome to the Acun Empire, Your Duke & Duchess of Dawn & Dusk along with everyone from the Dukedom of Skyetiello, I Empress Amaris Herean grant you a beautiful stay here at the Novun Palace.'( Speaking Dawish & Dusese languages from Akira & Dusk Empire.)" I utter and the couple look at me with their narrow eyes but I give them a smile in return.

" I can speak Acunbic the language of First Suns and Ench the language of Commoners Your Empress Amaris Herean, so no need to speak with us in my languages cause I know you're fluent at all language of Easteria it would be a shame for me if I can't speak with the tongue of your Empire." Duke Sheira Skyetiello said and smile at me genuinely like a True genuine smile.

" Thank you for the greeting us Empress Amaris Herean, I was impressed that you're much fluent than me to my own mother tongue may the Sun guides you from Dusk till Dawn." Duchess Sarah Skyetiello said placing her finger for an interesting chance on her lips.

" Your Welcome Duchess Sarah Skyetiello and Duke Sheira Skyetiello please follow me and I will let my family members the Hereans guides the others to their quarters." I said and they follow me along with a boy on their back I don't know but I let it be.

We move to my Imperial Office, of course I finish my pile of works first and clean it until there is no trace of anything unacceptable for a absolute clean, I called the maids to bring the dishes I prepared for a certain reason and the couple was shock of a new dish it was just a dish like the expensive ones but I applied new ingredients from those magical trees & plants that grow from those seeds it found at the bandits hideout and applied at little bit of mana for a certain reason.

" Can I buy the recipe?" Duke Shiera Skyetiello asked forgetting his table manners.

" My dear your manners have disappeared right now, and Empress Amaris Herean yoy add mana here some new ingredients right?" Duchess Sarah Skyetiello asked too with a same situation to her husband I wanna laugh and the boy at the back which I know now who was quite disappointed to the couple.

" No only the dish was for sell in the future Duke Sheira, also I add mana and new ingredients we cultivated here at the Empire Duchess Sarah." I reply to them and both of them finish their meal and wipe their lips also tidying their outfits.

" Now the meal had ended, Empress Amaris Herean I heard about all of your success and I want to know why do you need my house?" Duke Sheira asked me while his hands are holding at each other.

" I want House Skyetiello aid to House Herean." I answered

" Not to Acun Empire?" Duchess Sarah asked placing her hands at her thighs.

" Not to Acun completely but to Herean first."

" Why? Does the Hereans have some problems?" Duke Sheira asked again but his expression change like he was worried for my house.

" The Acun Empire loves you Empress Amaris and they said the Emperor and yoy are so perfect couple I have my heart pound every time I hear about your romance." Duchess Sarah said like a she was addicted to our romance of the emperor.

" The Emperor was Homophobic." I stated and the couple was silent and shock when they heard me.

" Oh my, so it was just fake?" Duchess Sarah asked her expression was doubting my statement.

" I see what a wonderful act even I have thought both of you love each other now I see a reason why the Novuns and the Hereans made this decision the Acun Empire have a chance of civil war in the past so both of the houses stopped it." Duke Sheira said tapping his chair with both of his hands.

" Yes and both family agreed and no more. What I want is for my house to be saved if something bad or truly terrible happened I need a True Ally." I remark and Duke Sheira laugh I know why.

" Then House of Skyetiello are here to declare their oath of True Allegiance, I want your father to visit me at my Dukedom so we can discuss other things to be handle by the heads." He accepted Immediately I make the right choice.

" Thank you Duke Sheira I will let my father visit you at the future and I also need someone from House Skyetiello to be my sword." I added to my request and Duchess Sarah was the one who offer the ' sword ' I need.

" Then you have another warrior who can use two swords to serve and I think my son here was the perfect sword for you Empress Amaris Herean." A boy with light skin & a pinkish red hair with an dark red eyes together with his fit body as in, he was wearing a Haori with a design of a rising and burning Phoenix dyed of colors of red, orange, pink, and yellow along with a Hakama that was on a color of white and I can see two scimitar or two single-edged sword with a convex curved blade.

" My son is the strongest youngsters on my house or at the entire dukedom, he was two years older than your empress and he have a mythical beast and a magic which can be compare to the Novuns so I offer my son as your lover...I mean as your sword." Duke Sheira said while covering his mouth purposely.

" I'm Dyren Skyetiello 14 & 17 years old, a great warrior of the sky will serve you Empress Amaris Herean." he said also his voice was gentle & deep like a perfect couple.

" Sir. Mylon have two longswords who was great at the land, Cap. Myera have two sabers who was great at the sea, and Prince Dyren have two curved swords who was great at the sky. I have the great warriors now do you think Duke & Duchess?" I asked and a grin can be seen to me and the couple nod their heads giving a smile to me back.

" My Sword who will rule the Sky, Dyren Skyetiello." My problems are now decreasing finally.

We continue our conversation with other topics and I explained my plans for our union both of then give their feedback after I explain also they just stay here for 3 days and left, leaving Prince Dyren Skyetiello behind and rumors starts to spread when the people and the rulers saw him accompanying me and the others with our duties now I will move to next phase.