
The Duke And I {(Sweet duchess in my house)}

Bethany Debrrieve a Baron Daughter Her only dream is to have a family full of love and happiness. But when Bethany start to think that her life will change, Something big incident will happen, her twin brother will need her help!. Bethany has no choice but to ask help from the duke of west, Duke Willbert Lawrence The black dragon of west, fighting and protecting the west territory of Kingdom of Grindol. Brethany has a vision it was a Man and his aide conversing. “You’re highness, the Senior’s is doing this to pressure you to produce an heir” “It’s irritating, they only know how to whine!” ……….. a year later Bethany almost forgot that odd vision, Bethany can’t believe that this odd vision is a key for her to receive a help from the terrifying Duke! First day “Duke i can help you to produce an heir” “Get lost” Second day “Duke i will produce an heir for you! I just need one help” This scene happen up to the eleventh day! “Fine! Sign this contract!” Bethany read the words written in the contract “Marriage with no divorce” Bethany look at the duke with her big amber eyes, while griping the pen tightly she lowered her hand and start writing her name, While sitting opposite her, the duke of west look at Bethany and smiled wickedly. ‘there is no turning back’ ……….. A/N : Hello My Dears! There will be no Major Misunderstanding No rape, (oh i really hate that) This story is bubbly and warm, Hope you enjoy my dears!

Jwrayt2424 · História
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter three

'The Crown prince of the Kingdom of Grindol, Michael Booton has a close relation ship with the mere Baron son'

A number one talk of the academy

some are jealous, some felt envy to Anthony Debrrieve..


Who are them to question it?

Anthony is not just simple student he is also a president of the Urka union,

it's a union consist of powerful individuals around the eight empire,

Urka union accept all student with high potential regarding of their statuses.

And this union divided in three chapters

Chapter Aplha - are all emperor of the different kingdom

Chapter beta - are individuals that capable handling the kingdom affairs, ministers, and advisors

Chapter delta- are consist of toung member from the academy.

The said union are not a simple union, but a powerful one

Urka union start when the eight young emperor's decided to seize war that runs for decades, they suggest that this union is a form of alliance, and for many year pass Urka union is keeping the eight empire close and preventing the war.

This year academy are full of Anthony Debrrieve story,

A baron son with high potential, a genius student, and a close aide of the prince.

All Grindol students attending the academy know that after this year graduation

Anthony Debrrieve will be likely to enter the Beta chapter and become one of the emperor's advisors,

and when the Crown prince ascend the trown he will be the closest advisors and right hand of the emperor.



"Young Miss!"

Bethany open her round amber eyes and yawn,


She stretch her arm to make her muscle awake and jump down the bed,

she is wearing her slippers when her maid Andy enter the room

"Ohw! Young Miss! Its good you're already awake"

Andy looked so excited, she can't wait to tell a good news

"Young miss!!…

Young master Anthony will return earlier than we expected!"

Bethany was surprised by the news, her round eyes become more larger while the corner of her mouth lift slowly until it become a wide smile

"Is it true? Andy?! Tony will be back?"

She hold and slightly tug her maids hand.

"Yes Miss!"

Andy reply with a smile and look at her young miss,

the maid's eyes are moist and feel happy for her miss.

she hope that this is the start of her young lady's happiness.

"Andy, when will be my brother return?"

Bethany asked her maid softly but Instead of answering , her maid lead her to the bathroom she help her wash her face and after a while they return back to the room and guide her to the vanity,

bethany sat on the stool in front of the mirror while her maid Andy took the hair comb and start combing her silky hair

"Miss, young master Anthony will return in three weeks to attend the Year end celebration of the kingdom,"

Bethany glance at Andy from the mirror, she saw her maid hesitant face, she waited for Andy to continue, and Bethany didn't wait long when Andy started to speak.

"Uhm… Young miss"

andy lean forward and whisper in Bethany's ear

"i heard a couple of maid talking about young master,"

"About Anthony?"

Her maid nod her head to confirm her questions

And continue to speak

"You know there is a place in the town square that every morning there will be lots of maids from different households flocking and gossiping,

so i stop by and listen…...

i found out that young master will receive an special award from the emperor…

And also… i heard that the crown prince itself are suggesting to give a separate title for young master"

Bethany was shell shocked..

she cant help a loud gasp came out from her mouth, she hurriedly cover her mouth and looked at andy from the mirror,

she recalled her brother say before he left

"I will be back sister, i will be back with achievements and make the emperor notice me!"

'Oh my god! I am so proud of you brother, i just wish for you to be happy'

Bethany eye's started to get moist, she wipe the corner of her eyes, and cant help to smile more..

"Ohw! Miss!"

Andy slap her tights and remember something important

"We need to prepare! The year end celebration will be in three weeks!, this time you will shine, young miss this is the second time you will attend a grand ball after the coming of age party"

Andy keep nodding her head and say

"I need to prepare your dress… hmm yeah the accessories.. oh right"

Bethany look at her maid lovingly, in this baron house aside from her brother, Andy is the only one who treat her nicely, so she treat Andy not as a maid but as a sister

Smile plaster on her lips while she watch andy busying herself and planning for what she will wear to the upcoming ball.

Andy peer at Her young miss and sigh

"I think even you wear a simple dress you will stand out, my young miss is a beauty of the empire"

The smile on bethany face faded when she heard what her maid said, she frown and say

"I am not beautiful andy, Mellisa is a beauty not me"

Bethany can't help to lower her head and fiddle her fingers.

"No, young miss!" Andy clasp bethany's hand she look ate her young miss eyes and say

"Beleive me miss, 'you are beautiful, inside and out!'"

Andy feel frustrated she can't believe that her young miss trusts what Madam Annison , and lady Mellisa word.

they always call her miss

"ugly woman, or plain looking lady"


Are they blind??

Her miss is definitely an empire beauty! with her Ash pink hair with natural curl fall down to her waist

partner with her dark amber eyes, high small cute nose, natural rosy cheeks, and also her young miss is so fair!!

Why they can't see that?

'ugh, i will marry my young miss if i have a chance'

Andy silenty murmured to herself.

The both of them are in different deep thought when suddenly they heard a knock..


Author note:

My dears! Im sorry about the words/ grammar.. previously i make my chapter's on different pad., and paste it here afterwards. So its mess, now I decided to just make my chapter from here directly..

I hope you like the story so far?

Please don't forget to drop some reviews and comments and let me know your views..

Thank you My Dears!