
Talking with Yennefer

They sat down and Vincent opened the bottle while looking at Yennefer and asks, "Want a cup as well?"

"I prefer something else, but thanks for asking," says Yennefer as she summoned a glass and a bottle of wine.

"Everyone has his own poison," says Vincent as he didn't border to get a cup since he wouldn't share his drink with Yennefer

"Now then, you wanted to tell me about your family," says Yennefer as she took a sip from her wine.

"Was I?" asks Vincent as Yennefer looked at curious making Vincent sighs before he continues, "How old do you think I really am?"

"Well, you look like in your fifties in appearance but your eyes seem to have endured quite a lot so I would say that you must be at least older than 150 years but younger than 200 years," says Yennefer as Vincent smiles at her.

"The beard lets me look older or it can be because I am not in my real form but my appearance should look like I am 37 years old. My real age should be over 400 years. In reality, I stopped counting after 400," says Vincent as he took a sip from his bottle.

"It seems, you are older than most of us, but the old witcher might be older," says Yennefer as she took a sip from her wine.

"He could but he and I have something in common," says Vincent taking a sip from the bottle.

"And that would be?" asks Yennefer as Vincent looked at Vesemir.

"You might not see it but he and I share the same pain. His might be even stronger since the younglings don't stick together. But once he dies the wolf school might not have a home to return to," says Vincent as he turned to Yennefer.

"Now how about we talk about your family drama. You and Geralt were together but now he is with Triss by seeing the events that unfold some minutes ago," says Vincent as Yennefer takes a big sip from her glass.

"Don't remind me of that. Geralt and I were bounded by a Djinn through a wish he was granted when I was about to die when I tried to make the Djinn's power mine," says Yennefer as Vincent smiles.

"That reminds me of a friend of mine. He can be power-hungry too. Had to put him in his place many times until he became my lead researcher," says Vincent as he takes a sip from his bottle.

"Well long story short, we found the same Djinn and we revoked the wish. It turns out he didn't love me but that everything was the Djinn's power," says Yennefer as Vincent nods.

"So you were attracted to each other because of the wish. Like Triss was attracted to me just a moment ago," says Vincent as Yennefer sighs.

"Well, I had feelings for him until he crushed them when he told me that he didn't love me that way," says Yennefer making Vincent laugh.

"That reminds me of another person. She became my wife in the end but in our first life, she shot me into the wind," says Vincent as Yennefer looked at him confused.

"First Life?" asks Yennefer and Vincent realized he said too much since they were alone.

"Aye, I wasn't born on Nirn but in another place. The only people that could take me there are my father and Ciri," says Vincent as Yennefer was now even more curious about Vincent.

"My world is as magical as Nirn where magic is everywhere just the origin is different. I can tell you about it, just don't tell the others," says Vincent as he told her about Eorzea and Hydaelyn.

"Well, you have quite an interesting backstory," says Yennefer as Vincent begins to laugh out loud taking everyone's attention.

"Yes, but let's stop about my origin. How about we talk about yours?" asks Vincent as Yennefer took a sip from her glass.

"I am a Quarter-Elf, not really that interesting. My father abused me because back then I was a deformed monster in his eyes. My mother protected me at first until my father ran away with another woman. After that, she blamed me and started to abuse me as well," says Yennefer as she finished her glass of wine.

"Everything changed when I entered the school of sorcery named Aretuza. I still had my deformation and tried to kill myself but my mentor saved me over and over again. After that, I learned sorcery and on my graduation day, we women go through a ritual that changes them to the aspect they want to look like," says Yennefer as she showed the marks on her underarm.

"So they turned you into what you are now," says Vincent as Yennefer nods.

"Exactly, but it had a price that we have to pay to pass through the ritual and it is o-," says Yennefer when Vincent stops her.

"I can imagine it since I healed the part. Anyway, you don't have to tell me your whole story that was good enough," says Vincent with a smile as he drank from the bottle.

"What about you? How did you become Emperor?" asks Yennefer as she filled her glass with wine while looking at Vincent.

"Let us say, my father wanted me to become Emperor," says Vincent as Yennefer was suspicious of him now.

"I don't think your father crossed over to Nirn as well. Who is the person you call father?" asks Yennefer as Vincent smiled at her.

"Quite intelligent. I have three people that I see as a father. One is the one that raised me. The second was a blacksmith that took me in as what I was. And the last is the Father of all Dragon and Head of the Nine Divines," says Vincent as Yennefer looked at him confused.

