
Chapter seven Rated M

Lillian made her way to the bathroom where she could smell Lara and walked in locking the door and even used her magic so no one could enter with a key or magic.

Lara was looking in the mirror at her eye that was swelling and he busted lip that started bleeding again, she saw Lillian through the mirror smiling but winced when it split again.

" I'm going to get rid of him tonight, would you be mad or hurt for me doing so " Lillian said walking over unzipping Lara's dress letting it fall to the floor leaving her in a black lace lingerie making Lillian growl softly looking over Lara's body.

Lara was covering herself and turned her back away from Lillian who saw all the scars covering her back, Lillian walked over turning around moving her long red hair showing Lara her zipper.

Lara's asking hands unzipped the dress seeing the milky white flawless skin as the dress dropped and Lillian stepped out wearing only a pair of lace panty shorts without a bra showing her breath that was a D-Cup breast with her pink nipples.

Lillian slid both her thumbs in the waist of her panties slowly taking them off, Lara knew she was big and now seeing the nine inches standing tall made her swallow hard.

(" will it fit inside of me ") Lara thought as she started stripping off her lingerie not taking her eyes off of Lillian who scanned Lara's body, seeing a clean shaved area with her light pink lips.

Lillian wasted no time walking over pulling Lara into a passionate kiss while groping her breast rolling Lara's nipples between her fingers while exploring each other's mouth with their tongues.

" MMMM HAAH " Lara moans out when Lillian kisses down her jawline to her neck where she suckles and bites her neck but not breaking the skin, Lara reaches over groping Lillian's breast.

" this is the first time I've been with someone else without being forced and with a woman..,ehh" Lara said looking down at the hard member laying against her stomach.

" don't talk about him again " Lillian said taking her member between Lara's legged letting her wet folds and clit rub against inas head and shaft.

" Ohh AHHH HAAH MMMM" Lara moans out even though all Lillian was doing was rubbing her, Lara takes her nails down Lillian's back making her purr in a sexual way.

Lillian turns Lara around being gentle and kisses up and down Lara's neck while her hands play with both her breast and clit.

" ahhh haah MMMM OHHH YES I need you inside me " Lara said, Lillian slips her head inside of Lara making her hiss in pain then slowly moves it in and out getting her use to the size and stretching her.

Lillian would slide a little bit at a time when she knew that Lara was ready until she pushed all the way in making Lara gasp.

" OHHHHH AHHHHHH HAAH"ara moans out when Lillian slides in and out of her, she would pull out leaving her head I. then sink all the way back into the hilt where her pelvis slapped against Lara's butt.

" AHHHHHH HAAH AHHNNN OHHHHH FASTER MMMM FUCK" Lara moans out pushing herself back meeting Lillian's thrusts as she speeds up and goes harder knocking the breath out of Lara.

" AHHHH HAAH AHHNNN hnnng " Lara climaxed while Lillian kept pounding in her and slapping her ass when hitting her spot every time she pushed in Lara could feel Lillian twitching inside of her while her member swelled.

When she would be made to have sex with her husband she'd pull away finishing him off with her hand or mouth, when he'd hold her down making her take his seed shed always take an her. A woman gave her to keep from getting pregnant which has to be taken within two hours after sex and right now that was the farthest thing from her mind.

" AHHHH FUCK YES Lara so tight and good MMMM " Lillian moans out releasing inside of her while not letting up when Lara hit another climax especially feeling this woman fill her with her seed while her walls was milking Lillian.

Lillian picked up one of Lara's legs then thrusts hard and fast into her making the woman squint her eyes closed while moaning while her mouth stayed in the shape of a "o" while she loved having Lillian inside of her.

Lillian could feel herself and Lara hitting another orgasm when Lara tightened her walls so tight that Lillian released inside of her as Lara hit another orgasm while panting.

When Lillian pulled out Lara whined missing her inside, she turned around drooling to her knees while both their juices were running down Lara's thighs and started sucking on Lillian's member slowly taking her in further and further deep throating her.

Lillian grasped Lara's head with both hands and started fucking Lara's mouth hitting the back of her throat, a few minutes later she releases inside her mouth which some spilled out from her mouth as she swallows all of it licking Lillian clean.

They both quickly wash up sharing one more passionate kiss before returning to the auction seeing Remington returning just as they did, Lillian smiled at him and doesn't have to hide being hard anymore because Lara helped her out.

