
The Dragon's Legacy.

Before the epic clash at Castle Black, Maester Aemon entrusted Grenn with a crucial mission: to deliver a secret message to his niece in Meereen. Following the battle, Maester Aemon unveils his own hidden truths, including the possession of two precious dragon eggs. This narrative draws inspiration from the show and is inspired by "The Fanfiction Equal Footing." Chapters 1-40 have been freshly revised for your enjoyment. Delve into the secrets of Castle Black with MaegorPotter008 on Patreon! Join for exclusive access to advance chapters of 'The Dragon's Legacy' and uncover the hidden truths behind Maester Aemon's revelation and the legacy of two precious dragon eggs. Dive deeper into the world of Westeros and support the creation of engaging fanfiction. Follow along at patreon.com/MaegorPotter008.

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Chapter 2: Not Alone


Inside her bedchambers in the Great Pyramid of Mereen, Daenerys lay on a long sofa, drinking wine and trying to contemplate her decisions to open the fighting pits and whether or not she will enjoy her forthcoming marriage with Hizdahr zo Loraq. 'Of course, I won't enjoy it,' she thought 'I don't even need to enjoy it, as long as it will create a stable image for the people.' Keeping stability was proving to be harder than she expected. Sons of the Harpy were continuously evading capture and the uprisings in Slavers Bay were becoming more frequent.

As Daenerys took another sip of wine from her goblet, Missandei entered her room. "Your Grace, forgive me for the intrusion, but there is a young man here to see you. He says he is from Westeros and part of an order called the Night's Watch."

Daenerys was very surprised. She had heard about the Wall and the Night's Watch. Ser Jorah often spoke of his father Jeor, the Lord Commander. But for what reason could a member have here? "I'll be just a moment," she replied. Missandei bowed her head and left the room. Daenerys set her goblet down on a table and put her regal mask on. She made her way to the throne room and saw a young man. He was a ginger who looked older than her, though the beard he had seemed to add a few years of age to him. He was dressed in all black leathers and held a thick black cloak underneath his arm. There was no doubt he didn't wear it because of the heat of Essos.

When he saw her, he immediately fell to one knee. "Your Grace," he spoke softly. He didn't look like much, but he knew of courtesies to royalty.

Daenerys studied him a bit more before addressing him. "What is your name?" She asked with a firm tone.

"Grenn, your Grace."

"Rise, Grenn of the Night's Watch."

Grenn slowly stood up and only gazed at her for only a brief moment before fixing his eyes on her face. He looked the way many who had met her did, with infatuation.

"I must admit that I am very curious as to why a man of the Night's Watch would be requesting my presence, let alone be in Essos."

"Y-your Grace" he stuttered "I afraid that I may disappoint you, but all I'm here for is to deliver a message."

He was right. It did disappoint her a little that a message was the only reason. Her spark of curiosity nearly died, but there was still the matter of the message. "A message? From who, the Lord Commander?" She took a few steps closer to Grenn, his face turning redder than his hair.

"No, your grace. It's from the Maester at Castle Black. He tasked me to deliver this letter to you." He revealed a sealed piece of parchment in his free hand and held it out to her.

She looked at his hand, her face not showing any form of expression the whole time. "Who is the Maester at Castle Black, if I might ask?"

Grenn swallowed nervously, his eyes unable to look at her before replying. "Aemon Targaryen."

When Daenerys heard that name, her regal mask cracked and she let slip a look of surprise before she collected herself. "I apologize, but I find that hard to believe. The last Aemon Targaryen that lived would be a hundred years of age. Far older than anyone I have ever known or heard of."

"He's a hundred on two, actually." Grenn corrected her. "If you met him, you wouldn't think him a Targaryen. You'd think his silver hair to be because of his age and his eyes are bleak of color from his blindness." He pushed the letter a little closer to her, insisting she take it. "I should let you know that it's probably best that you read it to yourself. I know what's in the letter and I wish I didn't know."

"You read the letter?"

"I wrote it. Maester Aemon told what he wanted to be written down because he can't see."

Daenerys could see his hand shaking. He looked afraid and at the same time determined. She didn't know if he was telling the truth or not, but she could feel that he wasn't lying. She reached out and took the letter from Grenn. When the parchment left his fingers, Grenn let out a large sigh. "Thank you for coming all this way for something so simple. You must be weary from your travels. May I offer you anything during your stay here?"