"You said that Divine thing before. What are they, saints?" asks Yennefer as Vincent shakes his head while Yennefer was about to take a sip from her glass.

"No, they are gods," says Vincent making Yennefer spew her wine out of surprise and stood up.

"You are a descendant of a god!" shouts Yennefer as she took everyone's attention before glaring at everyone who was staring before sitting down.

"I am, and before you ask. Yes, they exist. I met all of them and my father brought me to Nirn. He even taught Ciri how to control her power. The only thing he didn't do was awaken her bloodline," says Vincent as he took a sip from his bottle.

"You mean to say that Ciri trained under a God," says Yennefer as Vincent nods.

"Yes, she learned under the God of Space and Time. It was better than learning from me since her power runs quite deep not like mine," says Vincent as Yennefer drank again.

"So she could use her power better if your father awakened her bloodline. Why didn't he do it?" asks Yennefer as Vincent finished the bottle.

"Because it is her choice to awaken her bloodline as it was my choice to become Emperor. If she awakens her bloodline she will be changed forever," says Vincent as Yennefer looked at him wanting to know what he meant with that.

"She will take the shape of an elf," says Vincent as Yennefer wanted to stand up again but this time Vincent stopped her by putting his hand on her shoulder.

"It isn't bad to be an elf in the Empire," says Vincent surprising Yennefer.

"What do you mean?" asks Yennefer.

"I really didn't want to conquer this world since I thought we shouldn't border with this world but we saw much chaos while traveling in Velen as well as Vergen. The people here need someone to guide them on the right way which isn't blind fanatism as the Holy Fire and the other churches pray about," says Vincent as Yennefer looks at Vincent surprised.

"You are planning an invasion," says Yennefer as Vincent nods.

"We already have Kaedwen and Aedirn. I sent a months ago a dwarf with a letter to my brother-in-law and my wives. They should know what to do since I can't involve myself in that," says Vincent as he knew he needed to return to the island after Ciri's Destiny has been fulfilled.

"What about the civilians?" asks Yennefer as she didn't know how Vincent operates.

"They will be lucky that it isn't me taking command over the Legions but my grandson," says Vincent as Yennefer looked serious at him.

"Many people will die," says Yennefer as Vincent nods.

"They will but how many will we safe in the future," says Vincent as he looked at Yennefer.

"Humans always think that the world should be theirs but that isn't true. The world belongs to all living beings that can be reasonable with. May they be elves, dwarves, or beastfolk. They all belong to this world and if no one wants to stand up for them, we will," says Vincent as Yennefer wasn't sure what to do.

"That means you, Sorceresses and Sorcerers as well. Vampires and Werebeasts are all the same under the Empire," says Vincent as Yennefer was thinking.

"You said that you would marry a woman from each province under the Empire, right?" asks Yennefer trying to find a solution that wouldn't lead to unnecessary bloodshed.

"I do, but my first wife decides who I marry," says Vincent as Yennefer smiles.

"Well if Nilfgaard conquers the Northern Kingdoms, you would only need to marry Ciri and all of them would be yours. Then you only needed to marry a woman from Kaedwen and Aedirn as well," says Yennefer as Vincent didn't like one bit what Yennefer was saying.

"You sound like Mina. But I have to disappoint you. Kaedwen doesn't exist any longer. All of this is Aedirn since Briin conquered it. Also, I don't marry a human," says Vincent as Yennefer glared at him thinking that Vincent was a racist.

"Not because they are human. I married plenty of them trust me. It's because of the lifespan and the pain they leave behind," says Vincent making Yennefer understand.

"Also, Ciri is quite young. She could be my descendant not like you," says Vincent as he looked at her.

"You are a mature woman that likes to scheme. I met women like you before but they all burned themselves because they thought they could play this game better than my wives," says Vincent as he looked away.

"If I were to marry Ciri it would be because she wishes so. Mina was already pushing me in that direction. But I will need a woman out of Aedirn and you seem to have quite the lifespan making you the perfect candidate if you ask me," says Vincent looking at her again.

"So you want the mother and the daughter," says Yennefer as she thought she could grasp more power that way.

"I am a man after all. But I will retreat for today. I will leave that decision to you. If you want to join you will have to meet with Mina. She is the person who has the last word," says Vincent as he stands up and leaves Yennefer behind to think about everything.

Hope you like it.

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