
Drunk God Is Wasted

It's too hard to understand just what the hell is happening to me. I've just awakened a system that makes me stronger the more I get sloshed and the stronger the alcohol. What the actual hell is going on?

One day later....

Shit. I really need to get my ass up before I die. As I sat up, something glass hit my head, and I laughed at what it was. A cold brew! Score one for my dumb ass!

[Obtained 1 Brew of Suaveness]

A brew of what now? I looked at the bottle and saw a cool looking guy being stared at by a bar full of desperate women. Well now that's some art there. Taking the cap off, without further ado I downed that sucker. Letting out a loud belch, and cheering, I felt a hot and cold feeling shoot throughout my body and suddenly explosive pain began to insue. My muscles were rapidly growing, my bones growing denser, and I knew I'd grown taller. I took in a deep breath and let out a double colored stream of blue and red mist. Suddenly, I felt fatigue hit my sweat soaked body as I fainted.

I'm now awake and making my way through the maze of caves that I woke up in, when out of nowhere a monster appeared.

Race: Icuna

Description: Wolf rat race indigenous to the Welmont Cave System.

Level: 1

HP: 40/65

ST: 20/38

Skills: Plague Slash, Final Stand, Evade

Rank: Rare monster, high loot drop rate.

A HUD suddenly appeared before me with information on the monster and I focused on myself.

Name: Dale Finch

Race: God of Alcohol and Combat

Lifespan: Infinite

HP: 1000/1200 (Severe hunger debuff)

ST: 3000/3800 (Fatigue debuff)

MP: ∞

Level: 1(God)

Skills: Inventory, Creation Magic, Weapons Mastery, Alchemy, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Wind Magic, Divine Smith.

Wow. I'm a God?! What the hell?! A level one God with stats way above a level one monster is absolute overkill. However, I'm not complaining because it'll help me survive in this world much easier. Getting into a combat stance, I realized something: I don't have a weapon! I'm a weapon master without a weapon, how pathetic! Oh well let's give the doggo rat thing a kick to the face.

Focusing power into my right leg, I did a powerful upward kick to the underside of the jaw of the Icuna. The thing instantly turned into blood mist, not even leaving a tooth or nail behind. Suddenly, I heard a ding and a voice spoke.

[Obtained Quarterstaff of Gale.]

[Obtained Ring of Persuasion.]

[Level Up!]

Level up?! Huh?! Let's see here..

Name: Dale Finch

Race: God of Alcohol and Combat

Lifespan: Infinite

HP: 2000/2000

ST: 5000/5000

MP: ∞

Level: 2(God) experience (0/1,000,000)

Ok so I'm basically unkillable in my level and probably up to like level 30 or 40, however even though I'm a God I know that I'm not invincible. Lifespan said infinite not immortal. I'll live forever but I'm not unkillable. Okay enough repeating that word. I've got a ring for loosening people's tongues, and a badass quarterstaff as a weapon. I quickly equipped them and finally noticed my attire. I'm wearing a white robe with a red sash, golden sandals and my hair is long down below my shoulders and jet black. We'll see about my face later on.

For now let's move on and get out of these caves.

3 hours later....

I've finally found my way out after realizing that I have a mapping function in my system UI. So now I'm standing in front of a very confused looking elf girl at a desk by the entrance. Apparently I'm in the Adventurers Guild of Cerca Bellian a medium sized city in the mixed race nation of Dureliu. I made clear my intentions to join the guild and was led to the front reception hall. Let's see where things go from here shall we?

A comedy type of story this time. A little side project among my fifty million side projects. I know I am bad, but what can you do?

Ellendriacreators' thoughts