
Bleak Fall Barrows 1

Both pass the gates and walk to the stable when Farengar asks, "You know how to ride?" "Yes, but not a horse," says Vincent when suddenly he puts the pouch he has on the ground and a giant egg appears out of it. "What will this be and where did you get such an egg?" asks Farengar and Vincent says, "Just wait a second."

Suddenly they hear a crack sound and a Black Chocobo in Warrior of Light armor was in front of them and Farengar almost falls from his horse when he sees it and asks, "What is that?" "A Chocobo. We use them as horses or oxen depending on what you need. But most of the time we just ride them and they fight by our side," says Vincent as he pets the Chocobo who became happy and Vincent named him Behemoth.

He mounted it and sees that there was still place on it for two more people on it and says, "We could use Behemoth to get there. He could carry us both." "I'm good here. Let's go I want to arrive at midday at Riverwood and arrive in the evening at Bleak Fall Barrows and camp there," says Farengar and Vincent says, "Alright, then let's move out."

They both ride towards Riverwood and Vincent asks, "What will we encounter there?" "In the best case just some bandits. Worst case we must fight against Draugs. If you don't know what a Draug is let me explain to you. They are undead and are quite easy to kill but some of them are stronger than the other. That's why I would rather fight some bandits that are already in reduced numbers than against Draugs. You never know if a stronger one is between them," says Farengar explaining more about Draugs and the ruins around Skyrim to Vincent.

They arrive at Riverwood and Farengar says, "Let's buy supplies before continuing we could stay in the ruins for days if something were to happen inside the ruins. We meet in an hour at the tavern." Farengar leaves to buy supplies and Vincent goes to the only place he knows he is well received and knocks on Alvor's door.

"Who can it be?" says Sigrid from inside until opening the door finding Vincent and says, "Ah Vincent, already back. I thought you would join Hadvar and the others once you finished with your business in Whiterun." "I wanted, but the Jarl needed someone to help his court mage and he chose me. So here I am again, for the next hour," says Vincent and Sigrid says, "Well come in Alvor is eating with Dorthe right now. If you want you can join us."

Vincent goes inside and sees Alvor and Dorthe eating and sits down beside them and Alvor says, "Ah, look who is back. I can finally feel safe with more guards around the village. Thank you for helping us. I can see that Adrianne made you a nice spear and reinforced the bow."

They begin to eat together while talking and Dorthe asked Vincent about some stories about his home. Vincent counts a story about Shiva and Hraesvelgr until an hour pass and Dorthe asks, "Did that really happen?" "Yes, over 1.000 years ago did it happen. Before the 1.000-year-old war but that is another story for another time I'm around Riverwood alright Dorthe," says Vincent and Dorthe says, "Yes."

He says goodbye and thanks before leaving and finds Farengar in front of the Sleeping Giant and says, "Am I right on time?" "A bit late but I can overlook it since your mount kept me accompanied. Now you will take the supplies since you have that bag with you," says Farengar and Vincent puts them into his bag and mounts Behemoth and both continue their journey.

They encounter some wolves on their way that Vincent takes apart and stores away in his bag. Then they arrive near the ruins and Vincent says, "Those are the ruins? Not really impressive but let's not talk about it." "We should be prepared some bandits live around here. The guards informed me about it in Riverwood. If we are lucky no Draug killing for us," says Farengar as they dismount and Farengar sent the horse back down.

Behemoth on the other didn't want to return and Farengar says, "Why isn't he returning? It will be dangerous from here on out." "They are pretty good at fighting and can use magic. So let's not worry about him. He should be able to pass through the door right," says Vincent and Behemoth rubs his head against Vincent while Farengar says, "Fine he might be useful. Just make sure he doesn't draw too much attention to us."

They continue walking and stop and Farengar says while pointing, "Do you see them up there?" "Yes, one on the left two on the right," says Logan and Farengar says, "Can you take care of the one on the left. Then we attack together the ones on the right."

Vincent takes his bow into his hand and shoots consecutive three arrows at the bandit killing it easily. They continue as Vincent buts his bow back and takes his spear in his hand. Once near enough they attack Vincent uses his jump while Farengar uses Icy Spears against the bandit. Bringing both down. Vincent then takes everything valuable and Farengar says, "Really taking from the dead." "Not everyone lives in a castle, like you. So let me take what I can to sell it later. They won't miss them," says Vincent as he finished plundering the corpses of the bandits.

They enter the ruins and find another two people that were sitting beside a camp talking to each other while two human corpses and skeever corpses were laying beside them. Vincent, Behemoth, and Farengar sneak near enough and killed both as if nothing and Farengar says, "Alright you should go deeper to look if more people are inside but not too deep if you find a door just retreat back. We will make camp here." "Fine by me. Behemoth you stand guard here just in case," says Vincent when Behemoth gives a positive cry from himself.