" Lara I asked your husband to trade seats with me I hope that's ok, oh is everything ok since you were gone for twenty minutes." Sylvia said in a teasing manner when the auctioneer came back to the stage for this auction we have some heavenly ranked weapons for top sellers from rank D to rack s plus."

" we will start off with some fighting techniques that are ranked c with these scrolls that have only have twenty in existence which is for dark magic users that's called the hits if death where it teaches you to allow shadow hits and kicks that cine from around the user at once for multiple enemies or one where high powered kicks and punches fly out quicker than the eye to hit your enemy or enemies, it's a lost technique also you must be able to use dark magic to learn and use this technique... starting at 500 Kushes" the auctioneer said when Sylvia raised her arm then another person in the back raised it for six so Sylvia raised it to seven.

" going for seven once... 750 " the auctioneer was saying when the woman in a black cloak bet again, Sylvia wasn't backing down, could tell that dark magic was one of the magic that Lillian uses.

" 875 " Sylvia said as the auctioneer counted down then sold to Sylvia, she smiled then received a ticket then the auctioneer brought out some armor made from a demon ore that was made from the original and first Demon ore that was locked away with the land and. castle of the Queen arch devil pet.

It was solid black with kava looking lines that ran through different parts of the armor, it's one of a kind and it comes with a wear at your own risk " the auctioneer said string the bid out at 20,000 Kushes when it was raised to 35 thousand.

when it went on going twice Lillian made a bid of 50 thousand and it went through three times then sold to her.

" now that was a rank S plus armor now we have three sets of heavenly rank S armor made from the old dragons one a metal, earth and wind dragons that was made from the dragons who died during a war of being over eighteen centuries old, they'll start out at 20 thousand kushes per Armor so sixty thousand since it says they'll need to stay together to work at their fullest strength.." 65,999 " Lara placed the bet looking at his wife with a scowl, he mouthed you better bet or you'll be punished thinking no one could read his lips

" 71,000" Sylvia places the bet next then Lillian places her bet of 85,000 and Lara's husband had his arm over the back of Sylvia's chair squeezing Lara's shoulder.

" 89,999 " Lara said holding Lillian's hand for comfort and fear since she knows Lillian's going to take these home.

" 98.000 " Lillian said as Lara hisses in pain so Sylvia asked him nicely for space causing him to move his arm so she could concentrate

," 100,000 " Lara's husband made the bet making Lillian smile as she raised the bet to 110,000 making the man clench his teeth he raised again at 115,000 with a smug grin on his face making Lillian laugh out loud 140,000 she said as the man snapped his head toward her.

" well number three has taken another price home " The auctioneer said as he pulled out some weapons that all are Rank SSS we have three katanas that happen to be elemental powered one with Fire, wind and earth and also a staff that has the metal element power.

" now this will also be a set and since it's a triple S we'll start them out at 30,000 " Auctioneer said when Lara's husband took the first bet followed up by a man who raised it by five then another who raised it by four and Lillian raise by 46,009 and the other woman raised by 48,000.

Lara's husband raises by 52,400 keeping his fingers crossed and slaps the arm rest when Lillian made another raise 57,009 and watched him madly huff while crossing his arms at his chest

" well my lady has won those as well " the auctioneer said with a loud laugh when some heavenly treasures came out shaped like different statues or ornaments with a weird looking black gem inside that had a design etched on it.

" these was from one of the greatest warriors from the celestial kingdom, he found these on his journey collecting them for some unknown reason even though they're rank D being from one of the great celestial knights who won the war from the Arch devils a century ago makes them worth a collection. we'll start out at 8,000 Kushes for each one or 18,000 for set so when betting say single or set thank you " the auctioneer said with a wide smile moving them closer to the stage, they all was statues of demons make and female.

" I'll take them for 18,005 a set " a woman in the back said laughing lightly while another would add a kush on and so on, Lillian raised her hand.

" 19,000 for the set " Lillian said and no one else bid on them, the auctioneer then moved to beast cores from white to a dark yellow along with white that had colors spiraled inside them, most people think the white is the highest but that's because they've never killed or seen a beast in this region with a yellow core.

