
Taking Ingvild Leviathan

When Maulketh appeared in the Underworld in front of a hospital he did so with his usual flair. Though it was elevated as the blazing silver that appeared as a sign of his teleportation seemed much more powerful.

It was a good thing his aura as a Heavenly Dragon was currently restrained or he could have killed the patients. The people who were visiting thier loved ones often teleported to the hospital, but they did so with magic circles.

Maulketh never used a magic circle in his life as he forced his will on magic to do what he wanted. He had no need to learn them so his method was a brute force one. But he instantly drew attetion to himself that way for several reasons.

For one, it was not every day that someone as big as Maulketh appeared in the underworld. He was huge, but his muscles pushed against his black clothing and his sunglasses blocked his eyes from view.

Everyone was stuck starring at him, but he had no care for them. He breathed in the air as he got Ingvild's scent. She was in the hospital on life support, but his presence alone began to cause her bloodline and Sacred Gear to react.

Nereid Kyrie itself began to react to his aura as they had already made a connection through their dream. The Sacred Gear began to evolve into a Longinous causing Ingilvid's aura to begin to rise to new heights.

The nurse who was looking after Ingvild was shocked when her aura and vital signs began to increase from a coma-like state. When Maulketh entered the hospital he did not go to the front desk or speak to anyone he merely walked inside toward Ingvild.

A nurse walked up to him as there were rules in place. If he wanted to visist someone he had to get permission.

"Sir, you can't just walk in, you need-"


Instantly the nurse lost the ability to make any sound. She tried to talk, but nothing came out. He looked down at her as he kept walking.

"It will recover in an hour."

And that was because he was feeling nice as he could have robbed her sound forever if he so pleased. As such, he was undisturbed and walked up the floors of the hospital until he stood in front of Ingvild's hospital room.

She was a top-secret kept by the old Leviathan Clan Nobles, but she did not have any guards as she had been here for over a century without waking up. And no one new anything about her as everyone believed she was just a regular victim of Sleeping Diseases. When he arrived in front of the door it opened and a nurse ran out to inform that Ingvild was waking up.

However, she ran straight into Maulketh causing her to fall on her ass. She looked up and saw an absolutely giant man wearing all black except for the red shirt he wore under his jacket.

He walked past her as Ingvild opened her orange eyes. She sat up and met eyes with Maulketh who removed his sunglasses to look at her. She was more than happy to see the man she kissed was not just a figment of her imagination like she had feared.

"Maulketh, I knew you were not just a dream of mine."

He laughed as he walked to her bedside.

"Of course, I wasn't. Would you ever see a dragon as impressive as me?"

She shook her head as she tried to get up, but Maulketh was not so sure it was a good idea.

"Not so fast, you just woke up after a century of sleep."

Ignoring him she got up and removed all the machines attached to her as she no longer needed them.

"And you just did the same."

He laughed as she jumped in his arms more than happy to meet him not dream to dream, but face to face.

"I am so happy you are real. I mean it."

He placed his hand on her shoulder and with his will he turned her hospital gown into some proper clothes. Once more taking inspiration with his own outfit which Ingvild more than liked. He set her down as she spun around happy to look like him.

Her black leather jacket contrasted with her pale skin and purple hair, but the rest of her outfit was more reserved. She wore a red and black skirt that reached past her knees, and she now wore some blue stockings and some red shoes.

"Wow, so this is the kind of clothes you like?"

He nodded.

"You could say that. Ready to go?"


She took his hand and in a flash of blazing silver, they both disappeared. The nurse who had watched the whole thing was left dumbstruck before she realized what happened. Ingilvid Leviathan one of the last decendents of the original Leviathan had just been taken.

"Shit. I am so going to get fired or worse."


When they both reappeared, they did so on the roof of his castle. Ingvild looked out at the volcano which constantly spewed lava but in a controlled way. Her organge eyes took in the view and the heat of the volcano, but it was not uncontrolled.

The castle was protected to ensure only the necessery amount of heat reached it.

"Is this your home? It is full of lava."

Maulketh nodded as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She reached up and placed his hand in front of her breasts happy to have him hold her.

"Yes, my volcanic home, but I plan to add more spaces to it. A Dragon familliar of mine has asked me for a sea and you like the sea correct?"

Ingvild nodded with a happy smile.

"Yes, I grew up in a seaside city before I fell asleep. As such I have always loved to look at the ocean."

"Well then, I would be more than happy to give you your own ocean. One for you to always be able to take with you."

She smiled as she looked up at him.

"I like the sound of that, but I have a question? Are you the only one to call this volcano home? Because I can't feel a single being, except those out there."

She meant the other Volcano Born, or Astrid's weaker younger kin. Some took the form of bears, lions, tigers, dragons, and a few more predators. He shook his head.

"My castle is failry desserted I can say that. But I live, in it with a few people. For the record, my harem."

Ingvild nodded.

"How many are in your harem? 20, 30, no, 100. Dragons must have big harems right? Much more than Devils?"

He rubbed the back of his head as he gave her the real number.

"No, only three."

She was almost surprised.

"Oh, only three? But that seems so, small?"

