
The Dungeons Conqueror

Jack was just a normal adventurer that went inside dungeons to hunt monsters and find treasures, but he was weak, he couldn't defeat a mid-level monster, so the others adventurers were mocking him. But one day when he was in a new dungeon search for treasures, he met a high-level monster that killed him. He thought that he was finished but, he woke up in torn clothes and cover of blood but he wasn't even injured. ‘What did happen ?’ From that day he went through many things in order to become stronger. ‘Maybe one day, I'll be able to conquer a dungeon alone !’ But many things were about to happen, and he would become one of the last hope of mankind. I'll do my best to make a good story, so please give me some support.

atarashiku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

A boss ? I defeated it ?

I didn't rest very long before moving, the skolex's corpse had disappeared, all left was a huge purple crystal. I took it with me, it was precious, these crystals were the proof when an adventurer have defeated a monster, and it can be sold.

I heard something moving from the gallery behind me, and a big shadow could be seen on the wall of the corner, it was the shadow of an another skolex. I didn't waited long before moving far from that place. I didn't know where I was going but I kept going. If did my best to avoid the monsters. I couldn't say how much time I've been there but it felt like a eternity.

All I had was my sword, it was beginning to deteriorate. I was naked, all my clothes were torn apart by the skolex that 'killed me'. As I was running in the galleries, I found a corpse, it was surely the corpse of someone that went inside that dungeon but died inside. From what I saw, the gear it was wearing was really high quality. It was a light armor all in black. There was as well a black sword near there, I took all the gear and the sword and left the place, it was an old sword that looked like a katana, without a guard. I've collected a diary as well, inside there was a map. It seemed that the dead man did end there after going deeper and deeper inside the dungeon.

From what I could read, it said that that's dungeon's last boss was at that floor.

From the sound of the name 'last boss', it was obvious that it must be very very strong.

Tried to find the way out but there was many high-level monsters that made me lost my way.

As a result, I ended up in front of the boss room.

As I was trying to find a way out, two skolex appeared from each side of the corridor, and there was no way to avoid them.

I was stuck in the middle of their way.

'I have no choice !' I thought.

I ran in direction of the one on my left that looked weaker due to its size that was lower that usual skolex. I jumped as high as I did to kill the first one. And then I did a vertical slash on was could be called the head of the skolex, a powerful blow that halved it and the ground as well with it. I was surprised, it didn't come from me, it was the sword. It began to shine, all the dust and the rust due to the long period that it passed inside of the dungeon began to disappear, it was sharper and looked like it was a new sword. I didn't stay long in that state, the other one waq still aiming for me, then I did the same thing again but with more more strength that time, the result was that the giant worm finished in the same state as the other one but the ground was sliced open till the the corner.

It was like if I was so strong that the pressure I put on the air when I use the sword was strong enough to make a trenchant blow from a distance even if I don't touch the target.

I was quite cool, I was able to kill two high-level monsters after all.

I took the crystel that the monsters left after disappearing. As I was about to leave, I passed in front of the boss room and a strange idea came to my mind.

'Why not trying to kill the boss ?' I thought.

If anyone has heard that, I would be seriously mocked.

But after felling that strength I got earlier, I felt like I could defeat the boss.

I tightened my grip on the sword as I pushed the door open. Once it was open, I entered the room, the doors went closed just after I entered. I couldn't open them it was blocked.

I turned to see in the deepest part of the circular room, the called boss of the last floor, a 'Basilisk' it was said that that twenty meters huge snake was able to kill you with only one gaze with its reddish glowing eyes, and its venom was powerful enough to take down a young dragon.

'How the hell am I supposed to beat that thing ?' I thought cursing the past me for having thet stupid idea of challenging the boss.

But it was too late, if I wanted to get out alive, I needed to beat the boss.

The giant snake was the first to move, I could barely avoid its attack, it sent several whiping blows at me with it giant tail, I was even wondering how fast it was with a huge body like that. That thing was really dangerous, it sent venom at me each time it opened its mouth, I couldn't even regain my breath, its attacks weren't stopping a second, all I could do was jumping, sidestepping, diving to avoid its attacks. It was like until I saw an opening. I didn't think twice and jumped on the chance to strike, but it was a trap, that vicious beast was really sly.

As I jumped to strike it, a beam of purple light came out of it eyes as it gazed at me, it hit me at the left arm as I was able to try to sidestep. My arm began to change into stone, the stone began to spread along my arm, it wasn't stopping.

I had just some seconds to think, so I sacrificed my arm by cutting it from my body. A lost limb isn't a big deal as long as I can survive.

I screamed in pain as I cut my arm.

The snake didn't even wait to strike me with a whiping attack that sent me against the wall behind me.

I coughed up blood due to the internal damages.

I struggled but I somehow managed to evade the following blow that the snake sent to me.

It crushed the wall in the process.

I was barely standing, one arm left and with internal damages, there was no hope anymore. In a last attempt, I did the same thing I did with the skolex, the wind pressure stuff of the sword.

It did damages, but not enough the snake was just a little scratched.

It made it even angrier, it hit back with a venom blast.

I wasn't able escape this time, it was really fast.

As the venom hit me on the torso, I felt all my strength leaving me, my skin became purple at the place it hit me and all the area of my body where the venom was spreading, I was breathing heavily, my vision became blur, I was about to black out when the giant snake sent the finishing blow at me. I died 'again' !

I woke up leaning at the wall of the boss room. Once again, I was all fine, without a scratch, my arm back right at its place, my skin back at its normal colour.

'What's did happen ?' I asked myself in surprise, I remembered of dying two times now, but I am still living. This was strange, but as I looked in front me, the basilisk was sleeping.

'It's now or never !' I thought as I slowly stood up and took my sword that was just near me.

But I looked in horror the snake waking up, I flinched as its eyes were opening slowly glowing in a red colour.

'I have no choice, I must hit first !' I fought as I rushed toward it while rising my sword high abobe my head holding it with my two hands.

I was surprised by my speed, I was faster than before, I could see the world around me slowing down, I saw the snake rising in slow motion, it was surely about to send another beam with it eyes with its eyes glowing harder.

I evaded it by diving at the last moment, with my momentum I jumped very high, I was even about to hit the ceiling that was at ten meters above the ground. Like I was about to crash myself against the ceiling, I rolled and stepped on it before pushing my self forward at the giant snake, I then put all my strength in my arms and struck down the basilisk with a powerful blast of air pressure with my sword that cut its head off from the rest of its body.

As I landed, I saw the the basilisk disappear in a black smoke, all that was left was a fang, a core and a huge crystal.

The basilisk was finally dead, I won.

'I did it ? The boss? I defeated it ?' thes questions were turning inside my head as I collapsed on the ground. As all the pressure left me, I stayed some time on the ground.

Hello dear readers, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter! The next one is for tomorrow !

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