" ok we have over a thousand Blue ones and if the amounts are good enough I'll throw in the thousand black ones for a few thousand more...we will start out at 3,000" The auctioneer said as Lara raised her arm betting 5,000 for them and her husband snapped her head toward his wife shaking his head no, she shook her head yes when some else bet 5500 so she went for 6600 and the auctioneer was in his third time letting Lara when them.

" good job mamm for 7680 I'll throw in the black ones how does that sound " the auctioneer was Lara agreed giving a runner the money who brought the cores back in a storage back she tied in her belt.

" the next is green and blue a thousand of them each which we'll mix starting at 9009 " the auctioneer said and Kara raised her hand up after stepping forward with permission to look at them.

" 11,009 " Lara offered and Sylvia said 12999 making Lara smile and bet 15,000 which she won wanting to give the money straight away to coll et the cores.

" well now we have some red cores with some that has purple wisps mixing in over half of them starting at 16,000, this time Lillian beat her to the bet offering 19,000 making Lara frown but she let Lillian win without arguing.

" well that must have been good what she gave you since you didn't fight her, I never could tell jewels apart from cores only what my master has given me to level up. This Lillian interest me very much and I'm guessing you're meeting her after the auction, I wonder if I could meet her for a formal meet " Sylvia while red to Lara when the next Gem came out that was two sets of light purple and dark purples starting at 25,000 for both lots with a secret prize to go along with them.

" I'm sorry Lara I'll give you some but I need all the higher ones " Lillian said giving a serious look to Lara who gives her one back then smiles at her.

" I'm sorry as well but I plan to get stronger to leave " Lara said as Lillian holds her hand then leans in brushing her lips against Lara's ear.

" lessons like earlier from me can help you get stronger plus I'll help you with all the cores you need, I won't let him hurt you " Lillian said making Lara smile at her, then she holds Lara's hand then wins all of the monster cores even the ones that are as big as a person from large beasts.

" we have some exciting special items more scrolls, weapons, spell books and over a dozen arch Devil cores, then we will move to the Rank b,A,s and the special selection of slaves so hopefully you saved up enough money for this great selection " the auctioneer said with a wide smile as Lillian lost her smile about the devil cores, she leans over to Remington.

" I plan on buying everything here so go get wagons for the slaves also for the items and have over fifty of your guards escort them to Liaster street fifty acres behind the castle where a large mansion is with a few dozen large houses for the employees.

Lillian bought everything that came through even outbidding some of the wealthiest people in the Kingdom for all the items tonight when she got to the Arch Devil cores, where everyone got excited for anyone who knows dark magic or could gain dark magic by consuming their cores.

" Each one of these will start out at 1.5 million Kushes and after we finish off this auction part we will go to the special selection that's only for a select ones inside while the rest will leave. " the auctioneer said bowing down grinning like a Cheshire cat at the people, everything about the person was covered except the color of his eyes and mouth not even his body could be made out because of the cloak also the distorted voice.

" two million a man shouts out showing his number who hasn't best on one thing tonight while another woman shouted out three waving her number around." the consumers shouted when the auctioneer smiled then looked over at Lillian who has bought everything tonight and she nudges Lara letting her feel five fingers so she nodded her head saying five before the count down stopped.

" 5 going once, then twice then sold to number four " the auctioneer said smiling while looking between Lara and Lillian frowning but smiled again when Lillian looked at him.

" four more to go let's set up all three so we can get on with the specials, another auctioneer will handle that spot while I have important things to do " he said walking over raising the cloth off the Arch Devil cores along side five scrolls with an old stitched leather book on the table.

" ok we will do the same 2.5 million Kushes for one or for the whole batch your make your price while saying the whole set or single. " he said as Lillian said leaning over to Remington and he leans in asking for him to bring Lara's Arch devil stone over taking a large green emerald that was bigger than the white or red ones she used that night from the sack she gave Lara earlier.

" Six for two " Sylvia said winking at Lillian while another person raised it to seven for two, it kept going back and forth ending on ten million Kushes that Sylvia said while Lillian held the one that Lara bought seeing that it is real then stores it inside her ring.

" Lara you better be glad I'll make our money back from that stop betting until we get to the special slaves " he said leaning back clenching his teeth Lillian smiled then whispered back to Remington seeing if he has any spells with all elementals that he could throw into the auction that are unique or rare before ending with this then moving on to the specials.

" of course my lady we have a large set with treasures to make a person stronger in those areas as well, everyone on the board agreed to skip those but I'll bring those up for auctions.