
The Dream Reality

Shadow_infinity · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Navigating the Nexus: A Novice's Tale

As Rowen reached the third floor, a smile spread across his face as he was greeted by the refreshing scent of various plants, herbs, pills, and elixirs. The bustling atmosphere filled with people selling and purchasing goods added to the vibrant ambiance.

As he ventured further into the third floor to explore, a man wearing a uniform approached him and welcomed him. "Welcome to the third floor, Sir. This is the designated floor for Alchemists, where all things related to alchemy are sold and purchased. Can I assist you in finding something specific?"

Rowen glanced at the man, recognizing him as a worker in the establishment, and replied, "Oh, no, I've come here just to explore. You don't need to trouble yourself."

The worker's expression shifted slightly upon seeing Rowen's Hunter rank badge. "Then I'll leave you alone," he said as he walked away, muttering under his breath, "A mere novice hunter, what a waste of my time."

Rowen heard the worker's muttered comment but didn't dwell on it. He was well aware of the harsh realities of the world—strength and wealth often dictated one's level of respect and admiration. With a resigned sigh, he continued his exploration of the third floor.

As he glanced at the first elixirs on the display, his eyes widened in shock : the Spirit Enhancing Elixir (Fifth-Tier), priced at a staggering 6,000,000 gold coins. Rowen was shocked by the exorbitant price. He had thought the money he had earned was a substantial amount, enough for someone like him to survive. However, he had momentarily forgotten that he was no longer living the simple life he once had. As a Hunter, he now belonged to a different league—one where strength and wealth were paramount.

Rowen continued to peruse the other elixirs and pills on display, each priced at similarly high values, realizing that his perception of wealth had drastically shifted since becoming a Hunter.

Rowen's realization hit him like a wave. The life he had known before, where a modest sum could sustain him, was now a distant memory. As a Hunter, he was thrust into a world where the value of things was measured in gold coins beyond his wildest imagination.

Despite the initial shock, Rowen's determination only grew stronger. He knew that if he wanted to thrive in this new reality, he would need to adapt and strive for greater heights. With a newfound resolve, he made a mental note to work harder and aim higher, knowing that the path to success as a Hunter would require more than just strength—it would demand 

perseverance, resourcefulness, and a willingness to push beyond his limits.

As Rowen ascended to the fourth floor, he immediately noticed the stark contrast from the bustling atmosphere of the third floor. Here, the energy was different—more subdued, with fewer people milling about. Instead, the focus was on the impressive displays of armor, weapons, and other wearable accessories.

Rowen took in the sight of the strong-looking armors, weapons gleaming under the display lights, and various accessories such as gauntlets, earring wristbands, and rings. Each item seemed to exude power and craftsmanship, a testament to the skill of the artisans who crafted them.

Despite the quieter ambiance, Rowen felt a sense of anticipation building within him. He knew that the fourth floor held the key to enhancing his abilities as a Hunter, offering him the chance to acquire gear that would aid him in his quests and battles to come.

Then Rowen started looking around at the armour and weapons in display with their information and price in order to look around for the fitting gear in his price. But the price they have is much higher then the price of the elixir and pills on the same rank on the third floor.

As Rowen explored the displays on the fourth floor, a man in uniform approached him and greeted him, "Welcome to the fourth floor. This entire floor is dedicated to the Blacksmiths and the items crafted by them. Can you tell me what you're looking for here? I may be able to assist you." He glanced at Rowen's Hunter badge.

However, as soon as the man saw Rowen's novice rank, his expression soured, and his demeanor turned disrespectful. "This is not a place for someone like you, a Novice Hunter, to be wandering around. All the items here are extremely expensive, far beyond what you could afford. You won't be able to buy anything from here. Just go to the other shops in the city."

Rowen felt a pang of frustration at the man's dismissive attitude, but he remained composed. He knew that earning respect in this world would take time and effort, and he refused to let anyone belittle his aspirations.

