Ever since the dungeon had been opened by the king's for everyone, more and more people were entering the dungeon.
It had only been about half a month since the dungeon had been found by the four kingdoms but already, a population of thousands lived in the dungeon.
The previous village became an extravagant city with all kinds of shops.
There were hostels for the adventurers who made their way to the dungeon for the first time. There were markets where one could find all kind of food that had been brought from the kingdoms. The warehouses and the artisans shops now numbered in the dozens and weaponry and armour shops could be found everywhere. Without forgetting to mention the alchemists labs where they created potions to help those who entered the dungeon.
Except for that, there were always people mining the walls of the first floor expanding the floor to accommodate more people while taking the ores from the wall.
The four king's had stayed in the dungeon for almost a week already and they passed more time in the dungeon than in their kingdoms these days.
Of course, king's would always be king's and they had their own escort, a great house and luxurious meals everyday.
All in all, the kingdom citizens were starting to show great improvements on their daily lives which boosted the economy further.
As for the side of the adventurers, this dungeon was like heaven as it gave everything they needed. They had monsters to fight and quests to undertake mostly for the alchemists.
The only bad point was that they felt that four floor including the one where everyone lived was truly too little. Some parties had tried to enter the fifth floor but they were never heard of again. As such, adventurer's stopped joking about this and continued their daily lives.
While it was believed that the adventurer's job was a man's job, there were actually a lot of women working as adventurers. The ratio was approximately one women for two men and it was a great ratio in terms of adventurers.
This job had always been really appreciated by both the citizens and the one who worked for it as the citizens could issue quests while the adventurers could get money to survive threw them.
It was a circle which helped the economy prosper as such a guild had been created long ago in the entire continent and of course, the four kingdoms had one as well.
The guild had created a branch in the dungeon as it was more convenient for the adventurers.
Yurem, Kaiya, Trinity, Sage and Jayden were three girls and two boys who had made their team together. They had been haunting monsters for a long time in their little group.
They had made their way to the dungeon and today, finally, they had arrived. Since it was in the middle of the wilderness, it had taken them some time to make their way there
They had heard rumours about this dungeon and they were really interested in it. While this dungeon wasn't really big, it was said that only the first floor had enough monsters for five hundred adventurers.
Just with this number, one could see how big the first floor was. Mostly, the monsters on each floors were perfectly made so that the adventurers could go down in the floors depending on their levels.
When they entered the dungeon, just like everyone else they were totally amazed by the first floor but there was also a sense of excitement for the next dungeon floors.
Seeing how big it was, they obviously didn't regret coming all this way even at the price of walking for a few days.
They didn't wait one bit and immediately went to the hotel to reserve two rooms. One for the three girls and one for the two men's.
The girls were pretty and were known in their respective kingdom. So, of course, they had grown accustomed to see males look at them with drool at the corner of their lips.
Thanks to this happening every single day in the city, they had come to believe that they were important people and loved to be seen this way. In short words, this had become a problem for them as they thought too highly of themselves.
However, one thing surprised the girls when they walked in the first floor of the dungeon. While there weren't that many beautiful girls, the man's that were giving them attention's was extremely low. It was the same as not having any distinctive features.
"Kaiya! What's happening?" Yurem was agitated and was slightly angry as the men's weren't turning to look at them.
Just like Yurem, Kaiya and Trinity who were extremely confident on their looks were a little surprised and that shook their confidence.
The two boys with them, who had always fantasized to be able to go out with one of them was extremely angry as he thought that this would help them get closer to the girls.
Just thinking about it made their blood boils and so they immediately became quite rowdy while asking the man's walking by what was their problem.
Oh yes, of course, they weren't renown for their beauties. Their group was renown for their narcissism as they believed themselves more beautiful and perfect than anyone else.
Seeing this, the man who had been stopped by the rowdy bunch just laughed at their face and the words that came out of their mouths made them freeze in shock.
"You call that beauty? You obviously haven't seen them than."
"Yeah totally! If I could choose, I would go for Alma. That cold temperament is exactly what I like from her."
While two of the men's who had been stopped were talking with each other, some other men's joined in the conversation.
"Nah, I prefer Mika that cheerful personality of her is what brightens up my days. Just knowing that I can catch a glimpse of her from time to time make me want to stay at the dungeon."
"Yeah! Exactly Mika is my type as well!"
"For my part, I believe that Venus is the prettiest of the three. Just her behaviour make me want to stay with her."
Various comments started to be said and eventually, it became quite loud. But a comment made them all stop talking and listen.
"Haven't you heard? There aren't only these three girls! I heard there is another one with them. She is a red-haired extremely beautiful girl who stays on the fifth floor. Only the one who got their hands on a token and their accompagnant might have a chance to meet her! I heard it from the knight leader of the fire kingdom! He believes that among the four of them, that girl, Iris, is the most beautiful one!"
Once again, the chatter restarted and the two guys who had wanted to 'promote' the beauty of the girls in their party were immediately cast out of the conversation.
With this, the five of them left towards the dungeon and they who had just arrived decided to go down to the fifth floor to see these legendary beauties.
They had just made their way to the dungeon, so they were still unaware of the rules from it.
Hey there! Sorry it’s been so long! I’ll be able to post another one tomorrow!
Thanks for reading as alway!