
The Drop-Dead Gorgeous Composer

Charlotte Suzuki was going to take the entrance exam to be a composer in Saotome Academy yet some eventual things happen and fate allows her to meet some of the STARISH boys before the exam even begin is this good or bad? But as she is now in Saotome Academy will she meet other than the stars, some kings and angels too? Read To Find Out How She Stood Out With Beauty and Composing Accidently!

Vistra_Flowers · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs

Chapter One: Entrance Exam and 3 Boys?

9:50 A.M.

Charlotte was still in her room putting on her turquoise coat with black fur at the ends of the sleeves and neck, with a silver flower decorating it from below, she grabbed a transparent umbrella and a mini turquoise bag that goes with the outfit and put it on her shoulders. She opened the door to her room and went out closing it behind her, while her white and turquoise boot's heels are clicking on the floor as she was walking down the stairs.

She headed for the door as she saw her mom washing dirty dishes in the kitchen,

"Sayonara Ka-san, Tou-san!" she shouted from the door porch spreading her umbrella as she was about to grab the door handle to open the door.

"Honey, Wait!" Her mom shouted rushing out of the kitchen wiping her hands with the apron.

"Come give mom a hug!"

Charlotte knew this would happen she closed the umbrella put it on the floor and went for a hug.

"Good luck on the exam not that you'll need it though after all my daughter is a music genius" her mom stated.

"Thank you, Mama" Charlotte thanked her mom as the mom let go of the hug yet her hands were still on Charlotte's shoulders.

"You have money, right? It's normal to get hungry after exams so if you are, just buy yourself anything you like, okay?" Her mom spoke softly to her daughter.

"Hai Hai, I'll make sure to get something after the exam"

"Alright, off you go" her mom said letting her daughter go for real now,

"Good luck with the exam sweetheart and be careful of the roads!" Her father shouted from the living room while reading a newspaper.

"Thank you, Papa! and I will don't worry!" Charlotte shouted back giggling at her father's worries for her.

The brunette walked to the door porch again as she then grabbed the umbrella spreading it again, opening the door and going out not before bidding her parents goodbye though.

10:09 A.M.

Charlotte was walking peacefully to Saotome Academy until she saw a child crying and a pink-haired girl trying to humour her, she walked up to them, bent down to the little girl's height and switched the umbrella to the left hand while putting her pale hands on the girl's cheeks wiping her tears away,

"Shh it's going to be okay, what happened?" she asked the little girl.

As the pinkette turned to her side to see who's hand is that she gasped at the drop-dead gorgeous being beside her. She had pale skin like snow, pink plump lips, a beauty mark on the left side below her eyes, beautiful turquoise eyes, hip-length dark brown like dark chocolate curly hair, long eyelashes and a slim body with the right curves.

'Oh my god she's so....beautiful she almost looks like a doll' the pinkette thought with a pink tint on her cheeks.

"umm she lost her mom and her little white kitten" the pinkette spoke up still in awe.

"and you are?" the brunette asked turning her head to the almost yellow-eyed girl as she took off her hand of the child's cheek.

"A-Ah I'm Nanami Haruka, Nice to meet you. I found her crying here and she told me what happened" Haruka replied.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Charlotte Suzuki," the brunette said smiling gently at Haruka.

'Omg her smile is also beautiful is there anything about her that is not beautiful?!' Haruka said blushing more now.

"Oh dear, are you perhaps sick?" Charlotte said softly in worry while putting her hand on the pinkette's cheeks.

'her hands are so soft and soothing...' Haruka snapped back to reality saying,

"N-NO I'M N-NOT," she said stuttering.

"How cute...I'm happy you're not sick" the brunette spoke while getting her hands off the girl's cheek.

'Me? Cute?!'

"Anyway so you lost your mom and your kitten ran off?" Charlotte questioned, now her attention to the little girl.

"yes.." The little girl spoke up still sad.

"Alright Haruka-chan please help me to find her mom and I'll find the kitten, okay?" Charlotte asked the pinkette, standing up.

"Yes of course"

"Take the child with and if you find her mother come back here again, alright?"


The brunette started walking away till she was out of the pinkette's sight,

'If she was standing there then the kitten must be somewhere near here' she thought looking in bushes and then suddenly she heard a ''meow'' from above.

As she raised her head only to see a white kitten sitting up a tree trembling in fear, her eyes softened at the kitten. She walked under the tree, closed her umbrella and linked the handle to the bag then raised her hands and head up.

"C'mon sweetie jump here," she said softly but the kitten didn't budge.