"I appreciate your concern," Rowen replied calmly. "However, I am here to explore and learn. As a Hunter, it's essential for me to understand the offerings of each floor, regardless of my current rank."

The man's expression softened slightly, perhaps sensing Rowen's determination.

"Very well," he conceded, though his tone still carried a hint of skepticism. "Just remember, the items here are of the highest quality and come with a price to match. It would be wise to focus on improving your skills before attempting to purchase anything from this floor. The lowest ranked item present here are atleast at Unique - Rank."

Rowen nodded in acknowledgment, his resolve unshaken. He knew that one day, he would return to the fourth floor not as a novice, but as a seasoned Hunter ready to claim the treasures it held. With that thought in mind, he continued his exploration, undeterred by the man's dismissive attitude.

After searching for some time without success, Rowen began to feel disheartened. Just as he was about to leave, his eyes caught sight of a plain leather armor tucked away in a corner, priced at 1300 gold coins. Despite its simplicity, Rowen felt a spark of hope.

He then used his skill "Omniscient Gaze" on the leather armor, revealing its info:

• Type: Leather Armor

• Rank: Rare

• Defense: 26

• Special Effect: Reduces 15% of the normal attack damage from monsters at the Brute rank.

Feeling encouraged by the armor's potential, Rowen approached the counter and addressed the man standing there. "I would like to purchase that armor," Rowen stated firmly, indicating the plain leather armor in the corner.

The man regarded Rowen with a raised eyebrow, perhaps surprised by his choice. With a sense of satisfaction, Rowen transferred the money from his newly acquired Aurum Vault Card, and felt the sense of accomplishment as he acquired his first piece of armor from the fourth floor.

As he left the fourth floor, Rowen couldn't help but smile. Though it may not have been the most impressive or expensive piece of equipment, it was a symbol of his determination and resourcefulness—a reminder that even as a novice Hunter, he was capable of taking steps towards his goals.

As Rowen walked along the long road leading away from the Nexus of Destiny and come down to the city, he started scanning the surroundings, searching for a place to stay for the night. Despite coming across several inns, they were all full. However, after some time, he spotted a modest inn nestled along the roadside.

Deciding it was as good a place as any, Rowen entered the inn, where an old woman stood behind the counter. As he entered, she greeted him warmly, "Welcome to Whispering Pines Inn."

Rowen approached the woman and inquired, "Is there any room available here? I would like to rent a room."

The woman smiled kindly and replied, "Yes, young one. For how long do you want a room?"

Rowen thought for a moment before responding, "I would like to rent a room for two days."

The old woman nodded and said, "That will be 70 gold coins, including three meals a day."

Rowen then asked, "Can I pay with the Aurum Vault Card?"

The woman's smile widened. "Of course," she replied. "And what is the name of our little client here?"

"My name is Rowen," he replied with a nod.

The old woman nodded, taking note of Rowen's name. "Very well, Rowen. And my name is Alina." she said kindly. "I'll prepare your room right away."

Rowen handed over his payment with his Aurum Vault Card, feeling relieved that he could easily make the payment. As the transaction was completed, the woman handed him a key to his room and gestured towards the stairs.

"Your room is upstairs, second door on the left," she instructed. "Dinner will be served shortly. Feel free to make yourself at home."

With a grateful nod, Rowen ascended the stairs to his room. As he settled in for the night, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment knowing he had found a place to rest after a long day's journey. Tomorrow would bring new adventures, but for now, he allowed himself to relax and enjoy the warmth and comfort of Whispering Pines Inn.

After some time, Alina called Rowen's room and served him lunch. Grateful for the meal, Rowen thanked her before returning to his room to rest for the night.

As he settled into bed, Rowen reflected on the events of the day. Despite the challenges he had faced, he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had taken steps towards his goals as a Hunter. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, ready to recharge and face whatever tomorrow might bring.

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