
Entering the Collector Base

"How much damage have we suffered from the impact?" asks Titania holding her head as the violent shaking made her lose her footing.

"Some external damages but not something vital was destroyed on the impact. The crew is lightly injured but nothing that Medi-gel can't fix," says EDI as Titania looks at Vincent.

His face was slowly healing itself as the cracks began to slowly close themselves when Vincent put his helmet back on and walks towards the group of four who were sitting on the ground breathing heavily.

"You all did well," says Vincent as he helps Vlad and Ikora up first before helping his children.

"Next time let us evade the beam," says Ishly as Vincent chuckles from hearing Ishly complain that seriously about something.

"Maybe," says Vincent as he saw under his armor some cracks running over his arm.

"It seems, I almost ascended to Godhood," says Vincent seriously as he wasn't ready yet.

"Is it that bad?" asks Titania confused as Vincent nods.

"It is not my time to ascend yet. There are the Reapers that need to be defeated before I ascend," says Vincent as he ignored the cracks running down his whole body.

"We should hold a meeting. EDI, scan the Collector base and find out where they are holding our crew and how to destroy the whole thing," says Titania towards EDI before she walks toward the meeting room.

"Will do so, Commander," says EDI as Vincent looks at Vigilance.

"Help her. Two minds work better than one," says Vincent as Vigilance nods before leaving Vincent's side.

Vlad returns to Vincent's shadow before they go to the meeting room. There they wait for everyone to arrive as Liara was treating everyone with Gardner's help.

Titania was waiting for EDI's report like everyone else when EDI appears and begins to roadmap the Collector Base for them.

"We scouted the whole base and found out that there are two entrances. Both ways lead to the same room but one person needs to enter this shaft and reach the room to open it from the inside," says EDI highlighting everything for them.

"I volunteer to go through that shaft," says Jacob before anyone else could say anything.

"It would be recommended to send a person with Tech-skills through the shaft so he or she can open the door as fast as possible since you are going to be surrounded by the enemy," says EDI as Titania looked at Tali before looking at Legion.

"I should do this. In case something serious happens I can just upload myself while Creator Tali'Zorah could die," says Legion as he was the only logical choice for this mission.

"I agree, Legion can upload himself if he is about to die while everyone else only has one life out there," says Vincent agreeing with Legion on this.

"Then we have decided who is going through the shaft. Now we need to know who will be leading the second team," says Titania as she would be leading the first team which would be helping Legion to get through the shaft in one piece.

"I recommend Tristan or myself as the team leader of the second team," says Miranda seriously as Vincent thought it to be reasonable since they both know how to lead people.

"I recommend Garrus as team leader of the second squad. He led a group of vigilantes on Omega and had all the Mercenary Groups on toes," says Vincent surprising everyone as they thought he would recommend himself.

"No, we need someone with experience that can adapt to every situation and that is you," says Tristan seriously as Vincent led wars while their Ancestors might not have been born yet.

"I agree with Tristan. Vincent will be leading the second team which will be the decoy for the first team and Legion," says Titania as she looked at Vincent.

Vincent sighs as he accepted the position for now when Titania turns to the others again and says, "Thane, Grunt, and Jack will be coming with me the others will be going with Vincent."

"Does that mean I will be joining as well?" asks Gardner as he was having an Avenger on his back while treating Jack at the moment.

"You will be staying behind with Joker, Gardner. He and EDI will be needing help in preparing the Normandy for when we leave," says Titania to Gardner with a smile.

"I know that you want to do more, my friend. But the best you can do for now is to make sure that we all make it out of here alive," says Vincent putting a hand on his shoulder.

"The most vital part of our escape is the Normandy. If she can't start before we are done we will all die here," says Vincent making it clear to Gardner that if the Normandy wasn't able to leave nobody would be able to tell this tale.

"Also, Garrus, Zaeed, and Tristan, you two are my vice-captain. You will both lead a team under my command," says Vincent as he looks around the room.

"Garrus, you will lead Provus, Tali, and Samara. Tristan, you will lead Miranda, Ishly, and Zaeed. Zaeed, you will lead Mordin, Ikora, and Jacob. Liara, Kasumi, Ser Jorey, and Fenris are in my team," says Vincent as he looks at them.

"If I give a command you will follow it even if it sounds reckless you need to trust me because we won't be able to come out alive if we don't trust each other," says Vincent to his team while Ishly was looking at the projection.

