

On Aiden's side, he wasn't really fairing on well. After the judgement of court, he was stuffed in a tinted military car and sent out to some prison up in militia. There were several so when he heard the word, he wasn't really as scared. Little did he know that he was going to Black Hurst, one of the oldest prisons around in the state. Only the worst of the worst were sent out there. Upon arrival, he was given a rather cold welcome. He was shoved out of the van and his head kissed in the mud almost immediately. As I said, the place wasn't really accommodating. He was dragged across multiple cells after he was registered into the prison, searched and given his black overall which wasn't really new. It had several holes and some brown stains and he wasn't really in a position to demand for anything. He went to his cell but he could barely see where he was coz you could imagine no one even bothered to give him a towel. He was welcomed with a putrid stench of all sorts of things. Most of it I would imagine came from the cracked W.C. which was directly in front of him. On its immediate left was a bunk bed on which a dirty towel and a bedsheet was placed and a sink on the opposite side of the 4 by 4 metre room. The cell door was shut and a calendar was through to him. He lay on the dirty floor for about two hours trying to piece his life together until where he was right now. He wondered why there was a bunkbed and he was only one guy. Little did he know. He began dozing off on the floor and eventually slept. He was startled when the cell door flung open and who came in was just...He was a big dark middle-aged man. His muscles were evident throughout his whole overall. Yes, you can imagine. Not to mention this guy was well over six feet. The mud in Aiden's eyes had somewhat dried and he rubbed his eyes to get a clear view of him. "Brack. I'm Brack." He said and laid himself at the bottom bed. Aiden had already set up his stuff so you could not imagine his life now. Brack did not who any signs of returning his things. The cell opposite his was barely lit. Considering that it was deep into the night. He could only see two eyes past the cell door and a head of shaking violently. His other cellmate began gesturing things Aiden could not make out of. "Ok buddy, I have rules. Rules which have to be followed. Okay!" Aiden quickly got to his feet and faced his direction. "Don't dare put your filthy but on my toilet and don't talk to me at all. Clear!" when he was done, Aiden was really confused. He didn't know what to say well most probably coz he just go strict instructions not to say a word to him, so he simply just nodded and faced the other direction. "Fuck!" Aiden said lightly in a way Brack couldn't hear. He jumped onto his bed dreading his situation. He zoned out before he knew it.

"Wake up and get to work!". A rough voice was heard all around the cell area. Aiden could barely open his eyes but was confused when he saw Brack dart out of the cell almost immediately. He couldn't believe that there was someone or thing that could send him out that fast. He therefore knew that something was coming. He got up and rubbed his eyes and headed for the sink, washed his face and proceeded to the exit. No sooner had he stepped out that he was met with a long, hard and heavy sort of pipe directly onto his let hip. This shook off any amount of sleep he had and he limped away from the man as fast as possible heading to the open area. It was dark outside and everyone had already made lines or something like that. You wouldn't expect him to know what to do. So just ran and stood behind one of the lines and just waited or the worst. "Slant up!" Overhead! Down sight!" the commander walked out with the same pipe in his hand and he repeated the commands severally and loudly. The commander can only be described as robust. Aiden found the first few days rough but as time went by, he got a little bit used to the routine, not so much to his cellmate, Brack. He walked around the prison with some other robber-looking hooligans. No one dared stand in their way. The food fights were discombobulating considering the fact that the lean ones mostly got in the middle of the most of them. Aiden had been doing his best to better his life out there but it wasn't going well. I mean, his life was cut short 15 years. To think that he will be a free man at thirty-four is not really something you can shrug off. In the university he was in, he wasn't really doing a course. He barely made time for classes and never took his parents seriously. Basically, he had a really dark future. Fredrick could not make money for the good university, to add insult to injury, he had banked all his cards on his daughter, Pen who did fairly well in school. Aiden always found Brack and his 'men' in their cell and he was never in a position to debate about it. The two guys on the opposite cell, Rick and Vanderwaal, were somewhat good. Despite the fact that Rick was among Brack's men, he was less rough and toxic. Vanderwaal had made acquaintance with Aiden about three or so days after his arrival. Vanderwaal's past was quite messy but he did not look the part. He was around 5'7 and had a chubby face with baby locks. He was all smiles most of the time. He murdered his two sisters who were both younger than him. He wasn't really a sharing kind of guy so not even the guards know whey he did what he did. Vanderwaal showed Aiden around the main areas and the others he had to discover them the hard way. The prison was quite vast and had maximum security one could not even think of escaping. Well, everyone except Brack and his guys. Brack has been here for a while and was to be released sooner rather than later. Hugo followed about a month after Brack and they began talking. Rick and DX, as they called him, joined together and formed their little alliance. Considering their robust nature, they overtime, became one of the most powerful guys around. Aiden was quite satisfied with the one ally he had.