Vincent continues and finds more Skeever corpses until arriving at some room were again human corpses were laying on the ground. He takes a look at them and sees some thin needles in their bodies. 'They have fallen into a trap let's retreat for now since the door doesn't seem to open from the other side.'

Vincent return to the other two and Farengar asks, "Did you find something interesting?" "Some corpses in front of a door. They got hit by some thin needles and died from them. I didn't touch anything out of fear of triggering the trap," says Vincent and Farengar asks, "Were there a metal door in that room?" "Yes, it should only be able to open form our side with the lever," says Vincent and Farengar says, "They pushed the lever and the trap activated because they used the wrong combination to open the way. Let's rest for today and eat something before sleeping."

They roast some meat of the wolves they killed before arriving there while Behemoth was eating some tomatoes that Farengar bought in Riverwood. After eating they begin to sleep.

The next day they awaken well-rested and eat breakfast before going deeper into the dungeon of these ruins and they find themselves in the room with the three dead bandits and Farengar says, "It seems they didn't know the combination and just randomly but something in order. They really had to be dumb." "Why you saying that?" asks Vincent and Farengar points against the half-collapsed wall and says, "There is the combination. The old Nords build those catacombs to hold things inside not to hold us outside."

"Do every dungeon have them?" asks Vincent and Farengar says, "Some others have them, others don't. It depends on the size of the catacombs. And some use other mechanics than this one. Now help me with the combination here." Both put the combination into the right order in the pillars and push the lever and the door opens and Farengar says, "Careful now since they didn't even pass the first hurdle it means we might have to deal with Draugs down there."

They walk to the table in front of them and Vincent takes everything valuable as they walk the stairs down. Once down three Skeevers awaited them. Vincent used his spear to kill all three of them and Farengar sees Vincent not skinning them and says, "You can sell them for alchemistic ingredients. Just so you know from now on."

Vincent picks them up and says, "Thanks for informing me." Farengar throws Vincent a scroll and says, "Take this it could be useful further inside." "And this is?" asks Vincent and Farengar says, "A magic scroll. It contains a spell so people that aren't good at magic can use them to defend themselves or attack people with it. They sell for good money in the market. This one has the spell Fireball in it. It's quite good against Draugs."

They continue and find some skeleton and web and Farengar says, "The web is fresh." "So he was eaten by a spider," says Vincent and Farengar says, "Yes, but the fangs are quite big so it might be a Giant Frostbite Spider. Let's first open the chest under the web it could have some useful things inside."

They remove the web and Farengar looks at Vincent and Vincent looks at him and Farengar says, "It won't open from alone you know." "Yes, but who said I know how to open it," says Vincent and Farengar says, "Sorry, I thought you had some skill in it since you are carrying lockpicks with you."

Vincent then knees before the chest and says, "I will try, a fair warning I never did something like this before." Vincent tries and after his third try he opened it and Farengar says, "You did quite well for doing it the first time." "Might be because of the Thief Stone," says Vincent and Farengar says, "Yes, that can be useful in those things if you are under his stars. Now let's take everything that is inside while I burn the web away that is in our path."

They continue and Vincent looks up and says, "I think we aren't alone in here." "Yes, it seems it's the nest of the spider. Let me incinerate the nest as we wait outside the range of the fire it will lure it out," says Farengar and he puts the web on fire while they retreat and the whole room that was full of web began to burn like an inferno and the spider came out of it's hiding place and began to burn down in that inferno.

They heard some screams from someone and Farengar says, "If it's really a person than it's a bandit don't worry he deserves what he gets right now." They enter the room after half an hour. And find a burned spider that wasn't moving and some burned down corpses of humanoids and skeevers and Vincent uses his spear to pierce the dead spider to be sure and begins to take components of the spider until Farengar says, "I found something here."

Vincent walks over and sees a half-burned dark elf that was protecting something and Vincent pierces the elf too. Then he takes the bag from his body and looks inside finding some gold, a diary, and a Golden Claw. He shows the claw to Farengar while he reads the diary and says, "It seems its the key to open the door at the end of the dungeon." "Then we are really lucky. There are many keys like that," says Farengar and Vincent says, "Why are we lucky?"

"This claw belongs to the shopkeeper I brought our supplies from. He told me about a thief stealing it from him. If we bring it back we should get some money for it," says Farengar and Vincent says, "Let's worry about that once we are out of here." "Right you are," says Farengar and all three begin to move forward and find themselves surrounded by Draugs that were lying around in the catacombs.

Hope you like it.

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