
The Duke and His Witch Daughter

Pete, a 45 years old duke, one day found a basket in front of his mansion with a baby girl, who's not even a years old. After doing a blood check, he found out that this girl is his daughter, but he can't remember any woman that he could've possible impregnated. He wanted to take her to an orphanage, but he got too mesmerized by the cuteness of his daughter, so he has decided to raise her up. The cover art is not mine. It was made(if it is true) by Ricardo Lopez from pinterest. If you want me to take it off, tell me in a review or in a paragraph comment.

Sore_Eros · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 4

In the morning, around 8 o'clock, Wilbert arrived at the mansion of Pete's. The maids let him in and without waiting he slowly made his way up to the duke's office.

He knocked on the door, but he heard no answer. He slowly and cautiously opened the door. He peeked his head in, but there was no one in the room. He fully opened the door and went inside while closing the door behind him. He went to the leather chair and sat down on it and waited.

A few minutes later the duke came inside his office to find his doctor in there.

"Wilbert! What are you doing here so early?" He asked as he went for a handshake

"Early? Didn't you check the time, My Lord?" Wilbert asked as he accepted the handshake

Pete raised his eyebrows then looked at the clock on the wall.

"It's already 8 o'clock? I slept in, huh?"

"Is everything alright, My Lord?"

Pete sighed as he sat down in his chair. He leaned into it and closed his eyes for a second.

Wilbert waited patiently for Pete's answer.

"I don't know! I don't know, Wilbert. Did one of the maids or butlers told you yet?"

"Yes, actually. I just wanted to ask you, but I can see it now that you wouldn't be able to explain anything to me. So...honstly I didn't expect this to happen to you. I think you already knew, but this is a common occurrence."

Pete nodded.

"Personally, My Lord, I hope the child is yours."

Pete frowned his brows and asked"Why?"

"Because you have no heir. Don't forget, you are 45 and have no children, but now there is a possibility that you have a daughter that could take over your possition in the future as a duchess."

Pete nodded once again. What he said is true. Though he didn't said it outright, but he did hint at the fact that he might die any day. People like Pete, for them it's rare if they live to see 65. The main reason people like him die is either heart attack or death on the battle field. And Pete could die because of both.

Pete shook his head to shake away those thoughts and said "Anyways, let's go and do the test. Follow me."

Sorry for grammatical errors

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