He laughed as he picked her up in his arms.

"Unlike Noble Devils which pick their harems based on looks, I pick mine based on more important things. Talent, personality, power, inteligence, or just how much I feel they match well to me. You, a decendent of the Leviathan with a Dragon and Ocean based Longinous is someone I would desire. But, mostly, it is who makes me happy and your singing is beutiful."

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I am glad, I was expecting to have to share you with hundreds of women, I am glad your harem is special. But, where are they?"

"One moment."

He put her down and waved his hand tearing space open. From the giant portal in sky, everyone was sucked out from the Training Formation. Astrid, Celestine, and Grimnar fell into a pile of giants monsters while Rias, Runeas, Koneko, Calypso, and Akeno fell into another pile at his feet.

Gasper feel on his back, but Kimmi landed on his stomach forcing the air out of him, but then Ares fell straight on her crushing both of them under his bulk. Finally Valina, skillfully landed on Ares' head as she had managed to right herself last minute.

She jumped off of Ares' head as he looked up and met eyes with Maulketh who had a big grin on his face.

"You all had fun yet?"


Ares got up as he saw his best friend had woken up. He and Maulketh locked arms and patted each other on the back.. With that out of the way, he turned over to the girls.

"So, how long did you all train anyway?"

Runeas pulled herself out of the pile and rubbed her sore back. She also helped Rias and Calypso out of the pile.

"Maybe 5 years for the younger members. They did not stay in the formation full time as not everyone can endure the time you normally train as the mind began to play tricks on them.

"So we would train for months, then take time off from time to time in the castle to recover. Only Me, Calypso, Ares, Grimnar, Celestine and Astrid stayed the full 27 years as we were the only ones who could endure that level of training.

Valina came in second as she trained over over 10 years as she did not want to let you down."

Ares got up and explained.

"Ophis upgraded your time formation to make every year inside your room a day outside. Meaning 100 days passed by to allow you to sleep, but if you will remember, your volcano itself has a time formation.

Meaning instead of 100 days of sleep, only around 3 days in the real world. As for us, the formation is still working at 100 times normal speed so 100 days in the volcano is equal to 27 years."

Once he got the situation, he was suprised.

"Wait, so you all spent years training? Why?"

Runeas, Rias and Calypso first thing they did was to hug him. They had missed him dearly in that time as they had not been expecting Time Formations to cause so much trouble. They were made for Maulketh's convenience not taking everyone into account.

Runeas backed away from him as she explained.

"We did not want to be useless to you. You are so powerful and you keep getting stronger while we just felt like we held you back. As such, Ophis blessed us all to let us tap into our potentiol and Ares took the time to train all of us. Just so we would not be bagage."

He looked over at Rias who did not look any older, but she did appear more mature.

"Rias, you gave years of your youth away. When you did not need to, how could you be so-"

She stopped him and held his hands.

"It's fine, I can still go to school as I still want to, but this training is just what I needed to realize something. I needed to make use of my full potentiol and I have grown stronger than ever. And, it drove home that I am a Devil a being who will live for millenia. I just needed to see it first hand."

Calypso also agreed.

"I have spent longer on my island with nothing to do, this training was happier in a way. Not something I would have done if I could help it, but it was fun. How about you? Did you have a restful sleep?"

Maulketh sighed as he nodded.

"I feel rested, my bloodline has matured, and I feel stronger than ever. Other than that, I need to introduce someone. This here is Ingvild Leviathan, I met her in my dreams as we both began to dream walk as we had been sleeping for a century each. She has a Longinous that gave her a connection to the sea and dragons. The way she managed to reach my dream."

Valina was honestly surprised to meet another fellow decendent.

"You are a descendent of the original Leviathan and have a Longinous?"

Ingvild nodded.

"Yes, nice to meet you."

Her sweet smile made even Valina feel relaxed. Maulketh walked over to Valina and ruffled her silver hair.

"As for you, I can see that you truly did not let me down. You made your ancestors power your own and the power of dragons. I am proud, but be ready to train under me soon."

She smiled as she was glad he was impressed with her. It made her training feel worth something.

"Thank you."

"Just so you know, you can have the Divine Dividing back very soon. Albion, it has been an honor to have you along for the ride."

{The honor was all mine, just keep my body fresh and ready.}

[Mine too. You took our blood and Dragon Hearts so be ready to pay us back for that.]

"And I already said I would. Anyway, let us see how well you all did. Astrid, Celestine, Grimnar, I never doubted the three of you."

Astrid and Celestine returned to their human forms while Grimnar merely got smaller. Astrid walked over to him and as she was almost as tall as him when she hugged him her bear ears ruffled his chin.

"I am glad you had a well earned sleep."

Celestine just straight-up jumped on him and buried her face in his neck.


He rubbed the back of her head, but he noticed Ingvild smile.

"Who is your harem? You said three, but that seems like 6. Not counting those 3 girls over there, and the boy and the armored man of course. You don't seem too intrested."

Maulketh shrugged.

"I can explain it some other time, for now, I am starved. Let's eat something."

As he walked off everyone followed after him, but they talked as they walked. He wanted to know all they did in their training as a lot could happen.