"It's alright sweetie I'll catch you," she said smiling gently at the kitten saw her smile and wasn't trembling anymore.

"I'll catch you so jump, please," she said once more and that seemed to be the trigger to the small kitten as she jumped off the branch while Charlotte caught her.

"See I caught you in the end" Charlotte giggled at the little kitten petting her as then she put the kitten on one arm and with the other she grabbed the umbrella and spread it for what seemed to be the 3rd time in the same day and walked back to the place they both agreed on.

10:14 A.M.

As she spotted a pinkette, an adult, and a little girl she smiled as she hurried a little. She reached the spot with the kitten in hand as the little girl's eyes glimmered and Charlotte bent down,

"Here you go, be careful next time, okay?" Charlotte said gently as she handed the child the kitten and she nodded her head. So Charlotte stood back up and the mom kept thanking her.

"Thank you for finding my daughter's kitten and bringing me my daughter! Ah the umbrella you gave her miss"

"It's alright keep it," Haruka said as the mom nodded and walked away out of sight with her daughter hand in hand.

"You gave her your umbrella?" The brunette asked.

"Y-yes she lost her umbrella so..."

"Alright then, come here"

"W-What?" the pinkette stuttered in confusion.

The brunette chuckled softly and gently grabbed Haruka's shoulder with her left hand and the girl gasped in shock,

"Is it okay if we walk like this?"

"H-Hai Charlotte-san," the girl said lowly while being a blushing mess.

"Well, where are you headed then?" Charlotte asked looking down at the slightly shorter female.

"Saotome Academy"

"Honto? I'm heading there too, what a coincidence..."

10:30 A.M.

They reached the Saotome Academy as the Haruka ran to the guards begging them to let us in,

"Please! Please...We want to take the entrance examination!"

"Forget it! No one is allowed in past the set time!"

"Please let us in, there are still 30 minutes till the exam" Charlotte said calmly smiling. The guards blushed at the beauty.

"I'm sorry ojou-san but I can't..." The guard said softly in a more gentle tone now.

"Please! I...We have to take that test" Haruka said begging them to let them in, at the same time grabbing one guard with the collar.

"Haruka..." Charlotte said lowly as she went up to her closing her umbrella and gently touching her before the guard pushed Haruka.

"Stop being such a pest about it!"

Since Charlotte was behind Haruka she got pushed as well and fell down but before Haruka falls as well she lets go of the umbrella and put her hand up only to push Haruka back up before she falls down too as the guards and Haruka gasped at what she did. The guards didn't mean to hurt the beautiful looking lady.

"G-Give up and go home!" The guard said with a guilty tone.

As for Haruka, she turned around quickly with a worried expression and before she even offered a hand a redhead was slightly faster and offered a hand and put his umbrella above Charlotte's head,

"Are you okay? I wouldn't want you to catch a cold" The redhead spoke smiling as she accepted his hand and he pulled her up.

"Thank you," She said smiling gently at him as he blushed and smiled back.

"Who are you?" The same guard spoke up.

"An examine" The redhead replied as Haruka was saying sorry and checking if Charlotte had any injuries.

"I'm fine, Haruka-chan," Charlotte said as she giggled at the pinkette and patted her head then the pinkette bent down to get Charlotte's umbrella and gave it to her.

"Thank you"

"Ne, you see how bad they want it. Why not let them in? Their late but as the miss said there are still 30 minutes before the test starts"

"Can't do it!" He said as they both flinched,

"Late is late. Being less punctual means that they don't belong at Saotome Academy" He continued as the redhead seemed to disapprove of what the guard said putting his hands in his red jacket.

"That depends on the reason, doesn't it?" A voice spoke up as they all looked to where it's coming from only to see an orangette coming out of a black car with an attendant rushing to him with an umbrella but he raised his hand to stop him.

"Those ladies are late...Because they stopped to help a lost child to find her lost kitten and mother" He said having a flashback on what had happened and remembering Charlotte's smile, he had a pink tint on his cheeks. He started walking to them leaving his attendant behind,

"If I had known this little kitten and her friend were going to take the academy exam entrance today. I would've given them a lift" He stated.

"See, the little girl they helped lost her umbrella" he continued as he showed Haruka her pink umbrella, she gasped softly.

"Don't worry, though. I bought her a new one and she seemed to like it" he said now looking at the beauty.

As Charlotte look up to see a camera and she knew exactly who was watching.

"In my opinion, students who help a lost child when it's snowing outside is exactly, the type of student this school needs" He continued.

