

Pure_Wambo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


"Casandra wake up or you'll be late for work"

I heared my grannys' voice calling my name from a far Jolting me awake.

hey I havent told you, my name is casandra working with an NGO ensuaring that every needy girl or boy, granny or gandpa are well taken care of.

I studied medicine but my love to help the needy over did my degree.

now am just a simple girl living with my grandma who i really love and adore.

" okay grandma am on my way down stairs"

I got out of bed but the first thing I did was to unlock my phone only to find my friends' sandras' text.

'Hey sas please sign me in ill be late'

the text read I replied with an ok and placed the phone on my side table and arose from my bed and headed to the bathroom.

I regulated the hear and had a warm shower, I really love it while in my bathtab it is so refreshing and relaxing.

after some minutes i was done even brushing my teeth and was heading to my dressing table.

I applied lotion on my body, wore a black jeans a navyblue fullneck and a white blazer, i tied my hair into a pony tail took my handbag and decended the stairs to the dinnig table

"hey granmma am leaving now"

i shouted as i headed towards the door when i was done taking my breakfast.

before i could get out of the door i heared hurried foots steps that were rushing towards me i looked back and saw my granma carrying a pink lunch box.

" dear,. carry this to your workToday you'll need it. i know you will be busy through out and i dont want my little child to starve"

I hugged her very tight took the lunchbox gave her a kiss and bid her goodbye.

I went to my car, actually it doesnt qualify to be called a car , it is a century old and most of the time i have to go to the mechanic for it to be repaired.

ooh! its really tiring, i accelerated to the north where i had where i was supposed to work.

while on my way my car fuel ran out and the car halted, it stopped at the center of the V's forest.

i tried to contact a mechanic but my battery run out 'fuck i didn't charge my phone' further more there was no signal.

I started to panick and fear crept inside me since i was all alone in this forested area with no one to help.

due to the tension i went into my car locked the door and and raise all the glass windows up. I took my pill cylinder and took two pills and with the help of some water i gulped them down my throt . it wasnt long untill i was able to cool down and relax.

I waited around hoping for someone to come and rescure me but there was no one i had already stayed there for three hours.

I got out of the car and started shouting for help on top of my voice so as to see if anyone could hear me out and come to my rescue.

I lost all hope and i was afraid .

afraid of the job beig taken away, and afraid of my granmma who i know by now had already heared about me not reaching the NGO.

I closed my eyes, took some few deep breaths got back to the car and took my lunch box ofcouse i couldnt starve myself and i know i needed the energy as per now.

it took me by shock since i hadn't realised the beautiful scenary that was sorrounding me, i could see some beautiful birds chirping, monkey jumping from one tree to the other and other veautiful voices that i couldn't identify .

the voices were coming from somewhere near i tried to concentrate so as to follow the source i started to follow the voices following keenly the direction i figured out. I came across some bushes and trees, a big rock that was almost the size of a mountain a place between two trees with many climbers forming a curtain like door and with out hesitation i opened the curtain climbers.

whalaas! i couldn't beleive my eyes a waterfall 'oops! ' it was very high where I stood i noticed i was on a cliff. i took two steps backwards so as not to fall down.

I started analyzing the place and trying to digest the beauty that sorrounded my view. the place was full of burterflies, pink roses, rosettes, red and white roses it looked like a paradise.

i actually thought i was in wonder land. it was more unrealistic and i amost thought iwas dreaming , the feeling of me being able to see this place was so satisfying, relaxing and enjoyable.

I stayed thers for a long time and now i was bored i wanted to get the heck back to the car and see of i could find some help.

I passed the door veins and to my suprise it was dark, really dark i was taked a back for i had lost track of time and ended up being held on both dark and light. how could that be possible?

day and night? experiencing both at the same time? how?

i got confused now thoughts running wild in my head.

I saw someone yeah! it was a guy waring a taxado black suit caring a briefcase on his right hand.

on his wrist i saw a gold watch, i took big steps backward forgetting i was near a cliff i lost my balance and fell off..