
The Dream Reality

Shadow_infinity · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Path to Hunterhood: Assessing Potential

As Rowen delved deeper into his conversation with Gavin, his curiosity about becoming a hunter like Gavin himself grew stronger. Finally, he couldn't resist asking, "Gavin, how can I also become a hunter like you?"

Gavin paused, considering Rowen's question carefully. "Becoming a hunter is not an easy path, Rowen," he began, his tone serious. "It requires strength, skill, and a deep understanding of the world around you. But if you're truly determined, I can guide you on your journey."

Rowen's eyes lit up with excitement at Gavin's offer. "I am determined," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. "I want to become a hunter and uncover the truth behind this locket."

Gavin nodded, acknowledging Rowen's determination. He said "But first, we need to assess your innate energy and attributes." With that, he motioned for Rowen to follow him.

They both went to the reception at the center of the hallway where a lady was standing behind it. Gavin approached her and greeted, "Hey, Lucy."

"Hey, Gavin," Lucy greeted with a warm smile. "It's been some time since we last met. How have you been?"

Yeah, it's been a while,and I am good as always." Gavin replied with a nod. "I went for my quest and just returned yesterday."

Lucy asked, "So, are you here today to accept another quest, or are you selling the spoils from your last adventure?"

"Yep, I'm here to sell the spoils," Gavin replied. "But before that, I have something more important to take care of."

Gavin continued, gesturing towards Rowen beside him. "I'm here to assess Rowen's potential as a hunter. We need to check his innate energy and attributes to see how much talent he has to become one."

Lucy nodded in understanding and turned her attention to Rowen. "Alright then, let's see what you're made of," she said with a friendly smile. "Follow me." She led them to a nearby room where a series of tests were set up.

Inside the room, there were various equipment and apparatuses arranged for testing. Lucy explained, "We'll start with some basic assessments to gauge your physical and magical aptitude."

Lucy suggested, "First, let's evaluate your innate attributes to gauge your magical aptitude."

Lucy instructed, "Place your hand on this orb, and it will reveal your innate attribute." As Rowen complied, Lucy began giving him a briefing about different attributes such as fire, wind, wood, water, earth, and more.

Rowen cautiously extended his hand towards the glowing orb, his heart pounding with anticipation. As his fingers made contact with the radiant energy of the orb, But there was no change shown in the shining surface of orb.

Lucy said, "Sorry, but it seems you do not possess any attribute." After a moment, She added, "Don't be discouraged. There is still the physical aptitude test remaining. This test will check your innate energy, which is equally important.

You can become a hunter even without possessing an attribute." She noticed Rowen's disappointment and wanted to encourage him to keep trying.

Lucy said, "Did you see that pillar over there? Go stand in front of it and put your hand on the crystal embedded in the pillar. Try to feel the aether energy around you."

Similar to the orb, there was no reaction from the crystal, even after Rowen tried his best. It seemed that Rowen's innate energy remained elusive, leaving him feeling uncertain about his potential as a hunter.

Gavin and Lucy exchanged surprised glances, puzzled by Rowen's lack of innate energy. "It's unusual," Gavin remarked, "because everyone possesses some innate energy, even if they have the worst talent in the world."They both pondered this anomaly, wondering what it could mean for Rowen's future as a hunter.

Rowen's heart sank as he absorbed their words, a sense of disappointment washing over him. Despite his determination to become a hunter, it seemed that fate had dealt him a cruel hand. However, he refused to give up.

Rowen asked Gavin, "Is there any other way I can become strong? I don't care if it's a harder path; I'm willing to give my everything."

Gavin realized there was little he could do to directly assist Rowen in becoming strong, but he didn't want to disappoint him. Nodding thoughtfully, Gavin replied, "There are other paths to strength. It might be a more challenging journey, but with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible.

Rowen immediately replied, "Yes," eager not to miss the opportunity to become strong and find his answers.

Gavin then said with a smiling face, "Good. From tomorrow onwards, I will be training you." Turning to Rowen, Gavin continued with pride, "I didn't mention it before, but I am at the Vanguard-Rank Hunter."

Gavin said "You won't be disappointed; in Aurora Vale, I am one of the strongest. Although I have just recently broken through to the Fourth Rank."

Rowen's eyes widened in surprise and admiration. "Fourth Rank? That's amazing!" he exclaimed. "I'm honored to have you as my mentor, Gavin."

