
The Dragon Lord's Apprentice

A young stable hand lives a uneventful and simple life, until one day when she looks to the skies and sees opportunity for something greater.

Extinct_Vessel · Fantasia
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6 Chs

A New Morning

It was just another dreary day in Brossta. An old woman being accused of witchcraft, the shoemaker selling his shoes for far more than they are worth. The local children pelting the old golem standing guard at the gates with stones for fun. Kresha was not one to join in the amusement with the other kids, for she had more important things to worry about.

Kresha had been working as a stable hand for the past four years for a distant relative she didn't even know existed named Drest , the owner of his crumbling shanty stable. He was an old man who needed someone to help with the chores he could no longer do for a person of his age. And she was the perfect choice. Perhaps his only. When the horses needed to be fed, she would fetch the oats with a smile on her face. When she had to shovel dung, she did so with a great enthusiasm and pride. Yes, it had been a pretty decent and honest job. She had always tried to do her best in return for him giving her a place to stay. Just as her parents always told her. "Do good for others and they'll do the same for you."

If only she realized that was an even bigger pile of dung than what the horses were making.

Drest had never worked a day in his life. He inherited the stable from his cousin after he was trampled by a runaway cow, but hadn't the slightest idea how to run it. Nobody bought or even rented the horses. They were all small, weak, and unwanted, Just like Kresha. Although she cared for them the best she could, they would never be a fine enough animal to breed or sell to someone. She had thought about moving on and finding other places to work that would offer her even a bit of coin. But every time she told Drest she was leaving it was always. "Girlie!, if your thinkin of scurian out of ere for somethin better, don't bother, cause this is as good as it's goanna get fer both of us in life!" And that was his gentler tone.

She hated working here and she hated him, but she did love the horses. And so she stayed for them. Even if no one else cared about them. She would. Drest had never bothered to give them names, so she was happy to oblige.

There were only three horses in the small cramped stable hut. Lady, Bear and skipper. Lady was the youngest of the three, and she was not even a real horse. She was but a little cream colored mule with short stubby legs. But despite her small stature, she always acted like she was a slender and beautiful mare trotting around proudly. To which Kresha found adorably funny and sweet.

Bear was the oldest of the group. He was an old work horse the color of dark coal who had been used for many years in ploughing fields and crops but was just too worn down and weak to carry on in those duties anymore. He now mostly just spent his days eating hay and lying down when tired. (which was often). He sometimes would nap interrupted for what felt like days at a time before even waking up, almost like he was hibernating. Hence his gentle cozy nickname.

And lastly there was Skipper. A young chestnut colored stallion who had been the third jousting horse of a famed knight from Tesria until a piece of the opposing knight's lance pierced his rear leg. He could no longer run after the tournament and was bought by Drest. Which was fortunate because, most horses who are no longer able to serve for a knight are often retired. Permanently. He was a rather cheery horse regardless, and despite his injury, neighed and kicked enthusiastically whenever Kresha was near. She was especially close to him.

And so it was that every day she cared for the three. Feeding them oats, leading them around the green field nearby for exercise(and a few apples), and finally cleaning and brushing their flowing mane's which was always her favorite part of the day. When she wasn't enjoying these duties, she had the far less enjoyable task of fetching water from the town well every single day.

Which of course had to be more than two miles away.

"Girlie! Get up and go and fetch the water!!" Was her wakeup call in the early morning. Courtesy of Drest.

"Yeah yeah! I'm going!" Was her rebuttal.

She would stretch her limbs and carefully sneak out of her bed of hay in the center of the stable. The reason for being so quiet was so that she wouldn't disrupt her horses sleep. She may not have been allowed to sleep in on mornings, but Kresha always made sure that they could at least.

She gently petted skipper's shoulder as he stood in place fast asleep leaning against the doorway. Careful as not to wake him.

"See you in a bit boy" She whispered into his ear before smiling and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He seemed soothed by her presence.

She exited the stable and grabbed her stick on the ground tied with two buckets, hanging rom both ends, putting it to rest and balance on her shoulders. She walked out from underneath the shadow of the stable roof to be greeted with the warm sun hitting against her freckled pale face. She breathed in the cool air and let out a faint smile before finally starting her usual long trek into town.

The muddy road was cold and deep as she trudged through it barefooted. (The thought of Drest buying her shoes was something she could only dream of). Maybe she could could ask for cobbler elves to make her some in exchange for a few apples. Maybe a fancy castle to go along with it. Kresha put aside her wishful thinking and kept on walking. Hearing the taunts and laughter of other wealthier children playing by a damaged cart outside the town gate that had become stuck on the side of the road. Saying there goes the muddy horse girl again. She stinks like a pig. They would laugh and hold up their nose as she walked by.

She would punch them all in the face. Very very hard one day she imagined. But there were seven of them and only one of her.

Some other time perhaps.

She kept walking past them with her head down low before finally arriving at the wooden gate's of Brossta. The enormous rocky golem still keeping it's watchful eye on the lookout for any bandits or ruffians that tried to enter or cause trouble for the good law abiding citizen within its high walls. Kresha smiled and waved as she stood swallowed in the giant stone sentry's shadow. She received back a slight smile and quick head tilt from the stone giant before returning to his duties.

The golem raised it's bulky stone arm covered in moss to open the massive heavy iron door for her. Kindly gesturing for her to quickly enter the confines of the city. It was his job to protect every citizen of Brossta, no matter how poor they may be and that included her. 

