
the dragon queen of space and her very reluctant rider

~disclaimer~ I don't use grammer practically ever so sorry

jexishere · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


in the world of kaetera dragon riders exist in fact they are very highly sought after and heavily trained to be elite warriors dragons are givens to individual academies and when they become a respectable size they are tasked to find there riders

dragons looked slightly different in this world then I am sure you would think of their wings were closer to and connected to the front legs and the middle of the body between the front and rear legs was rather thin they were slightly bigger although much taller then horses and their necks were elongated this besides the color of the dragons was generally how dragons looked with moderate differences throughout

Athena the celestial dragon queen she looked black but really she was a deep midnight blue with topaz eyes a beautiful dragon she looked quite majestic and regal

she was coming up on her deadline if she didn't find at least a candidate soon then a rider would be picked for her which was something she dreaded she saw how some riders treated their dragons and lets snug day it wasn't pleasant dragons were expected to wear a full saddle with stirrups and reins but some riders took it to the next level wearing sharp spurs and would bring riding crops or if they were really cruel full on whips this scared her as she definitely didn't want a rider like that she wanted a gentle rider and Fortunately for her she may have found one

there was man named Christopher Thurston he was a highly skilled swordsman known for his honor and justice and he was also a skilled tactician and leader which she would need since she was a dragon queen that gave her a few perks

dragons formed squadrons on the moment they arrived AND got there riders those dragons who were tested to be best suited to be leaders would be picked to lead their squad and have perks however do to the fact that Athena was a dragon ruler she could circumvent the test and automatically become a leader

it was quite fortunate that she didn't have to pick someone in the actual academy as she there were very few that didn't have riders and those few were new and she didn't want to take any risks with the person who would be riding her for many years

After getting permission from the headmaster of the academy she took off towards his home excited to meet who she hoped would be her new rider she landed in front of a small yet simple house she read that he was very modest and since he lives alone didn't need much so it is a simply two story three bedroom home

she soon realized one small problem she had no way to politely get his attention so she decided to simply use her voice dragons could talk in two ways first they could communicate telepathically but Generally they decided to use their actual mouths to talk

"hello is anyone home" Athena called a few moments later a young boy walked out he looked to be seventeen which was the age in which you were a legal adult and he looked slightly aggravated he was wearing a very dark green yukata with tabi and zori

"could you please quiet do-" he stopped as he saw the massive dragon he then put on an emotionless face

"I'm sorry for my rudeness what may I do for you my lady" he said mentally she thought 'I hope this is him because if so he's perfect' but it wasn't showing on the outside she has practiced for years to keep her emotions in check

"I'm am looking for christopher thurston" she said

"I am he" he said she mentally was jumping in glee but she didn't allow it to show meanwhile Chris was mentally cursing up a storm 'what is with my god awful luck' he thought

"excellent have you ever thought of joining striker academy" she asked striker academy was the school of dragon riders

"I have" he said

"excellent then-" she started

"and I want nothing to do with it" he interrupted

"may I ask why I have went through the file on you your a skilled warrior and have some actual experience in combat you would make a pretty good rider" she said shocked who in their right mind would decline anyone would jump at the chance to become a dragon rider

"I have my reasons but I will say this that file on me doesn't hold all of the information on me" he said and with that he bid her goodbye and wished her luck