
The beginning of a Relationship

When Gill Kais was born he was abandoned by his parents he was taken by an orphanage when he was just 2 months old. When he was about six year he was abopted by a beautiful couple named Smith Solv and Mary Solv. He got an ordinary life he was treated as their own kid he went to school and things were going his way.

Well that was until that one faithful day his adopted parents were killed in a car crash when they were coming to pick him up. Things went downhill from there he lost his parents twiced and was forced back to the Orphanage.He didn't even spent two years with that family. His life was runied or so he thought.

One day as he was going from school to the Orphange he saw a book on the sidewalk he picked it up been the curious kid he was. He put it in his backpack to see what it was later. When he got to the orphanage he went to his room and opened the book as he opended the book a sudden darkness filled the room and it spoke saying who dares summon the great duke of donkeys." I did" said Gill he was calm in front of the duke which suprised the duke and he looked at Gill and said in a sad tone "are you not scared"."No why should I be I have no reason to be scared" said Gill.The duke then asked "what scares you if I dont scare you "Gill responded saying "I have no fears and will never have any fear". The duke then. said "you have no fear well I will make you fear something if it is the last thing I do"."Good luck then oh Great Duke of Donkeys Gill"said barely holding back his laughter. He then went to bed.

This is my first book and chapter please enjoy and support this book I will publish about 5 to 3 chapters a week

Gillstarcreators' thoughts