
Returning to the Flying Argonian

Vincent was done torturing Vaughan who was still alive just that he became a Eunuch as Vincent removed his penis completely. The light in Vaughan's eyes was gone making it clear that he was now a walking corpse.

Vincent released Vaughan from his chains when he looks at Vlad and asks, "How long did I torture him?"

"For the last two hours. The people outside are quite nervous about it since we are taking so long," says Vlad as Vincent walks over to Vaughan's friends and looks at them.

"Those two are all your," says Vincent as he leaves the room making Vlad smile.

Vlad opened his mouth wide as he bites into the neck of one of the two making the other one fall when he suddenly sees how the one bitten by Vlad began to become older.

"He tasted mediocre let's see how you taste," says Vlad as screams followed before he bit down on the other person.

Vaughan was just laying there like a corpse not knowing what was going on when Vlad finished with he walked over to Vaughan and picked him up while saying, "Too bad I can't drink your blood. It would have become my perfect day."

Vincent was in another room where the women were with the grooms and his three wives. He sees Anra putting her finger in the vagina of one of the tortured woman.

"Are they pure?" asks Vincent as Anra nods.

"Yes, everything is still intact. There were no symptoms of forced entrance making clear that both are fine even if both are quite exhausted. They were quite beautiful too bad that they have the scars on their faces," says Anra as she pitied both.

"I will still love her as her husband," says Nelaros as he took the hand of the blonde Mer.

Vincent looked closer at her and sees that she had long blonde hair that went into a ponytail her eyes were still closed making it difficult to see her eyes while her face could be compared to anyone of his wives as even the Orc he married was a beauty between her people.

Then he looked at the other who had short red hair it looked like she didn't want to grow her hair out because it would be in her way.

Vincent then picked the redhead up and says, "We have for what we came for. Let's return to the ship. We will be staying there from today on."

His wives were disappointed but they knew that they made an aggression with Ferelden since they mobilized the Legion.

"Hrotti inform the others inside the Palace and bring everyone to the ship," says Vincent as Hrotti left without appearing making the Mers think that Vincent was crazy talking to someone who wasn't there.

"Nelaros pick your wife up you will be carrying her to the ship," says Vincent as Nelaros nods.

"Yes, sir," says Nelaros when Vincent stops in his tracks.

"You don't have to call me 'sir' 'father' is good enough," says Vincent as he looked at him before he began to walk again.

They enter the main hall again finding Loghain there who was still pale when they passed him. The group passes through the gates of the Manor and arrive where Cailan and Uriel were.

"We are done here. We will take the twenty Mabaries as promised and wait for my two mages then we will leave Ferelden. But before that," says Vincent as Vlad throws Vaughan's naked body in front of both.

"I will return him to you. He already paid for his sins. He is still alive if you want to call it so," says Vincent as he then passed them and walked towards Valendrian and Cyrion.

"You two will be accompanying me to my ship. There you can make sure they are fine. Mother Boann, I will send two of my people with you to secure your safety," says Vincent as he began to move again with the others following him.

Once at the docks, Vincent turns to Valendrian and says, "I wasn't done back in the Alienage. I still need at least 4 more female Mers and 6 male ones. They can already be married to each other or still too young for the females since they can find love on Tamriel."

"But sir, it will be hard to give that many people up," says Valendrian as he was preoccupied with what was going to happen to them.

"They will be treated better than here. Living free without anyone ever telling them what to do ever again and if they are lucky enough they could marry one of the Emperor's children," says Vincent surprising Valendrian

They Legion boarded the ship finding the others already inside it. Cyrion entered with the others as he wanted to see how his daughter and niece were.

In the meantime in the Arl's Manor

Uriel was carrying his son who looked not better than a corpse as he had no will to live when Cailan says, "At least he isn't dead as you thought."

"He is dead even if he is still breathing," says Uriel as his only son couldn't give him a grandson.

"You should be happy he didn't end like those two," says Loghain as he brought two corpses into the room.

"What happened to them?" asks Cailan seriously as he saw that looked like someone drained them of life.

