
The Dragon Lord's Apprentice

A young stable hand lives a uneventful and simple life, until one day when she looks to the skies and sees opportunity for something greater.

Extinct_Vessel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

A Field of Fire

The dragon bellowed and roared. Spewing streams of Flames from it's mouth to wash across and set the grassy field's alight. It had spotted another fresh meal below. A large injured horse. And two humans. Ripe for the taking.

"Skipper run, back to the house!!!!" Kresha shouted desperately. She did not want her beloved horse to have push himself like this, but if they waited another moment they would all be burnt alive. The injured animal stuttered and turned as it began to galop hastily in uneasiness. Wincing in great discomfort as it's leg began to hurt instantly. But it had to hold out. For all of them.

The horse began running in the opposite direction at full speed back to the house with all of its might. Hoping to outrun the fields of fire quickly catching up with them from behind. But the dragon was starting to encircle them and cut off their escape. The gap was closing fast.

"Come on boy! You can do it!!!" Shouted Durgan. "Hyahh!!" The horse sprinted faster. Panting and wheezing. It hadn't moved this fast in years. The fire was getting closer. They could feel the heat radiating off the ground which had been set alight like a bonfire.

The gap was closing. There was no chance...

Skipper leapt through at the last second, trailing bits of ember's and smoke as he pushed right through the quickly burning grass with all his strength. Neighing in agony from a few panful scorch burns. Kresha clutched tighter to Durgan and Skipper's saddle as all tucked in their heads to try and avoid the thousands of embers rising off the ground. Smoke filled the air. It was becoming hard to breath. The dragon was coming around for another pass. And this time it wouldn't miss.

There's the.....!! Kresha began coughing. Her eyes were watering up from the smoke and making it difficult for her to see in front of her. "There's the House!!" Kresha's eyes widened in hope. She never thought she would be happy at seeing the rotten building again, but they they began to grow in horror from seeing her grave mistake.

The black dragon sniffed its snout through the air and began to dive. Only not toward the three of them. It swooped down right past them, creating a large gust of wind that shook the ground and scattered burning blades of grass everywhere. The Dragon shifted its tail flap and changed its course instantly straight for the stable to burn it to the ground.

"Oh no.." Kresha put her hand up to her mouth. "I led it right the Drest and the horses!!" Durgan tried to race faster. But it was too late. The dragon opened its mouth slowly. And a wall of fire engulfed the small hut and stable in an deadly instant. The sound that followed was that of crackling wood. And soon after the even worse shrieking of Bear and Lady being woken up to endure the worst kind of pain imaginable.

Kresha could only watch as her beloved animals wailed in pain being cooked alive trapped in their own home. The screams and neighs of panicking frenzy horses becoming silenced after a few agonizing seconds. The sound of the burning timber was all that she could hear now.

"Noo...Krisha cried." Reaching her shaking hand out in front towards the creatures she had sworn to care for no matter what. And she had helped bring this monster right to them.

The black colored dragon swooped around and landed hard with a titanic earth shaking thud. Folding its gigantic wing's behind its back and began to dig through the clutter for remains of nicely cooked meat to start with first.

"Kresha...," Said Durgan hesitantly. "I'm, I'm so sorry." Kresha hugged tightly around her friends back, only it wasn't out of stability or reluctance. Just pure self hatred. He patted her once on her shoulder awkwardly before stopping. There was nothing he could even hope to think of that would help ease her pain, so instead he just sat there silent while his friend continued sobbing in grief.

After a few minutes of staring dumbstruck at the burning house crumbling to ashes before their eyes. The dragon finished gorging itself on what was left of her pets and belched. She had never known such fury and hatred for another. Drest may have been a jerk but he wasn't a monster. This was a monster. And her caretaker didn't deserve to die such a cruel death.

But this demon did.

The creature licked its fanged bloody lips and turned its scaled narrow head toward its next target....

Straight for Brossta.