"Exactly! So let them take the test" The redhead said.

"Please!" The pinkette bowed.

"Please" The doll-like beauty bowed down as well.

"How many times do we have to say 'no'? We cannot let you in" The same guard stated as Charlotte sighed getting her upper body back up yet her hands are still together till the other guard's phone rang.

"Now go back home!" The same guard said making a pushing gesture to the pinkette and the redhead but not to the brunette afraid to hurt her again. As she was busy listening to the other guard's conversation on the phone.


The Phone Conversation:

The Guard: "Hello?"

The Guard: "Yes?"

The Guard: "Of course..."

The Guard: "Understood!"

End of Conversation


"It's okay...You can go in" The guard that was on the phone said.

"huh...huh then..."

"They're making an exception. You can take the test" He continued.

They both smiled widely as Haruka bowed down,

"Thank you!" Haruka said happily.

"You both did it!" The redhead said as he put his hand on Haruka's right shoulder.

"Arigatou Gozaimasu!" Haruka thanked both.

"Arigatou," Charlotte said smiling thankfully with her eyes closed as all turned a shade of red.

"You've got a way with words," The redhead said putting his hand on the orangette only to be ignored and have his hand smacked away.

"Good luck on the exam, little lamb," he said putting his both hands on her shoulder and raising her shoulders up as the redhead made 'are you serious' face that Charlotte chuckled softly at.

"You too, Little kitten," He said smiling towards Charlotte.

"Likewise" Charlotte answered simply.

"Let's meet again in April" The orangette stated as he winked at the two girls.

"Let us all do our best" The redhead then made a peace sign.

"...Hai!" Haruka spoke happily.

"Okay," Charlotte said calmly in English.

10:54 A.M.

As they entered together but the redhead had to go separate ways since the examination room is different for idols and composing.

"Hope to see you both in April!" The redhead shouted while running and waving to the two girls.

"Thank you Charlotte-san! This is my examination room, I hope we both pass so I can see you in April too!" Haruka stated happily as she entered the room.

While Charlotte's examination room was just beside her, she walked there her heels clicking on the floor. She asked the examiner where her seat was and he pointed it there, she sat down not before taking her turquoise coat off with her bag and putting them on the back of the chair and sat down. They have been handed their papers and she started solving.

'Is really a test? Why is it so simple? And maybe a little random like asking a little about idols as well' She thought.


Charlotte stretched her arms above her head and got off her seat not before grabbing her turquoise coat and slipping it on, closing the buttons. She walked out of the class and walked to Haruka's class looking inside she didn't see her there.

'Too bad she already left...I wanted to discuss the questions I remember with her' Charlotte thought as she sighed.

She headed to the staircase walking down till her heel hung on the past step she stepped on causing her to fall and softly scream waiting to feel the pain she didn't but only felt a pair of arms on her waist and her arms around something as she opened her eyes she saw a face of a handsome boy with blue eyes right in front of hers as she realized her hands were on his neck, she slightly blushed. As for the blue-eyed boy, his eye widened,

'She almost looks like a doll, how beautiful.' He thought as pink tint covered his cheeks.

"I-I'm so sorry, I must be heavy," She said apologetically.

He snapped back to reality 'How rude I must've been staring...but she was too beautiful to not look at'

"On the contrary, you are pretty light, miss," He said putting her down though not wanting to.

"Thank you for catching me...umm"

"Hijirikawa Masato"

"Thank you for catching me Hijirikawa-san," she said smiling at him for then his cheeks have been coloured a shade of pink as of now.

"I'm Charlotte Suzuki, Nice to meet you," She said as she extended her hand to him.

"Likewise," he said as he shook her hand feeling how soft it is.

'How soft and warm her hands are...'

"Anyway I'm sorry but I should get going now, I don't want to worry my mom too much" She stated smiling, remembering how much of a worrywart her mom is.

"Yes of course"

"Thank you again, and I suppose I'll see you in April?"

"I suppose"

"Be careful next time" he said.

"I will don't worry. So, bye for now"

"Bye..." he said while seeing Charlotte walking down the stairs carefully yet in a normal face as then she faded away.




"Well I certainly hope to see you again...doll"

Have an opinion about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

If you can please rate too! Very much, appreciated!

And I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this fanfic, if you want to see how Charlotte Suzuki looks like just go to my wattpad account I'm named Vistra_Flowers there too.

Then I'll see you in the next chapter! Stay safe, enjoy life and take care!

Vistra_Flowerscreators' thoughts