"We don't know. We found them in the dungeon that was full of blood. They could have drained them of blood at least it would explain all the blood in the room they were," says Loghain clueless as he looked at Uriel.

"Your son brought us into trouble that we won't be able to handle. If they walk over to Orlais because of what happened we are done for," says Loghain angry as he walked over towards Uriel and grabs him by the collar lifting him into the air.

"You should have educated him better and this whole mess wouldn't have happened. Cailan we need to order a Landsmeet to prepare for might be coming towards us. If an Orlaisian Spy saw what happened they could invite the Empire to them," says Loghain angry as he dropped Uriel since it wasn't worth killing him since Vincent didn't want his head.

"I just hope they don't invade us since we wouldn't survive it," says Loghain as he turned pale thinking about what Bryce send him.

"What do you mean?" asks Cailan as he saw Loghain for the first time this worried.

"Bryce found out that the Empire kills everything in its way leaving nothing behind so no rebellion can occur. What do you think does that mean," says Loghain as Uriel now turned pale while Cailan didn't know he was still young while the other two fought against Orlais.

"That means that they commit genocide on their enemies that's how the Empire is still standing and even rules two continents," says Loghain looked at the pale Uriel.

"We would be better off under Orlais right now thanks to your son since they only abused us and raped once in a while but now we are facing the death of all the Humans on Ferelden," says Loghain as Cailan looked confused.

"What about the Elves?" asks Cailan as they were also Fereldians in his eyes.

"We would have to worry that they betray us. With what happened here today they made a clear statement saying that the Elves aren't unimportant to them making many Elves take their side if they ever arrive here," says Loghain making Cailan nervous.

"Let's return to the Palace we need to invoke the Landsmeet as you suggested. Arl Kendells, I want you there to explain the situation since it is partly your fault," says Cailan as he turned his back to Uriel and left the Manor with his troops.

Back on the ship, Vincent was on deck looking at Denerim when Kaaras comes from behind and asks, "Are we leaving?"

"Not yet, Kaaras," says Vincent he walked to the stairs to go down to meet the Aldmers he brought into the Flying Argonian. (The Legion is in the Black Emperor)

"Are they awake?" asks Vincent as he enters the room they were staying as Anra was looking after them with the others Aldmers.

"They are still asleep. Are we departing?" asks Anra as Vincent shakes his head.

"No, we are waiting for Elissa and Daylen then we can talk about leaving," says Vincent as he walked over to the two unconscious women.

He puts his hands on them before they radiated with light again making the scars disappear. Then he walks towards a chair and sits down while looking at Cyrion.

"Those are your daughter and niece, right?" asks Vincent as Cyrion nods when Vincent asks, "What are their names?"

"My daughter is the blonde named Kallian and the redhead is Shianni, my niece," says Cyrion as Vincent looked at the other Aldmers.

"And they are?" asks Vincent wanting to know it.

"My nephew's wife Valora and the bridesmaid is Nola," says Cyrion as he looked at Vincent who was noting everything in a book when Cyrion asks, "Why are you writing everything down?"

"If you have as many children and wives as I have you will want to write everything down you know. Names are easily memorized after some time but it's hard to remember everything. That's why I have a book where I write everything down about their likes and dislikes," says Vincent as he closed the book.

"What will now happen to them?" asks Cyrion as he was worried.

"Nothing as they will be raised with my other children then they will get rewarded with land to build their family once they are old enough," says Vincent as he explained it to Cyrion.

"That means I won't be able to see my grandchildren," says Cyrion as he sighs when Vincent laughed.

"Why would that be the case. You wouldn't be on this ship if I didn't want to take you with me," says Vincent surprising Cyrion.

"But you said-," say Cyrion when Vincent interrupts.

"You are too old to be adopted but not too old to sail with us to Tamriel," says Vincent as he stands up and walks towards the door leaving the women in Anra's hands.

Vincent was back on deck it was night already as he watched over Denerim thinking about the future when he sent a letter to Lucia saying, 'It's time to use Sheogorath.'

Hope you like it.

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