"How many targets do you think we will encounter here?" asks Ishly curiously to Vincent turned towards the projection of the Collector Base.

"At least a million," says Vincent seriously looking at it while being realistic about it.

"But a lot of them should be dead from the fighting against us and The Taken King. So I would say that at least less than half of them should still be around," says Vincent as it wasn't something that reassured the group.

"Don't worry, I lead an army of five-hundred men out of Skyrim and conquered the whole continent known as Tamriel in almost a year. And we had two Empires to defeat which had more people than I had when I started the campaign," says Vincent trying to lift the mood.

"You heard him," says Titania as she looked at the projection when something shined red.

"The crew is probably held right there. We don't know what that room might be but it is quite spacious," says EDI as Vincent didn't like that at all.

"It could be a prison in which they hold all the people," says Vincent assuming that the room was being used that way.

"We will find out once we are there," says Titania as they looked at the projection when Titania says, "Everyone knows what we have to do. The whole Universe counts on us to defeat the Collectors. Let us show them what we are made of."

They move out as Vincent was leading the bigger group into the second entrance. He was holding his Gjallarhorn as they entered and they straight up began to take everyone's attention with Vincent shooting the Gjallarhorn twice.

"This should have taken their attention," says Vincent as he changed to his spear again.

"If they don't have us on their radar I have to ask myself if they are deaf and blind," says Garrus as the Collectors were already on their way.

Vincent puts one finger to his ear and says, "We have their full attention. Begin your entry while we try to get to the door," says Vincent as he removes his finger from his ear and says, "Zaeed, left flank! Garrus, right flank!"

Garrus and Zaeed with their team followed Vincent's instructions as they saw the enemy incoming while Vincent took the center with Tristan.

They waited until the enemy was in range when Vincent says, "Fire!"

Anyone who had a gun began to shoot at the enemy while Provus used his Darkness and Vincent used his spear.

This took more attention from the Collectors since they now knew that they were coming from the front entrance. Vincent leads the group towards where the door should be while killing the Collectors which seemed to come from every direction.

The group was now in a circle formation trying to cover every blind spot as they moved forward. They reached the door as Vincent tries to coordinate a perimeter around it so they can defend the place until Titania and her group can open it.

"We are getting overrun by the Collectors," says Zaeed as Vincent sees that and looks at Garrus's side to see his situation which wasn't as dire as Zaeed's.

"Tristan, go and help Zaeed. I will hold the center with my team," says Vincent as Tristan nods before his group went to reinforce the right flank.

Vincent looked at their current battlefield and thought that it was too big to defend but if they made it smaller they wouldn't have any cover to hide behind while waiting for the door to open.

"Where are you?" asks Vincent holding his ear.

"We are almost there. Legion just has to pass the last checkpoint to enter the room behind the doors," says Titania informing Vincent about their situation.

"Make haste, we are under pressure from all sides at the moment," says Vincent behind cover as he removed his hand and threw his spear at the enemy killing it before it returned to his hands.

They fought for another five minutes like that until the door opened and Vincent shouted, "Everyone to the door!"

It took some by surprise as the ground shook for a moment before they rushed for the door while Titania and her group were giving covering fire. Vincent and his group were covering the retreat of the other teams since they had the shortest way to the door.

Vincent was whistling a tune that Fenris only heard when he was trained by Vincent to control a specific power inside which only Fenris' Bloodline possesses.

Fenris suddenly began to grow as he was defending Zaeed's and Tristan's teams. His fur looked wild and his snot became longer as his fangs and claws grew bigger.

Everyone was surprised to see Fenris suddenly destroying his enemy when they saw something suspicious as Fenris opened the chest of his enemy looking for something in specific.

Everyone reached the door and Vincent whistled again making Fenris know that he needed to retreat to his position. Fenris retreated as he was covered by everyone while Legion was already working on closing the door.

Legion was ready as Vincent says, "Close the door."

Everyone was confused because of what Vincent said since that would kill Fenris. Ser Jorey was standing on Vincent's shoulder feeling sad that Vincent said that but Vincent himself was feeling sad as well.

"It was another failure but this time a mortal one," says Vincent as he looked at Fenris who had a vicious glare telling him that Fenris has lost to his inner demon.

Legion closed the door and Fenris lunged at the group which surprised them before the door closed before Fenris's eyes.

Hope you like it. I will be taking a long break until the 6th of January. I wish you all happy holidays and a good start into the new year.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts