

The Normandy landed on Novaria, Titania was surprised at how they were welcomed while Vincent smelled a trap behind everything when Titania whispers, "Keep your eyes peeled we are running into a trap."

They followed the researcher inside the building with her two guards followed by Titania's group which was made of Liara, Tali, and Ashley.

Vincent's group was made of Azura, Ellana, and Yennefer as they all were led into the entrance hall of the building where Heretics and a platoon of Commandos pointing their guns at them.

"Hands in the air and the Asari should slowly move towards us," commands one of the Commandos as Vincent and his group weren't faced by it.

'Do we intervene or do we let Titania deal with the situation?' asks Yennefer using telepathy when they see Titania holding a grenade in her hand.

'It seems we will be going frontally into the enemy,' says Ellana as her hand was ready to shot the first spell.

Titania throws the grenade while shouting, "Everyone, take cover!"

She moved her hand towards her back, grabbing her Avenger when she sees a bullet hit the grenade which made it explode. This confused not only the enemy but also Titania's group as her three companions looked from where the bullet came from when they see a revolver that was black and white.

The person holding the revolver was Vincent as he was holding his Caliburns. He was wearing his Mechanist-set (Weathered Gunslinger's Set) when lightning suddenly came shooting from behind him.

The lightning struck the Heretics which destroyed them as their internal battery exploded from the overcharged. Vincent still shot at the empty husks just to make sure that they weren't playing dead.

The Commando began to shot at them and Vincent hides behind cover while looking at Azura and Yennefer when he says, "How about a hand over here."

"Really?" asks Yennefer as she sees Vincent nod making her sigh.

"Fine, but only because you asked for it," says Yennefer as she sees the enemy approach them.

The enemy was thinking that Ellana's spell was an emp-grenade they throw at the Geth while the explosion of the other grenade took their attention.

Vincent changed from the Caliburns to the Oathkeeper when Yennefer calculated the advance of the enemy and erects a wall of fire separating the Commando while burning everyone that was in between both groups.

"Now!" shouts Yennefer as Vincent leaves cover and shots his shotgun at the enemy that was close enough creating a hole in the chest.

He moves forward and hits the next enemy with the handle on the face while moving the next bullet into the barrel. The enemy was holding his face when Vincent pointed the barrel at his head and pulls the trigger splashing the whole brain all over the floor.

Titania's group suddenly woke up from the chaos as they shot at the separated and confused Commando taking them down.

Once done cleaning the room, the groups joined and Titania asks, "Has anyone seen where the researcher went?"

"She took the right door but I can feel more people waiting for us there. Going through the left door would be recommended if we don't want to fight our way through all the people on the station," says Azura who hasn't fought so far.

"I haven't seen you dirty your hands yet," says Ashley mocking Azura not knowing who Azura was.

"You want to see how I dirty my hands. If I do so you won't be able to show your skills," says Azura back as a scythe appears in her hands while her Daedra Armor surrounded her body.

She walked towards the right door on her own while Ellana sighs and says, "I would keep my eyes open at night from now on if I was you."

"Is that a threat?" asks Ashley as Ellana shakes her head.

"It is only a warning. You don't know who you provoked right now," says Ellana as they could hear screams coming from behind the right door.

"They have begun it seems," says Yennefer confusing Titania's group.

"They?" asks Liara as Vincent nods.

He walks towards the door and passes through it with the others when they find blood all over the room with people in the same armor as Azura just with other Daedric Weapons in hand.

They all looked at Ashley all of a sudden while releasing killing intent when Titania asks quietly, "What is going on and who are those people?"

"Remember who Azura is," says Vincent as Titania nods before realizing that Ashley might have offended a god-like being.

"Those are her followers. They can't be killed in this World. They would just return to Oblivion and return when called upon again," says Vincent before the Daedra entered a Dark Portal returning to Azura's Realm of Oblivion.

"Try to keep up, girl," says Azura to Ashley as she passed her.

"Is she always like that?" asks Titania as Vincent smiles.

"She is the most caring person in the world if she isn't provoked. But the moment you infuriated her no one is safe. You saw Karliah right," says Vincent as Titania nods.

"Yes, what does that have to do with Azura?" asks Titania confused.

