
The Dragon Prince Likes me!

Lindsey (Lin) used to live in the city with normal humans and no dragons. She, however, is walking on a trail and gets chased by wolves. She gets rescued by a dragon, only later does she find out who he is, and much more!

Abigail_Hodgson · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Chapter One-- Waking up to hot breath

Have you ever waken up in the grass before? Have you ever had a wolf's hot breath blow into your face? Yes, and yes, I have. It all started when I was walking back to school I still had my school uniform on--a black jacket with a white ironed-on dragon picture. Underneath the jacket was a basic white, short-sleeved button-up. There was a white-knee length skirt (which matched my short bouncy white hair) black leggings, and basic black sneakers--.

I liked to think that my parents worried about me, but I knew that was never true. I was born with triplets--Me, Rose, and Anna--. One the day of our birth, Anna had a breathing issue. She couldn't breathe like me and Rose. So, the doctors put her in a special room for babies that were born with "issues." After a few weeks, Anna could come back. Sadly, three years later she died alongside Rose when a Semi-Truck ran them over.

Nobody knew what happened to Rose's body, but they found Anna's corpse laying not-human-like on the street in a pool of blood. After that, my parents hovered over me and never let me be like normal kids. I was well known through town. Everybody knew about my parents. They all acted like I was normal just to make me feel better. I knew that they secretly whispered their doubts, whispering that they thought I would die soon because of what happened to my beautiful triplet sisters.

I moved the loose brick near the door out of the way and grabbed the house keys. I unlocked the door and went inside, tossing the keys on the counter and slamming the door shut. I flopped face-first on our black love-seat. "How was school today, honey?" Mom's voice asked in the hallway, coming closer to the living room. I grunted and rolled back-first on the love-seat. Mom was standing next to me. "Well?" She asked. "It was fine. Same ol'-same ol'." I sighed, getting up and taking my backpack off.

"It felt like a dream when we got no homework today." I said, walking over to my room. Mom followed me. "But don't you have a test coming up?" Mom asked. I groaned. "No, we don't. That was three weeks ago." I snapped, getting my gum packet out and getting a piece. Mom watched me as I put it back in my hidden skirt pocket and unwrapped it, and then slowly placed it on my tongue and started chewing on it.

We had these stare downs where Mom would try to read how my day went as I would as well. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." I said at last, yawning as if on cue. "Fine. Get to bed. I'll wake you up when dinners ready." Mom sighed, walking down the hallway. I entered my room and fell on my bed, and started to sleep.

                                                                    •~|(Two Hours Later)|~•

"Puff...puff...puff..." There was a hot breath on my face. If Dad had gotten back and thought it would be funny to blow his breath on my face, then he was going down. I opened my eyes quickly. There, I didn't see my Dad grinning mischievously, I saw a grey wolf snout in my face. I screamed and got up quickly. The wolf growled. Other wolves joined in, walking closer, ears bowed, teeth bared. Why was I outside? How did these wolves end up here?

I tried to remember, but I got distracted by the wolves snarling, barking, and howling. I was scared. I trembled and edged backward, slowly getting to my feet. The first wolf took a step closer. "D-dont come near me! I don't taste very good!" I yelled, hoping to draw attention of a park ranger or another person hiking around. There was nobody, and my yelling only made the wolves more angry. I heard a loud roar. Not long after, there was a heavy flapping of wings. The wolves looked up.

There was a black dragon flying in circles above us.