She nodded and quickly entered through the doors slowly closing behind her creakily. Once again she could hear the sounds of stones bouncing off the back of the golem's head to which it could care less. He still stood standing unfazed by the children as they returned to pelting him with rocks by the cart. This ancient guard had dealt with far worse than spoiled bored brats. She envied his restraint. Kresha wanted to ask the children to stop using him as target practice, but could not bring herself to confront them as she walked past their fearsome looking group. It was best to just keep waking as always and keep to herself. He was a ten foot giant. She was just..Her.

She approached along the bustling town streets slowly. Trying to take in the delicious smell of freshly baked bread and sweets being set out for display by the numerous shop owners just starting their day. Kresha swore that one day she would devour every single sweet in the world if the chance ever presented itself to her. She liked coming to town well enough. Mainly for the the wonderful sights and sounds of laughter. She could hear the blacksmith hard at work hammering away at his anvil . And even a few traveling bards sharing their wonderful stories and tunes from far away lands, which always caused crowds to form in circles to listen in utter awe. But still she kept walking. She would be in trouble with horst if she returned late again she knew.

She arrived at the town square which was crammed with stalls and carts in every direction, making it hard to move toward the well. All the vendor's wanting to lure in those looking to buy from their stock's if they had the required coin. Kresha had only about three copper shillings hidden away under her pile of hay at home. (Drest always took whatever else she managed to find off the streets and roads). Once she left home she would take those three life savings of hers to help buy her a carriage ride straight out of Brosta. Where to..., She still did not know. The world was massive and scary. But She knew there was some good in it if she looked hard enough. 

Speaking of which...

"Hey Kresha!" Exclaimed the local butcher's boy rushing at the far back of the line to use the well behind her. Kresha tried waving her hand in response as it hang off the side of her stick. Struggling with the weight of the buckets."Hi Durgan." She smiled before grunting from the weight on her shoulders. Her limbs were stiff and growing tired.

"Long line today!" He said, tilting his head and noticing her discomfort. Gonna be a while. I can hold your buckets for a while if you need help."

Kresha smiled graciously. Sure, that'd be great. Thanks!" Durgan swapped her two large buckets to rest atop his broad strong shoulders. In exchange he handed her back his one small tin pail to hold in her thin arms.

"Ahh..., that's much better!" Kresha exclaimed. Arching her back and cracking her tensed up knuckles. Creating a popping sound.

"How do you do this every day!" Asked Durgan impressed as he started lifting the bar up and down testing it. "This weighs a ton!"

"You think its bad now, try carrying it back when its full of water." Kresha smirked as she stretched her arms back. Careful to not hit him or any other starting to form a standing line behind her. She had to get here early every morning to use the well, the day was usually half already spent by the time she got back.

The two stood talking in place for hours as the line slowly kept moving and growing until it reached around the block. The two started talking about how their days were, which often were uneventful and dull. Hers even more so. She liked being around him, but felt a large amount of anger and jealousy when Dugan talked about his parents making him dinner every night and reading him stories before bed. She liked seeing him so happy always when he talked about his family. But she also was a bit saddened from hearing just how much they loved him when she knew nothing of the sort. She could only imagine what it must be like.

"Hey kid! Keep the line moving! I got laundry that needs washin!" Cried out the woman standing behind Kresha angrily. Shoving her bucket against  durgan's wide back.

"Welp, guess I'm next." Durgan said embarrassed from causing the delay. He hastily walked up to the well and tied Kresha's buckets for her one at a time to the rope. Kresha stood in place as he lowered it to fetch the fresh water for her. As he returned with the two filled buckets on his shoulder he handed them off to her strenuously and eagerly, tyring to make it easier for her by adjusting the stick to center on her shoulders behind her neck.

"Here,.. You go!" He said. If you want next time, you can borrow our cart so you can carry more water.

Kresha's eyes widened at the prospect of less work. "Thanks! that would be great! I owe you." Kresha said. "I'll See you tomorrow for it." As Kresha began to turn around to exit the market square ,Durgan spoke quickly. Trying to get her attention one last time before she left.

"Actually,. I was wondering..." Kresha looked back curious.

"Wondering what?" She asked.

"If..,you aren't busy later, I was wondering if maybe..." he cleared his throat cautiously. Kresha lips started to curl up into a smile and blushed. Putting loose strands of her red hair behind her ear eagerly and keenly.

"Yea..?" She asked.

"Could I see one of the horses?"

Kresha's eyebrows lowered in instant disappointment. "Oh.., Uh...I'm not sure Drest allows stranger's. "I might get in trouble."

"Please.." He begged. Putting his hands together and making big baby like eyes." I've never been riding before and I'd love to learn."

Kresha knew duran long talked about being a knight when he was over, and wanted to start training as soon as possible how to fight and handle horses. She hadn't the heart to tell him that only people from rich families could be knights but wouldn't dream of putting him in a sad mood.

"Ugh fine.." Just stop doing that begging. Its sad. You are sad. You'll have to come after dark when he's fast asleep to pet one of them."

"I get to pet them!? Really.!? Maybe think I can ride one too for a bit?!!"

"Don't push it." She sighed heavily at what she was getting herself into.

"Meet me by the apple tree on top the hill after dark, and I'll bring one for you to see."

"Thank! Kresha! You're the best!" Durgan leaned in wanting to squeezed his massive arms around his skinny friends back in pure uncontrollable joy.

"Wait! hold it! Carrying water remember!!?" She cried out desperately. Trying not to spill and have to wait through the line again.

"Oh right forgot.." He said nervously. Rubbing his large hand through his short blonde hair embarrassed with a slight blush. "Well.. I'll see you there then tonight. And thanks again Kresha! I owe you." Durgan knelt over and picked up his pail to quickly fill it with water and start running toward his families shop excited for tonight. Smiling back at her joyously with almost a skip in his step. Kresha Chuckled at the sight.

He was an idiot. But he was her idiot....