
The Duality of Fate: Blessed or Cursed with Two System

https://discord.com/invite/CggXeC27 #WSA 2024 Drake, a 25-year-old writer, unfortunately, meets with rejection. However, at his doorstep, he receives a cheat and suddenly finds himself transported to a completely new world that he has never seen or heard of before. This world is called Astral Nexus, and it is filled with different types of species, each with its governor. Democracy seems to rule here just like back on Earth, but there is one person who rules over all the species - an exiled demon. While some people are aware of this information, others are not. Unfortunately, no one is willing to challenge the demon ruler. That's when Drake - now known as Xavier, an emotionless, stupid, weak young boy, and an abomination - decides to take matters into his own hands. He has been granted two systems, but it's uncertain whether he will be able to balance them as an ML since both systems have different elements.

Seastar_222 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
110 Chs


The hall was filled with the noise of argument as a debate on a topic concerning the school ensued.

"We are testing them, not sending them to their death, Elder Iorin," a male elf rang out in the room.

"I understand what you're trying to say, Elrond, but my decision still stands," Iorin, a Fae, responded, his voice icy.

"Before we carry out any test, we must get agreement from their guardians. You are in charge of that, Elrond," he continued, his eyebrows twitching.

"This academy has been the best, and it always will be. We know new schools have been emerging and performing well. All eyes are on THE ACADEMY, which means they are ready to bring us down," he sighed before continuing.

"And new institutions are using kids for their selfish interests to build up an army. They aim to bring us down, can't you all see? We Eleven races own this school, and we need to train and bring out potential Talents."

Just then, a female voice rang out. "Indeed, what you are saying is true, Iorin. But apart from the other tests we were used to, what test are you talking about? You're keeping us in the dark."

A few nodded their heads, agreeing.

"I was planning on giving them 4 tests. We only need 50 kids for a special class. Those who fail will be moved to a less special class or they will be dismissed until the test resumes in 4 years. Those to be tested should be between the ages of 12 and 20, nothing less or more than that," he said, clearing his throat.

Silence took over as they all waited for him to continue.

"Among those 50 kids, we need 4 winners, and their gifts will be classified. I will leave that to you, Isadora," he said, looking at her with respect.

"Consider it done. Your wishes are my command and rest assured, I shall handle the matter with utmost care and precision," she said, her eyes meeting Iorin's gaze, conveying sincerity and unwavering resolve.

Iorin then turned his attention to the other council members. "I have said all I need to. If you agree with me, please tap the Obsidian Echostone," he stated.

The Obsidian Echostone is a tool used by the council to cast their votes, leaving a permanent mark on the stone.

The hall fell silent as the council members deliberated on their decision. Eventually, Isadora tapped the stone, followed by a dwarf.

It took several hours to complete the voting process.

A smile appeared on Iorin's face. "The majority rules. Let this stay within these walls. Dismissed," he ordered.

The day of the testing began with the sound of a trumpet, serving as a reminder of what was to come.





Xavier, still in a deep slumber, was not yet prepared to rise from his bed. Suddenly, he felt a splash on his face, prompting him to open his eyes and use his hand to wipe away the liquid.

"Xavier, you should be ready by now, but here you are still in bed. Get up and prepare yourself, young man," Kathy exclaimed, startling the drowsy Xavier.

"Alright, no need to shout, Aunt Kathy. I'll get ready. Can I have the room to myself now?" he replied, his voice still groggy.

His aunt nodded and left Xavier alone in the room.

As Xavier walked towards the mirror, he ran his hand through his slightly longer hair and noticed his unique feature of having two different colored eyes.

'Why do I have two different colored eyes, Chainy?'

[Do you want to know?]

'Yes, I do. I'm the only Elf with this trait, but it makes me stand out. I still look handsome as ever.'

He chuckled to himself.

[Host, you should prepare for the upcoming test.]

'What kind of test will it be?' Xavier inquired.

[It's uncertain, but we will give it our best shot. Failure will result in punishment.]

"What! You've got to be kidding me."

Xavier exclaimed, and at that moment, there was a knock on the door.

'Phew, the doors here are different from those at Sylvan Manor.'

[Host, you should pay attention. The doors at Sylvan Manor are linked to the room's owners.]

'I understand.'


"Xavier, open the door," his aunt's voice called out.

"It's fine, Aunt." The door swung open with force, startling Xavier, who had momentarily forgotten that his aunt was an Enchantress and he needed to level up to check her stats properly.