"The Dunmer, her race, used to be Chimer like how Azura looks like in her actual body. The Tribunal, an old group of god-like people, killed her former lover. Her rage turned the Chimers into Dunmers making their skin turn black and their eyes red so they never forget what they did to her lover," says Vincent as Titania had some shivers pass her spine thinking what she could do to humanity if she gets enraged.

"What will she do with Ashley?" asks Titania as Vincent smiles.

"She will only teach her a lesson, I hope," says Vincent not sure of it himself.

"That doesn't give me much hope," says Titania as Vincent sighs.

"That's everything I can give you. Ashley should be happy that she enraged Azura and not someone else I don't want to name. He could have turned her into cheese and feed her to us without us knowing it," says Vincent as Titania was feeling shivers pass her back from hearing that.

"Yeah, hearing about it and actually seeing it are two different things. I never touch cheese when I am around him just out of caution. Even on my wedding day, I avoided it," says Vincent as he looked at the back of his wife.

"I should try to calm her down before an assassin appears out of nowhere and kills Ashley," says Vincent as he went after his wife to calm her down.

They continued and Azura cleared one room after the other giving neither side the chance to fight as she and her followers took everyone down.

They were about to enter the last room when Vincent finally calmed down Azura who was satisfied with seeing Ashley's face which expressed disbelief.

They entered the room and find Liara's mother and a Rachni Queen which was imprisoned. Vincent was fascinated by the Rachni Queen as the Citadel thought that the Rachnies were gone.

"I didn't know that the Rachnies still exist," says Vincent as Titania's group was shocked to see a living and breathing Rachni Queen.

"That is something unbelievable," says Liara as she was the oldest of the four when her mother looked at her.

"What is so unbelievable in seeing a Rachni Queen. The Krogans could impossibly kill every last one of them," says Benezia as her eyes were black which confused Liara who knew that this wasn't the natural eye color of her mother.

"Something is wrong with my mother," says Liara warning the others as they all suddenly felt someone or better-said something trying to enter their mind.

Vincent's group was enraged as Vincent suddenly shouted at Benezia throwing her through the room when Vincent was the one that was enraged the most as his inner Dragon came out.

He was stomping his feet on the ground leaving marks on it as he walked towards Benezia while the other three tried to calm him down.

They knew that once Vincent's inner Dragon took over he was a berserk that doesn't care about what happens next. Yennefer created a barrier around Benezia while Ellana created a barrier around Vincent and Azura who stood in front of Vincent.

{Out of the way, woman!} shouts Vincent making Azura's hair fly in the wind.

"You dare to shout at me you lowly Wyrm!" shouts Azura back as she rushed at Vincent.

"What is going on?" asks Titania once she was back to sense.

"Vincent's inner Dragon is out. It will take a moment for Vincent to take over again. But until then get the woman out of here," says Yennefer as Titania and the others rushed towards the unconscious Benezia.

Titania and Liara grabbed her and carried her away while Tali and Ashley gave cover and Yennefer continued to hold the barrier on Benezia which was on her skin.

They left the room while the Rachni Queen was in terror because of Vincent's aura which the others couldn't feel because they weren't animals.

The Rachni Queen could feel the presence of Vincent's inner Dragon as she covered in one of the corners of her cell, while Vincent and Azura were exchanging blows with each other.

Azura was winning as Vincent was going at her frontally without thinking which made him predictable for her.

Soon Vincent's eyes turned from red to blue again which indicated that Vincent was back to normal.

"I lost control of myself," says Vincent as he notices the barrier around him and Azura.

"Finally you are back. Let's hope that the others are alright," says Ellana as she removed the barrier around the two.

"What should we do with the Rachni?" asks Azura as she looked at the cage when Vincent walked towards the console and touched a big red button.

The cage opened and Vincent says, "You are free as long as you don't interfere into the Empire's business. If you ever dare to try to control a citizen of the Empire ever again, I will make you regret it making sure that every last one of you dies under my flames."

The Rachni Queen ran away as fast as possible from there while the three went to regroup with the others. They find the group talking to a clear-headed Benezia before she asks to be killed by them while she is still in control.

Liara said her goodbye to her mother while hugging her with the barrier still between both. Once they said their goodbye Titania gave Benezia a merciful death by killing her fast.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts