
The Dream War

Naveen_Kumar03 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


They walked for around five minutes and Donald said, "Look there."

The trio found a big mountain ahead of them. "Are we supposed to climb it? This dream sucks." said Daisy.

"Yeah...let's give it a shot." said Donald.

John followed them in silence. He knew all it was a manipulation but he couldn't come out of it. I've to finish this, he said to himself.

"Guys, I'm exhausted."said Daisy as she sat on a spherical rock. There was an another to her left and the boys sat there. "What're you thinking John?"asked Donald. John sighed as he said, "Where's the Round 1?"

He got his answer quick. The mountain began to vibrate as if there came an earthquake. They fumbled and fell down. Luckily, they got each one's hands so that they won't hit any rocks.

They felt the mountain raising up as if someone's is lifting it. No, the mountain is raising itself. "Oh no" said Donald. "Were we sitting on its...?"

"Shut it."said Daisy. "I'm gonna name it Rocky." John and Donald chuckled but they realised that the Rocky's rocky hands coming towards them. "RUN!"

They run away as far as they could and they are still on Rocky. If they decide to jump, they will break their bones.

"This reminds me of a famous anime..." said Donald.

"Yeah" both Daisy and John said.

"We don't have ODM gear, right?"asked John.

"We don't have any sharper objects. The only thing which is sharper is...brain."said Donald.

"Thanks for the motivation" muttered Daisy.

"There must be a lever or switch to turn it off." suggested Donald. "So, you're saying we turned it on?"asked Daisy. They got separated and went to search for a lever, as mentioned by Donald.

"Here it is!" yelled John. John was confused on the accurate hunch by Donald. But before they could reach him, Rocky swung his arms and Donald and Daisy got hit and flew away. "Pull it down!"they yelled.

Without no further delay, John pulled it down.

The Rocky guy stood still. He became a mountain again. The trio met again closer to those spherical-rocks. "I'm gonna kick his balls."said Daisy. They laughed out loud.

"There."pointed Donald. They found again the same table on the peak but this time there was no Hat-Man. They found three coffee cups aligned in order with three labels on them. "Coffee as we won round 1?"asked Donald.

John read those labels. It read, "FIRE", "INVISIBILITY" and "EXTENSION"

"Let's drink it."said Donald as he gulped Invisibilty. Daisy picked Extension and Fire was the last one left. John drank it.

"Donald?"asked John as he got disappeared. "John, I think it's a Power..."

"Whoo-hoo"exclaimed Daisy as her hands and legs got extended and she became taller.

"Then...I get..." started John.

He felt heat flow through his body. He raised his hand and a fireball emerged on his palms.

"This is so cool...no, hot."said John.