"What's wrong? Why were you shouting?" she inquired, looking at him expectantly.

"Nothing happened. I just felt like shouting," Xavier replied with a laugh.

Kathy frowned, concerned that something was amiss with Xavier.

"I'll be ready," Xavier assured her.

Relieved, he headed to the bath chamber, where he soaked himself and drifted off to sleep, only to be jolted awake by a mysterious voice calling his name repeatedly.

"What was that?"


He quickly got ready and joined Kathy as they set off for THE ACADEMY.




Various individuals from different races had gathered at THE ACADEMY, displaying a range of emotions from happiness, fear, and nervousness to determination.

The atmosphere around the ACADEMY building was filled with noise as guards guided the guardians to their seats on floating chairs, while the candidates stood on the right side, ready for the test to begin.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence, and all eyes turned to see who was speaking.

"Oh, it's the esteemed Fae Iorin," a fourteen-year-old boy remarked with a smile.

"It sure is kid," a tall, hefty boy who seemed to be sixteen years old interjected, pushing the younger boy to the ground.

"Demain, we shouldn't do this here," the fourteen-year-old boy cautioned.

"What are you going to do? Cry for mommy over there?" the hefty boy taunted, accompanied by the laughter of his group.

Then, Iorin's voice resonated, "Save your energy for the test, young ones."

"In 1 minute, candidates will proceed to the Arcane Trials Chamber, where the test will begin," he announced, sending shivers down their spines with his words.

They all understood, some driven by personal motives, desiring their offspring to bring glory to their family names. They knew that passing the test was not just about success; it was about uncovering potential Talents and aspiring to become Astral stars.

"I must inform you that there have been some changes in this year's testing and the future. The top 50 candidates who pass the test will be enrolled in a special class. Those who do not pass the initial test will be sent back home," he declared, eliciting a mix of disappointment and hope among the crowd.

"As for those who may not succeed, they will be transferred to a less exclusive program. Please wait patiently as the test commences."





In the Arcane Trials Chamber

Being thrust into an unfamiliar world was disorienting, a world they never anticipated encountering.

Xavier felt lost, surrounded by 200 kids of similar ages. All he could think about was the upcoming test. Would it be written or oral? As he scanned the room, his eyes met a boy being bullied, dragged, and spat upon by another.

Xavier's anger flared, and he moved toward them.


In a swift motion, a girl swooped down, her powerful wings beating against the air as she seized the bully by the shoulders, her movements a blur of iridescent feathers.

The boy's shock was evident as he was lifted and slammed to the ground, his face bearing the brunt of the impact. Everyone watched in awe, wondering how she did it.

"I didn't see that coming," someone remarked in amazement.

Xavier was equally surprised, studying the tall, slender girl with awe. Her long, blue beachy hair cascaded over her shoulders, her figure caught his attention, and her wings shimmered behind her.

With a smirk, she looked at the fallen bully, her wings flapping triumphantly. It was clear she was from the Aaril race, known for their ability to fly and their skilled combat prowess.

"Hey, you did good by trying to help, but you were too slow. My name's Lily, what's yours?" she asked casually.

"Xavier," he answered, still taken aback.

Lily then bent down and grabbed the bully's ear.

"If you try to bully this kid again, I'll rip out your throat. Got it?" she warned, her gaze shifting to Xavier with an innocent smile.

"Till we meet again," she added before departing.

"I didn't see that coming. She's so fast, can you believe that?" Xavier exclaimed.

[Indeed, their species are incredibly fast. However, she's an amateur; matured Aarils can exceed speeds of 100 miles per hour, considering their muscular strength, aerodynamic adaptations, and keen reflexes,] replied the voice in Xavier's head.

"I guess this won't be an easy journey," Xavier mused.

[Indeed, host,] the voice agreed.

Deciding to befriend him, Xavier approached the bullied boy, Alad.

"Are you okay?" Xavier asked.

Alad nodded, feeling a bit shy.

"What's your name?" Xavier asked.

"Alad," the boy replied, regaining his composure.

"Nice to meet you, Alad. You can call me big bro from now on," Xavier said with a smile.

Alad looked at Xavier in surprise, touched by the stranger's kindness. Eventually, he agreed, grateful for someone to rely on in this new environment.

"I'll call you big bro," Alad replied softly.

"Great, let's wait for the test. I'm tired," Xavier yawned, feeling the exhaustion from the day's events.