"I'm afraid not. I arrived here yesterday morning and I'll be leaving tonight. As much as I want to stay where I don't freeze, I have a duty to the realms of men."

Daenerys felt a bit ashamed. This man had come all this way for so little a task. "If that is the case, is there anything I can offer you? I do not feel that such a task should go unrewarded or unpaid."

Grenn's gaze was able to look back at her eyes. "With respect your Grace, this isn't anything I can really ask for. We don't have any sort of treasures or valuables at the wall. The only thing we really value are the men who man the castles. There was just over seven hundred of us in the whole watch when I left Castle Black. But on my way here, word reached me that we lost fifty brothers in a battle with an army of Wildlings." Where there was once ten thousand men of the Night's Watch, there was now less than seven hundred. It was failing and if things continued as they did then there would be only empty castles along the Wall.

This had given Daenerys an idea. She walked towards the steps to the throne and made her way up. "Even though I have abolished slavery in this city, there are many who still have no place to go, nowhere to call home." She reached the seat of the throne and turned back towards Grenn. "If Lord Commander Mormont isn't too particular about where he gets his recruits, I can provide a great deal to you if you merely ask me to."

"Your Grace, Lord Commander Mormont is dead." He looked amazed that she even knew about him.

This came as a surprise to Daenerys. 'Does Jorah know?' "Forgive me, I was unaware."

"There's nothing to forgive your Grace. You're probably the only person in Essos who would know Lord Commander Mormont's name."

"As my focus to the west has been the Seven Kingdoms, I have neglected to think of the men who protect them at the Wall. What is the current status of the Night's Watch?"

"As far as I know, the Night's Watch does not have an elected Lord Commander, only an acting one, Ser Alliser Thorne. If any man was the absolute arse of them all, it would be him. But he commands well, as much as I don't like admitting it. But we've ought to have had the election for a new one by now."

"Then as one who will be the Queen of Westeros, it is my duty to tend and care for my people. I will do what I can to strengthen your Order as a sign of good faith and gratitude for the service you have done for me. I only ask that you have faith in me."

"Thank you, your grace." He bowed his head down to her and rose back up. "I mean no offense, but I must take my leave now if I am to make back to my ship."

Daenerys give him a small smile of assurance "I thank you for your service to the realms. You may go."

Grenn bowed his head one last time before turning and leaving the Great Pyramid with haste.

Daenerys held up the letter and inspected the wax seal. It was stamped with the Targaryen Sigil. She returned to her bedchambers and sat back on her sofa. She broke the seal and read the letter to herself.

My dearest niece

Though we have never met and never will, I cannot describe the joy it brings me to have this chance. My vows and my body keep me from any aid I might be able to give to you, but I pray that any wisdom or comfort in these words will help guide you in your struggles. I understand the world you wish to build, and I understand the desire. I had seen it once in my brother Aegon, your grandfather. Unfortunately, as you may now realize, there are times that a ruler must face a choice. To do what is right or to do what is demanded. I have faith you will be wise in your choices and reclaim what is rightfully yours. Though I caution you, do not let your desire for a throne of swords consume your judgment as to what you desire to do and what you must do.

I wish I could be there when you arrive in Westeros. Remind the people that we are the blood of the dragon, and we meet our enemies with Fire and Blood.

All I can give you now is my blessing. By the time you read this, I may be gone from this world. I shall return to my brother's side and my father's and his father before him. Though I will be gone, and you will feel alone again, I can promise you, you will not be alone. There is one more with the blood of the dragon in his veins.

Your great uncle Aemon Targaryen

Sworn Maester of Castle Black

Daenerys could feel tears drop from her eyes onto the letter. Deep down, she knew that this was no trick by her enemies. She felt the truth of the words. She was not the last Targaryen. There was someone else out in the world with the blood of the dragon. And according to this letter, there was one more.

Missandei entered Daenerys's chamber and saw her state. "Your grace," Daenaerys wiped the tears from her face and looked at her friend, "is everything alright?"

Daenerys couldn't help but smile at her. "Yes, in fact, things are wonderful."