
Volkihar Ruins

After giving a little speech about their victory Vincent and the other three stayed in Castle Volkihar while the Dawnguard left the castle after they all cleaned it.

"So where do you think your mother could be. Since she wasn't under all the Vampire it means that she isn't around here," says Vincent when Serana and Kirvena shook their heads.

"No, we women discussed it pretty hard while you were away getting Ysayle. She is hiding in the castle," says Serana as she walks over to some stairs that lead down but were blocked by stones that feel down while Serana says, "We think she is on the other side of here. Behind the stones, we would be in my mother's favorite place the Garden."

"It will be hard to enter from this side. Is there another way?" asks Vincent as it seemed impossible to remove the crumbles out of the way for now.

"We would need to go from another entrance. It is possibly dangerous if my mother set traps to not get caught by my father," says Serana as she began to move while the other three followed.

Once outside the walk over the bridge and the follow a little path on the left and then she points at the entrance. Skeletons were running around and Serana says, "It seems we weren't the only ones inhabiting the castle."

"We should find out if those people can be used or if we need to kill them," says Vincent as he jumps straight into the water while Vyrve followed. Serana just turned into a storm of bats and landed on the other side while Kirvena used and arrow and a rope.

She shoots the arrow tied up by the rope and created her way over to the other side. Once on the other side, she was ready to fight the undead. Serana was in position while Vincent and Vyrve were underwater as they approached the pier.

Arriving at the pier they jump out of the water taking the attention of everyone making the job for Serana and Kirvena easy as they picked their victims off-guard. Once everyone was dead Vincent looks at Kirvena and says, "You could have informed us you had another way over."

"It wouldn't have worked for you two. You both are too heavy for that method," says Kirvena as the arrow almost gave in and she would have to join the two.

"Well let us continue then," says Vincent as they walk the stairs up and enter through that entrance.

The walk and find some Death Hounds attacking them as they walked through the canalization as it seemed for Vincent as it was right under the castle. He finds a book and reads it finding out that a Vampire lives under the castle that wasn't like the ones living in the castle and he says, "We should recruit her if she isn't completely crazy. She could be useful to breed Death Hounds that we could use to track people down."

"You would allow the use of those beasts?" asks Vyrve worried about Vincent's mental health.

"Aren't they like dogs?" asks Vincent confused.

"They are but only undead can control them so it would be useless to pair them with a living person," says Serana explaining it to Vincent.

"Then they are still useful for our Vampires. I don't want Vampires to hide in the Society I'm building. I want them to be tolerated as well as Werewolves but let's walk over that bridge when we passed this one," says Vincent as he really wanted to get the Vampire alive.

They continue until finding the Vampire as it was writing in another Diary it had. The Vampire saw Serana and thought she was a Vampire from upstairs as she was wearing the same armor as them. They knocked her out while trying to preserve the Death Dogs in case they can convince the Vampire.

After some minutes she woke up and Vincent says, "Don't worry we don't want to kill you. If you cooperate I could even give you a nice job that will benefit you and your Death Hounds."

He points to the Death Hounds that were on leashes as he continues, "I want from you that you keep breeding them but not down here but up there. Don't worry they are dead so no one will say you are from low-blood or whatever they told you."

Then he hands her the Diary that he found and continues, "If you can follow my rules we could be friends and show the world that Vampires can help people instead of harming them."

"And what are those rules?" asks the Vampire as Vincent tells here the same rules he told the other Vampires he recruited. She was thinking about it before asking, "And I can stay in the Castle?"

"Yes, you won't be alone since I plan to change this into a headquarter for the organization you will join. I have Vampires in my ranks that would profit from having a Death Hound. Just one thing, if I find out you sucked the blood or put someone under your charm I will kill you like I killed Harkon. It wasn't a silent dead that I can promise," says Vincent as he stretches his hand out and says, "Deal?"

"Deal. My name is Mirsha Graybringer and you are?" asks Mirsha not knowing with who she was talking. Vincent was looking stunned that she didn't hear about him while the three behind him were holding their laughs back until Vyrve couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

"My name is Vincent Highwing, current High King and Dragonking. She is Serana Volkihar, Former Princess of the Volkihar Clan. Then we have Knight-Paladin Kirvena, one of the lasts Snow Elves and last her Brother General Vyrve, he leads my mortal army," says Vincent as he takes the cuffs off Mirsha while she was staring at them in disbelief seeing that Vincent says, "Don't look like that or you won't believe when I tell you that in less than a year I will be Emperor of Tamriel."

