When they got attacked by another village, Jin and Iris were sitting near the pool enjoying juice that they had bought from the dungeon core.
The three other girls had under the order of Jin and Iris went training and ever since they had summoned them they had only seen them when it was time to eat. Otherwise they were always training.
Jin had received a good news today as all the skeletons on the second floor of the dungeon had reached level fifteen. Not only that but the minotaur had reached level 23.
When he and Iris were looking at the dungeon map, they saw that the red points were getting higher in number at a fast rate but also their GP as the number of death was also relatively high.
Jin had already explained to Iris that there would probably be a battle between village soon enough as they wouldn't be able to hold their greed for the crude ores in the dungeon.
He had also informed her that when that time came, he should go get the three demons summoned and send them to the second floor. It would serve as good training for them.
Of course, normally he wouldn't do anything like this as it would completely shatter his idea of a dungeon that should be getting tougher floor by floor and not impossible directly at the beginning.
However, in this case they weren't here to explore the dungeon, they were only in it for the crude ores on the first floor. As such, he wouldn't mind using them as practise targets for his monsters as this would help them improve tremendously in future battle. Experience was always really important when fighting and the experience would help them in the future.
Iris went to find the girls and sent them on their way to the second floor.
He continued to watch the fight has he saw the hunters lure them to the second floor.
There he saw the red dots on the second floor getting higher but instantly, they started disappearing one after the other.
Jin grinned as he saw his GP augmenting like there was no tomorrow. With this, he would probably be able to upgrade some things in his dungeon.
With this, all the enemies on the second floor were already beaten and they almost didn't take any losses on their side that was great news.
He took back his fruit juice and started sipping at it without caring what happened in the dungeon anymore as he already knew what would happen.
Back at the stairs, the hunters waited a little while before departing from the stairs after being certain that there wasn't any survivors on the second floor.
They did feel that the end of these guards and hunters was fast but it didn't really mattered to them as they only needed to know that their enemies were gone.
They walked back to the entrance of the dungeon as they started to hear the command of the chief of the other village to clean up the battlefield before choosing their houses.
When he heard the hunter's steps he didn't turn around and just sais angrily. "Took you long enough just to get rid of useless people. You really disappoint me."
However, after a while, he saw that the villagers had all stopped moving and they were looking at the ennemies in front of them. So he turned around just to see that there wasn't any of the hunter's and guards from his village left.
He immediately felt a cold shiver run down his spine as he looked at the left, than the right and again his left before finally looking clearly at the hunter's in front of him.
"Where are my soldiers?"
"Erm? Dead."
The hunters continued to approach them while talking. This time they only had two targets being the chief of the city that attacked them and the spy which was the last of the ennemies troops.
As for the other people, their own chief had asked for them to be kept safe as they would be more useful alive than dead. And more than anything, they were truly in need of helpers in order to make the production a notch faster.
While the soldiers were approaching, everyone in front of them became scared. The women's would hide their child behind them while the men's would hide their wife behind them as well.
Everyone was watching carefully at the soldiers and some of them had even managed to relax as they understood there was nothing to gain from killing them if they were not a soldier.
As for the chief and the spy, they had sweat rolling down their face completely soaking his shirt. The spy peed himself while retreating.
However, it didn't mean anything that they retreated because the soldiers continued to close in on them.
Fast enough, the leader, Gray, took out his sword and rushed towards the two of them. The spy tried to block with his own sword made of wood however, the difference in quality was just too great and was immediately killed.
For the chief, he now had his back against the wall, both physically and literarily. And once again, Gray shook his sword as the sword slashed across the body of the enemy chief taking revenge for the attack and completely annihilating an enemy.
When they were done, the villagers who had hidden themselves previously in a corridor not too far away came back to their houses.
The two groups looked at each other and their old village chief came forward and asked the question that could change their lives: "Would you like to stay here, live and work with us from now on?"
Of course, there were no hesitation as all of them fell on their knees accepting the offer that was generously offered to them.
With this, the number of villagers had greatly enhanced but they still needed to have some food so some of the villagers started working in the mine so that they could make more weapons to sell to other village for food while some others were fishing in the river. They had learnt after a few experiments that a new fish appeared in the river every time one died. As such, the problem of food wasn't as bad as they all tough it was.
Of course, the fish appearing in the river was under's Jin order to always keep the same amount of fish in the river. This way they wouldn't eventually leave because of food.
Thanks again for reading
If you have any thoughts or ideas I’ll be glad to look at them if you’d like to share :)
Thanks again!