

He was born into a new life without memories of his past, with powers he didn't understand from a so called celestial being but he didn't care since he had found happiness in this short new life. But are celestial beings usually so benevolent? Unfortunately he found out the hard way. But now after escaping all the torture and finding himself in a new world that is only seen in books and movies. Will his rage and fury consume him? or will it consume the world? or will it consume whoever it is in the shadows pulling his life around like strings? Find out yourself about his journey by reading, I'm not giving spoilers. This is my first book so help and corrections in my writing style from my beloved readers is very much appreciated. The cover pic is not mine and if the author wants me to bring it down, please tell me and I'd bring it down. oh yeah don't forget to review. pretty please. ************ Note:Vote for the novel for extra weekly chapters 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 300 Power Stones = 3 Extra Chapters per week

Sphire1707 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs


It's been over two months since I left the town as I escaped from the encirclement of the soul reapers. After escaping from the soul reapers that night I ran a bit away from the town and hid as best as I could reducing my spiritual energy flow and all, and luckily, I wasn't found.

After waiting until daybreak I was able to find some of the town members leaving the town and they seemed to be packed for a trip so I figured they'd probably end up at another town so I ended up following them and luckily on the way some hollows tried to attack them periodically so I killed and ate them.

I was able to continue using them as guides and they stayed alive because of me so it was a good partnership that they had no idea about but it worked out pretty well for both of us.

After finding the next town I stayed there for about 3 nights killing and eating hollows and then the fourth day I ate the soul reapers in charge of the patrolling the town and left the town the next day and found another travelling crew and since then I've been repeating this process and I've gradually felt myself getting stronger.

Everything was going pretty well until I got to this new town and discovered something very strange. There were no hollows in this town. Either they were very good at hiding or there was someone or something here that wasn't okay with hollows being in their territory and was wiping them out and if the latter was the case then I had fucked up by coming into this town in the first place.

I couldn't just run out now especially since I didn't know what or who my enemy was and couldn't afford to show them my back.

With this thought in mind I stayed on guard and slowly made my way out of town all while keeping my outwardly flowing spiritual energy to a bare minimum. Whoever my enemy was could probably still sense me but a man can hope right? Though in my case a hollow.

I had already made it out of town but was still moving while being on guard when I sensed all my instincts suddenly yelling at me to dodge. I quickly jumped to the right just in time to hear a loud whooshing sound passing where my head used to be. Had I reacted a split second later I would probably no longer have a head.

I quickly got back to my feet and quickly tried to survey my surroundings only to see my arsonist already running towards me saving me the trouble of searching for him.

He was dressed in a weird white outfit with a blue cross across the chest area and a piece of clothing that was floating behind him that seemed to be a cape. He also carried some sort of bow.

I knew that wack-ass outfit, the only thing was that the idiot that I knew that wore such weird outfits wasn't born yet. I thought Uryu Ishida was the last quincy.

It seems I was wrong as the man standing in front of me is obviously a quincy and he seemed to be quite a strong one at that.

He opened his mouth and started talking in the most annoying voice like he was the center of the world.

"What is your disgusting species doing in this great Van sama's territory?" he first asked but I just stood there looking at him while still maintaining my guard.

"Have you come to be wiped from the face of the earth like the rest of your brethren?" he asked again after seeing me not reacting at his words.

Still I didn't react as I was majorly trying to gauge his strength against mine to decide my next step. He must have thought of my lack of response as fear of him after seeing his abilities so he started aiming at me while talking " you must want forgiveness for your sins, don't worry I'll wipe them away with you."

Then he drew the string of his bow creating an arrow made of reishi as he did so and fired it at me.

I quickly countered with a fire breath that I had been accumulating inside my mouth without showing it, it was one of the tricks I picked up while I was moving around.

The effect of the fire breath and the reishi arrow hitting each other was an explosion in the sky, covering up the sky with smoke.

I quickly made use of the smoke screen to try to attack him under the cover of the smoke. I quickly lunged forward towards where I thought him to be and made a quick and powerful swipe of my elongated claws there.

I felt the tip of my claws cut into something that felt like flesh but the hit felt shallow so I knew that though I had managed to wound him it probably wasn't serious. It was then I heard something drop to the floor and as I turned my eyes I felt something attracting me towards the pouch that I could now see on the floor.

As I picked up the pouch I looked inside I saw what looked like small pills inside and my eyes widened as I thought of something as this could be the answer to all my problems.

Without even looking to see how the quincy was doing I quickly turned around and ran away as fast as I could from this area.