Gavin nodded, his expression serious yet encouraging. "It won't be easy, Rowen," he warned. "But if you're willing to put in the effort, I'll do everything I can to help you reach your full potential."

With determination burning in his heart, Rowen nodded resolutely. "I'm ready," he declared. "I'll do whatever it takes to become stronger."

During this time, it was already nightfall. After they returned home, Gavin shared today's events with his family. To Rowen's surprise, everyone encouraged him. He felt a sense of warmth and belonging as Gavin's family rallied behind him, supporting his journey to become a skilled hunter.After that everyone went to sleep.

As nightfall descended, Rowen found himself lying awake in bed, his mind abuzz with excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead.

Despite the late hour, the day's events lingered vividly in his thoughts, stirring a blend of nervousness and eagerness within him. The encouragement from Gavin's family resonated deeply, kindling a newfound sense of purpose and determination within him.

In the solitude of his room, Rowen pondered the challenges and adventures that awaited him on his path to becoming a hunter. 

With each passing moment, his resolve strengthened, fueled by the support of those who believed in him. Eventually, exhaustion overtook his restless mind, and he drifted into a peaceful slumber.

With the first light of dawn, Rowen awoke, his spirit renewed and his focus unwavering. Today marked the beginning of his journey, and he was ready to face whatever trials lay ahead with courage and determination.

Rowen rose from his bed with a sense of purpose, ready to embark on his training with Gavin. After a quick breakfast, he met Gavin in the training area, where they began their rigorous regimen.

Under Gavin's expert guidance, Rowen underwent intense physical exercises to build strength and agility. Each movement was deliberate, each breath calculated as he pushed himself to the limit. 

Despite the fatigue that settled in his muscles, Rowen persisted, fueled by the determination to prove himself worthy of becoming a hunter.

As the day progressed, Gavin introduced Rowen to various combat techniques and strategies, honing his skills in weapon handling and tactical thinking. With each lesson, Rowen absorbed knowledge like a sponge, eager to apply it in his future endeavors.

As the sun set on another day of training, Rowen couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Though the path ahead was challenging, he was more determined than ever to overcome any obstacle in his pursuit of becoming a skilled hunter.

As evening descended, Rowen found himself lost in contemplation, reflecting on the day's training and the journey that lay ahead. The weight of his aspirations hung heavy on his shoulders, but he refused to let doubt cloud his resolve.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Rowen retired to his room, the faint glow of the moon casting shadows across the walls. Alone with his thoughts, he envisioned the hunter he aspired to become — strong, skilled, and unwavering in the face of adversity.

In the quiet of the night, Rowen made a silent vow to himself: to push beyond his limits, to embrace the challenges that awaited him, and to emerge victorious in his quest to unlock his true potential as a hunter.

As sleep claimed him, Rowen drifted into dreams filled with visions of adventure and triumph, his heart brimming with hope for the future that awaited him.

By adhering to this routine, days seamlessly transitioned into weeks, which in turn gave way to months, and eventually, years.

Rowen's dedication remained unwavering throughout this passage of time, as he tirelessly pursued his goal of becoming a skilled hunter. With each passing moment, he grew stronger, more proficient, and ever closer to realizing his aspirations.

Rowen said to Lily, "It's been a year and a half since I began training with Uncle Gavin. And it's already been half a year since your 18th birthday, When you joined the Hunters Academy ."

You have both innate attributes of ice, which is rare and unique type and an innate energy score of 72 out of 100, which is considered to be the best in the entire Aurora Vale, which is why you are able to join the Lunar Crest Hunter Academy with the recommendation of its Dean. 

The academy is led by Dean, who holds the prestigious Seventh Rank - Ascendant.

Rowen said in a slightly disappointed voice, "But I don't have any innate attribute, nor do I have any innate energy. Because of this, I can't become an official hunter and can't grow any stronger."

Lily replied reassuringly, "Don't worry, Rowen. I will help you find answers to your questions and protect you. As your big sister, it's my duty."

Rowen smiled slightly. "You're only a year older than me," he remarked. "But don't worry, I will become strong and protect all of us."

Rowen suggested, "Let's head home before Aunt Elara gets angry. Plus, you have to leave for the academy tomorrow."

Rowen and Lily arrived home, announcing their presence with a cheerful "We're home!"

When Gavin arrived home, they all gathered for dinner, sharing stories of their day before retiring for the night.

The next day, early in the morning, Lily left for her academy. Meanwhile, Rowen and Gavin continued their usual training for several days. However, one day, there was an uproar in Aurora Vale.

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