
The Mission

He duke take something from behind him and said " I will give you a phone with unlimited data and you can use it everywhere". Gill looked at him in surprise then he regained his thoughts and said "Ok".

The duo left the orphanage and started walking down the street Gill asked "Where are we going" The duke responded saying "A place where we shouldn't go but need to.They walked for about 15 min before boarding a train and continued south until they reached a place called Steven Town. They got off and headed towards a palace in the middle of the tiny town. When they were at near the palace the duke stopped Gill and said "this is the place of my enemies therefore they are your enemies from here on forward everything you do will determine if you die or live I brought you here to choose the nicest human you can find after you found one meet me here". Gill then went inside an looked to find the nicest person he could find as the duke instrutced him.While he went out to carry the mission the duke meanwhile disappeared into mist and went on to carry the real mission but the truth is this great duke was reaching the point where he needed to pass his powers on to someone else if he didn't then not only will this duke die but the donkeys would be one man short when it came time for the great battle against the Pktttac. This was the reason the duke gave Gill the mission was to test him to see if he could become a minor duke.(a minor duke is like the successor of a great duke they are taken under a great duke to become the next generation of great dukes) As the duke went on to steal one of Pktttac tomes most specifically the strongest Pktttac tome. While inside the palace Gill set his eyes on two people that he thought were the nicest the first was a security guard that looked like he could be in his twenties and the second was woman sitting behind the recipient desk. The reason he chose does two people is because they both welcomed everyone in a warm welcoming voice and had a smile on their face to Gill this was what he looked in a person since he was young he didn't know how to really tell if someone is actually nice by how he saw them,while inside he didn't just find people he liked he also found people he didn't like the Manager of the palace and the CEO of this place they both seem mean to Gill.

After completing his mission he went outsidr and waited for the duke in 2 minutes the duke appeared right in front of Gill and told him "Go give this book to the nicest person you see in this place"

Gill toke the book and he followed the duke's direct order and he thought who semed nice the security guard or the woman he then ended up giving it to the woman because he thought her smile was the warmest he ever felt plus she beautiful but Gill knew she would never take the book from him a he had to come up with a plan to indirectly give it to her after a few minutes of thinking he made a plan.He then walked towards the woman.

What do you think his plan is

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