
Mina vs Elisif

He entered through the door and find Elisif facing Mina and Vincent suddenly feels some tension between them. Then Sofie and Lucia run towards Vincent and both hide behind him while Snow was hiding in between his feet.

"What happened?" asks Vincent the girls.

"That woman entered our house saying that she needed to pass mom's test since then they began staring at each other," says Lucia scared of both.

They suddenly turn towards Vincent and Mina says with a straight face that scared Vincent, "Who is this woman?"

"Ah, she is Elisif do you have a problem with her?" asks Vincent that now wanted to hide behind the girls.

"She doesn't want to understand that she is the second wife of yours," says Mina as she looks at Elisif again.

"And you don't want to understand what nobility is. I'm ranks over you, woman," says Elisif to Mina.

"Oh, really you think that you are better than the rightful Dominion heir," says Mina back.

"What does she mean with Dominion heir?" asks Elisif angry.

"Both of you stop," says Vincent as he releases his aura making both stop then he turns to Elisif and says, "If you want this political marriage you need to accept her demands."

Elisif turns to Vincent and says, "I can't accept that she is your first wife."

"Then you should have cone earlier when he was unimportant like I did. I love him with everything I have so don't think you will get the spot just because you are a Jarl," says Mina.

"There she is right. I can't make you my first wife just because of your status when I don't even love you," says Vincent stating the truth right now.

"So I have to be under her," says Elisif angry.

"Better under me than Aela," says Mina back.

"Who is Aela?" asks Elisif now confused about who Aela is.

"She is also a wife candidate that is pretty good in accepting the hierarchy of this house," says Mina as she explains who Aela is.

"So you were saying the truth before," says Elisif now shocked.

"We even shared the bed all together a week ago. It was quite fun with all her ideas," says Mina making Elisif go red since it's been long since she did it.

Vincent was holding his head and says, "Have you decided on it or do I bring you back to Solitude. So we can continue with our normal life."

Elisif stares at Vincent angry at first before sighing and says, "Fine, but we won't live in this tiny house."

"Oh, no this is our old house. I was in the middle of building my new house when my anger got the best of me and I went to kill Ulfric," says Vincent informing her about the house that he was building.

"So you have another house," says Elisif making Vincent nod and she says, "Then I'm fine with it. Where will I sleep from today on? I won't sleep in the same bed as you. Just because we are getting married."

"Never assumed that," says Vincent when he walks towards Lydia and gives her a bag of money and says, "Lydia, I will need your room for her until the house is complete. You will need to sleep in the Bannered Mare until then."

"Yes, my Thane," says Lydia as she leaves the house with the money bag to reserve a room for tonight in the Bannered Mare.

"You will sleep in the Guest room for today. Where is Tullius by the way?" says Vincent curious to find out where he was.

"He is at Dragonsreach he will be sleeping there tonight while I wanted to meet your and my future family," says Elisif as the tension in the room disappeared after everything.

The girls suddenly appear behind Vincent and Sofie asks, "Is she also becoming our Mom?"

"It seems so but what about Mom Mina?" asks Lucia when Mina goes over and hugs them.

"Nothing will happen to me. Your Dad is only wanted to have a Mom at home while I and he are out on our adventure," says Mina trying to explain to them why Vincent will marry Elisif in a simple way except of telling them the truth and says, "Now how about we talk with your new mom Elisif without fighting."

"Yes," say both girls as they approach with Mina. Vincent picked Snow up and also approach them.

They begin to talk to her while Vincent was holding back listening to them finding out that Elisif didn't really have a superiority complex but was a kind woman that just can't accept somethings since she just became a Jarl not even a year ago.

Then Vincent takes out some fancy clothes out and hands them to Sofie and Lucia while saying, "They are yours. I got them from a shop in Solitude for you two. Also." He takes out the dress he got for Mina and says, "This one is yours. I thought you would like it."

"Quite the gentleman," says Mina as she takes the dress and says, "Let me put it on." She goes up and puts it on and comes down. The dress fits Mina and showed her curves perfectly and she asks, "Do I look good."

Vincent was speechless while Sofie and Lucia gave her compliments. "He really has a fashion sense," says Elisif after seeing Mina in her dress.

"He is a man of many talents after all. Now can you cook Elisif?" asks Mina wanting to know if she could.

"A little. I don't have much time since my husband died and I took over as Jarl," says Elisif when Mina looks at Vincent.

"So she is a widow," says Mina to Vincent.

"It wasn't my idea but Tullius," says Vincent defending himself.

"He is right. Tullius and my Stewart Falk convinced me to marry Vincent to stabilize Skyrim," says Elisif in a sad tone.

The girls tried to cheer her up when Mina says, "Well, you could have chosen poorly but you didn't. Vincent is a kind man. You see the girls right. He adopted them and gave them a home. And saved me from bandits when they captured me. You really have good luck to marry him and not some asshole noble that doesn't appreciate you."

"Really? For me it looks like he doesn't like the idea," says Elisif when Mina hugs her and whispers, "You will need some time but sooner or later you might fall in love with each other."

Mina then let go and says, "But remember he is still mine too. So don't monopolize him."