The people behind him were laughing because it was true and Mirsha was looking like her world was broking into pieces. Vincent helps her up and then she leaves the way they came with her Death Hounds to live in the Keep from now on after Serana good her which rooms were already occupied.

"Now then Death Hound breeder, check. Now I need a normal dog breeder as well as bird and cat breeders to make my Network stronger," says Vincent as the other three only shook their heads as they continued on their way.

They fought against Spiders and their webs that were hiding mortal traps. After passing everything they finally arrived at the Garden of Volkihar as it looked almost destroyed because no one was taking care of it.

"My father must have resented my mother for leaving him. That must be why the passage was blocked by stones," says Serana seeing the ruined Garden when Vincent puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry most can still be saved. But first, let us find your mother," says Vincent as Serana nods while Kirvena and Vyrve were standing in the middle of the garden and stand in front of the Moondial.

"Something is wrong here," says Kirvena as she found pieces missing and asks, "Do you think this is a mechanism made by your mother, Serana?"

"It could be but first we have to find we need to find the pieces. They should be lying around the garden," says Serana as they begin searching for the missing pieces and put them in the right order when a secret way opens while she says, "This is new. We should be careful since I never passed this point."

"Alright, you heard the lady," says Kirvena to both men before they walked the steps down to enter the Ruins.

Once inside they walk through it finding at first only undead that they fight while Vincent says, "We should be careful that we don't run in an ambush and suddenly the Gargoyles statues become alive to attack us."

"I will keep an eye open;" says Vyrve as they continue to climb the ruins as they enter a room and they were attacked by undead and Gargoyles.

"Your mother really made many traps for anyone that wants to visit her. I don't want to know how she treats her enemy when she treats someone that is searching for her like this," says Vincent as Serana felt sorry that they had to fight their way through.

"It can't be helped. She is most likely as paranoid as my father was. I just hope we can convince her to return to the keep now with my father dead," says Serana as they arrived at a dead-end. They looked around and find wind coming from the fireplace as Serana says, "There should be a mechanism to get past here."

They searched until Vyrve rested his arm against the wall beside a candle holder. He slipped and grabbed the holder as the holder couldn't save him as it turned to the right opening a path for them while Vyrve was on the floor.

"Good job older brother," says Kirvena as she smiled while the other two laughed about the comedy act he performed.

"Vin can you help me up," says Vyrve as Vincent helped him before they continue.

"It might be more dangerous from here on," says Vincent just to be sure but nothing really cane to be except for some undead and a Gargoyle as they arrived at the place they wanted to be Serana's mother's laboratory.

"So she isn't here," says Vincent as Serana went to the bookshelves and found her Diary she read it before handing it over to Vincent to have a glance as she says, "She did it. My mother is in the Soul Cairn."

"And the Soul Cairn is?" asks Vincent as he was the only one who wasn't shocked by what Serana said.

"It's a place were souls that were imprisoned in Black Soul Gem and used to make enchantment go to. The Realm is ruled by the Ideal Masters. I think only I can visit the plain since all of you would lose part of your soul if you followed me," says Serana as she tried to find the ingredients her mother used to open the entrance to the Soul Cairn.

"I won't let you enter alone into the unknown," says Vincent as he takes Serana in a hug from behind.

"And I don't want you to lose part of your soul because of me," says Serana as she frees herself.

"Don't worry about my son he shouldn't have a problem against the Ideal Masters since he is protected by Stendarr. If it was a Daedric Prince I would say yes he should stay but the Ideal Masters aren't as strong as a Daedric Prince is. They are just more cunning. So there shouldn't be a problem," says Akatosh who appears out of nowhere before he turns to Vincent and says, "Inside the Soul Cairn you will find a brother of yours, Durnehviir. I want you to save him by dragging Serana's mother out of the Soul Cairn. Once she isn't in the Soul Cairn his contract with the Ideal Masters will be fulfilled and he is free to room on Nirn again."

"I will do what I can," says Vincent as Akatosh disappears after saying what he wanted to say and Vincent turns to the siblings and says, "You two protect the entrance so that nothing comes out that shouldn't come out."

Hope you like it. I fell asleep while writing it so sorry it came out today.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts