
The Dungeons Conqueror

Jack was just a normal adventurer that went inside dungeons to hunt monsters and find treasures, but he was weak, he couldn't defeat a mid-level monster, so the others adventurers were mocking him. But one day when he was in a new dungeon search for treasures, he met a high-level monster that killed him. He thought that he was finished but, he woke up in torn clothes and cover of blood but he wasn't even injured. ‘What did happen ?’ From that day he went through many things in order to become stronger. ‘Maybe one day, I'll be able to conquer a dungeon alone !’ But many things were about to happen, and he would become one of the last hope of mankind. I'll do my best to make a good story, so please give me some support.

atarashiku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

A partner

I was lying on the ground after my fight with the boss. I was taking a little nap to recover from the fight when I heard a voice, it was the voice of a man that gently said :"Good job partner !"

"Huh ?"

I was surprised, I woke up and looked around me, there was no one only me and the doors were still closed.

'I must be tired and imagining things !' I thought, then I heard it again.

"You're not imagining anything partner !" the voice stated.

"Who is there ?" I asked out loud.

I looked around once again, there was no one.

"Over here !" I said, I searched for the source of that voice and found out that it came from my sword.

I looked at it in disbelief.

'How could a sword talk ?' I questioned myself.

"Firstly, you must know that I'm not any sword !" I stated. "I'm the one and only 'Dark sword', the sword that can annihilate tha world !"

I was surprised, a sword was literally talking to me, I wasn't dreaming, I've pinched myself to make sure.

"So how could you talk ?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious ?" I asked me. "I am living being like you, I have a consciousness, so why wouldn't I be able to talk ?"

I somehow understood what it was trying to tell me, like one philosopher once said :"I think so I am !".

But something was intriguing me.

"But if you are that powerful, why did the man with who I found you was dead ?" I asked.

"*sigh* He wasn't strong enough to bear my power !" it said with a hint of sadness. "He wasn't worthy, so I couldn't lend him my power, but YOU are !"

"Why ?" I asked.

"You are compatible with my power and you have a skill that noone of my previous holder had !" it replied.

"Which skill ?" I asked with interst.

The voice laughed instead of answering me.

"Come on didn't you already figure it out ?" i t asked me like if that would help me to understand.

I thought for a moment, trying to find what I had that no one else had. After several time of thinking I couldn't figure it out.

"Sorry but I can't find which skill you are talking about !" I stated.

"Are you serious ?" it asked a little disappointed. "Tell me, how did you arm grow back and how did you survived the venom ?" it asked.

My eyes widened as I finally understood what it was trying to say, it was true that I survived deathly situations two times.

It laughed once again.

"Yes, 『Immortality』that the skill !" it stated.

I had a surprised looked on my face, I was wondering why I survived these mortal situations but with what it said it made sense.

But was still not completely convinced.

"Admitting that what you said is true, why did I became that strong just after waking up after the boss made me black out ?" I asked.

"Well, I was wondering why as well !" it replied. "But seems that you have a good potential !"

'If it wasn't the sword that made me stronger then what did it ?' I asked myself.

I was taken out of my thought by the voice making a propsal.

"Hey, let me.become your partner and I'll give you unbelievable power !" I said.

I thought a little, a talking sword was odd enough but now it was proposing me to become my partner.

But in a way, I was for it, after all it was thanks to it that I was able to beat the boss.

'Unbelievable power huh ? Sounds good !' I thought.

"Okay, I accept !" I replied after thinking a little.

"Good !" it simply replied. "Follow my instructions to perform the ritual and all will be fine !"

"Okay !" I replied.

"First, put me on the ground !" it directed me and I did as it said. "After that, cut your finger and spread the blood on my blade !"

"Huh ?"

I was surprised by the command.

"Do it !" it insisted.

'It's pointless to think too much about it now that I've already begun !' I thought as I did as it said.

As the blood spread on the blade of tye sword, it began to shine brighter and brighter, it was blinding. Once the light faded away, the sword was nowhere to be seen. It completely vanished.

I looked around me trying to find it but it wasn't in the room anymore.

"Calm down !" I suddenly heard, it was the voice of the mysterious sword.


"Calm down I told you !" it said again, but I wasn't able to find from where the voice was coming this time. "I am in your head !" it stated.

"In my head ?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah ! Now I am a part of you !" it stated. "Now you can use all my skills, and my power is yours !"

It took me a little moment to calm down.

He was then inside of me or from what it said, it was now a part of me.

"And now I have figured out why you became, stronger after being 'killed' by the boss !" it stated in my head.

"How ?" I asked.

"You have another skill ! 『Strengthening by death』!" it replied. "Each time that you die, you become stronger once you come back to life !"

I was more surprised, it was something really strange, becoming stronger by dying!

"But how could you know that ?" I asked wondering how could he find what skill I have that even me didn't know.

"Like I said, I am now a part of you, so now we can both see the memories, skills, and all about the other !" it replied.

"I see ! So that's why I can use your skills !" i replied.

"Exactly !" it replied. "And now let's take the skills of the boss as well !"

"What ? The skills of the boss ? How ?" I asked confused.

"Touch the fang that it left !" it directed me and I did as it said.

As I touched the fang, it broke down into particles, and the particles entered inside my chest. As the particles went inside of me, I could feel a power growing inside of me.

"Congratulation ! You can now use the skills of the basilisk !" the voice stated.

"Is that so ? I don't really feel different !" I said.

"Try it on !" it then replied. "Look at the torch in front of you and focus on it !"

I follow the instructions, and looked at on of the torches that were illuminating the room.

As i focused, red beams appeared from my eyes and struck the torch turning it into stone.

'I really got its skills !' I thought.

"Yeah !" the voice replied at my thought, it was surely reading my mind as well.

But I then realized something,

"Say ! Can you tell me your name ?" I asked.

"Sure, call me Ragnarok, or Rag !" it replied.

"Fine then Rag !"

"But now that you have fused with me, I can't use you like a sword anymore ?" I asked.

"You can summon me in my sword form with your will power if you want !" Rag replied me.

"Try !" he said.

I then began to focus on making him appear in his sword form. Then a crest appeared on my palm, a crest that looked to be circular with some symbols inside it. The black sword emerged from the crest, when it was out, I grabed it.

I looked at it, it was the same sword it was really impressive.

"See? It's that simple partner !" Rag stated.

"So what do we do ?" I asked him.

"You can do anything you want I'll be there to help you partner !" he stated.

I thought a little and then, I decided to get out of the dungeon but I had things to finish first.

"Let's get out of here ! But before that…"

I turned toward the huge stone tablet that appeared at the place where the boss was, I touched it and my name appeared on it. It was the proof that that dungeon was now mine.

「 Conquered by Jack Slaughter ! 」

The whole dungeon began to fix itself.

I then took the boss core and the crystal it left when I killed it and went outside the room.

As I got out of the room, I met monsters, they weren't trying to attack, it looked that they were submitting.

Once you have conquered a dungeon, it's become yours and you become the last boss.

If it was conquered by a party, the whole party was the becoming the last boss.

If someone that was to enter in the dungeon and reach the last boss room, you'll be immediatly teleported in the room to fight the person, if you lose, the person become the new owner and if you win the person is sent out if the person survives.

"Now we can go !" I stated.

I got out the dungeon with Rag in my hand.

Once I was out I could feel the fresh air on my skin, the sun's rays as well, it was relaxing.

"Let's go partner ! Let's show our power to the world !" I stated as I took a step forward in the grassland.

"Yeah let's go !" Rag replied.

It was only the beginning of our journey.

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