Vincent brings the girls into their room and they lay in their beds when Vincent counts them the story of Nidhogg and the Warrior of Light. Making Elisif open her eyes wide hearing this story from the dinner table.

"Is that bedtime story true?" asks Elisif, Mina that was cleaning the table.

"You mean the stories that Vincent counts. Yes, they are true. It seems his homeland was invaded by dragons even before he was born and that the dragons and humanoids made a treaty before he arrived here with magic," says Mina trying to hide Vincent's divinity.

"Really magic?" asks Elisif interested.

"Something like that. He was there when Nidhogg died and the Dragons in his homeland have their power in the eyes. He helped a friend and the next moment he found himself in Helgen," says Mina explaining to Elisif how Vincent came to Skyrim.

"It's still not a good explanation," says Elisif not convinced with it.

"Maybe one day he will explain it to you," says Mina as she hands a cup of warm chocolate to Elisif.

Vincent then leaves the room of the girls as they were already sleeping soundly. When he sits down across both and says, "It seems you became friends after a rocky start."

"She is more reasonable than you are. Irileth came after they finished for the day saying that you disappeared on a Dragon towards the Throat of the World. She also said that a quarter of the furniture was made," says Mina informing Vincent about the situation on the house.

"Good to know. Tomorrow I will be in Dragonsreach with Elisif. Can you help her tomorrow?" asks Vincent.

"I will. Lydia might look after the girls then," says Mina as she stands up after finishing her hot chocolate and says, "We should go to sleep. Tomorrow you two will have a long day."

Elisif finishes her drink too and follows Mina up. Mina showed her the guest room and Elisif says, "It will do I think. At least I don't have to sleep with him in the same bed."

"He won't force you don't worry. Before that happens he must have hit his head and forgot who he is," says Mina as she hands some clothes to sleep into for Elisif while saying, "Good night."

"You too," says Elisif as she closes the door behind herself.

Vincent walks up and sees Mina changing as he takes her to bed and says, "You don't need the rest." As they begin to make out."

In the guest room, Elisif was hearing Mina moans and puts her cushion over her head while thinking, 'Don't they know that I can hear them. It's a wonder that the kids are sleeping.'

The next morning Vincent and Mina wake up and find Elisif cooking breakfast while Lydia was sitting on a chair. Sofie and Lucia are training outside and Mina says, "You are up early it seems."

"Well two people didn't let me sleep much last night," says Elisif as she hands over two plates to them while Vincent had a smile wanting to laugh when Mina was blushing a bit and Elisif says, "The food is long ready and you two are the last two to eat."

She serves them the food and Mina says, "Let's eat fast we have things to do after all."

They finish their breakfast fast and Vincent with Elisif left the house and walked towards Dragonsreach. Once there they meet with Tullius and Balgruuf that were waiting for them.

"Is it true what Tullius told me?" asks Balgruuf Vincent, who didn't know what he meant and Balgruuf rephrases and says, "Did you kill Ulfric in a duel."

"Yes, nice clean cut and his head was off his body," says Vincent making Balgruuf think about what Irileth told him last night.

"So I heard from Tullius that you will be marrying Elisif and conjure the Moot to vote for the next High King. Why not just become High King without marrying her. You have that much power that you could be the next Emperor if you wanted," says Balgruuf making Tullius sweat a bit.

"I don't have experience in ruling with Elisif by my side I can deal with the physical part of the job while she will do the mental part of it until I can do it too," says Vincent explaining to Balgruuf why he was marrying Elisif.

"And you are alright with that Elisif?" asks Balgruuf.

"Yes, with this we can stabilize Skyrim and help the Empire to its former glory with Vincent as our new King," says Elisif trying to convince Balgruuf of her decision.

"Alright, I already wanted to leave Dragonsreach for a while. My youngest is obsessed with something he shouldn't be obsessed with. By leaving here he will forget that voice from the cellar and might be able to trust me again," says Balgruuf as he stands up and gives Vincent the key to the cellar and says, "I trust you with this key to never open the door in the cellar. Inside it is a Daedra Artifact that drove my father crazy. We had to seal it behind the door. So it never sees the sun again. Promise me you won't ever take it out. It will only bring destruction and if you do don't lose yourself in it."

Then Balgruuf turns to Elisif and says, "From today on Jarl Elisif the Fair are you the new Jarl of Whiterun Hold. Accept this title as yours."

"Thank you, Jarl Balgruuf," says Elisif before she says, "From today on Balgruuf the Greater are you the new Jarl of Haafingar. Accept this title as yours."

Balgruuf nods and looks at Vincent and says, "I hope you will lead us to greatness and I didn't give everything my family built fall to crumble because I'm not here any longer. Proventus, I hope you will serve Elisif as you served me. We will see each other in a month at the Moot."

Balgruuf then goes up and begins to prepare to leave Whiterun with his family when Elisif says, "Wasn't that too easy."

"He had already made his mind up yesterday when he talked to Tullius but wanted to see your conviction in your proposal of marrying each other to bring peace to Skyrim. Also, with the Daedric Artefact here his youngest was losing his path and was slowly being manipulated by it. That's why he wanted to leave too," says Proventus explaining why Balgruuf accepted this faster than they believed he would then he says, "Let me explain how everything work here in Whiterun."

Hope you like it.

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