

The story follows a man called Alexander Petrovksky known for being the most feared, wanted and the most dangerous man in the world and the founder and leader of the most powerful and brutal underworld organization in the world. But after an incident that caused his death, he is reincarnated in another world where GOD gives him only one mission, and that is to create his own civilization and empire, and then ascend to the heavens. With his objective set he must create his own civilization and found his empire in this new and dangerous world from scratch either by conquering others or forming alliances.He must also choose if he is going to rule his people with fear like in his old life or with respect, while also receiving help and advice from his wifes and allies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Author note]: Hello everyone author here, i just wanted to say that this is the very, VERY, first time that i'm writing something and publishing it, and that i'm not doing this for money but just for the fun of it, so if u dont like it then it was nice to meet you, but if u are interested in my story then stay tune for more. Just a warning but their will be some graphic scenes either it being sex scenes, scenes depicting the cruelty of war, (R *** scenes), and torture scenes. Why? Well the MC isn't a hero but a villain and monster at heart. Now you are warned. Also, English is not my first language but i'm gonna try to not give many grammatical errors but feel free to correct me if you find any.

J_P_9614 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3 - The meeting

So it's over humm, I wonder what's gonna happen to me. Am I going to hell or heaven or something? I mean, that's a very stupid question, of course I'm going to hell that's obvious…. right??? Wait… If I'm dead then how the fuck can I still ear myself speak in my mind? Am I not dead? I can't feel my eyes, matter of fact I can't feel my body. WAIT!!! WHERE IS MY BODY?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? WHERE AM I ?!?!? AND WHY IS IT SO DARK?!?!?

???: Hello child, it looks like you are finally awake.

A voice that came from all directions said in a calm and sweet tone. But because I didn't know what was happening I became even more scared.

???: There's no need to be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you, ok? 

Where am I? What is this place, am I truly dead? And who are you?

???: There's no need to panic. I'm gonna explain everything to you now including all your questions and concerns. 

Wait, you can hear my thoughts?

???: Well of course after all you are in my domain or Kingdom if you prefer. As to your other questions, well, my domain is located in between Existence and Nothing and it's dark because I personally like the dark. Also, yes you are dead, when your plane crashed at the speed that it was going, the force of the impact was so great that you were killed in a millisecond. And to your last question, I am what your people call, GOD, the creator of the universe. But you don´t need to be formally with me.

Even though I didn't have eyes nor a mouth, if I had then my eyes would probably pop out and my mouth would be so open that I would probably have my jaw on the floor if there was any floor to begin with. 

Holy shit you are God!? THE, God.

???: The one and only… well that's not exactly true has I have created many children to help me rule the Verse

The Verse?


What is the Verse?

???: The Verse is everything. Every planet, every plane of existence, every galaxy, every universe, every multiverse, every reality from the beginning of time to its end and so on. The Verse does not have a beginning and does not have an end, so it's basically infinite. 

Whoa… Wait. You said that I'm dead, so how can I speak to you and can also remember my life? Shouldn't I be going to hell or something like that? 

???: Well I brought you here, but do you want to go to hell?

Well… not exactly… 

???: Then you won't go to hell.

Just like that?

???: Yep 

Ok… what's the catch? I don't want to offend you God, but I'm pretty sure that you didn't bring me here just to talk, right? So what's the catch so that i don't have to go to hell or something like that.

I may not know what this God looks like or where exactly he is, but for some reason I had the Impression that he was smiling

???: Well, that's because I want you to do something very simple for me, something that you already were doing in your previous life. And in trade, I will let you have a new life to be free to do whatever you want with it. How thas that sound to you?

Well if I'm honest, it sounds suspicious has fuck. No offense.

???: None taken

So what is it that you want me to do exactly? 

???: You see, I'm creating a new world but I need something evil to spice things up, and to not make this world as boring as every other one, so I want you to be the evil and monster of this world. Wether you decide to conquer every race, or enslave them all or even if you decide to do genocide on every race in the world I won´t stop you. Your only objective is to grow strong to the point that you can ascend to Godhood.

Wait wait wait wait…. you want me, me, of all people to ascend to Godhood?

???: I don't see any problem with that. And I'm not saying that you have to become a God. What I'm saying is that if you become very powerful and want to become a God and join the other gods, and create your own universe to rule, then you can. But first you have to become very, very powerful and one way to do that is to accumulate power while also conquering the world and creating a powerful army that could rival the gods' own armies. So… what do you say, are you up to it or do I have to go get another soul to use?

You know… fuck it. I'll do it. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to another world. Meet new races, and conquer and enslave new races. 

Now even though I didn't have a mouth I was smiling internally. But this wasn't normal. This smile would even send a shiver down the spine of the Joker if he saw it. 

??? [Mind]: It seems that I chose the right soul. And that smile, that horrifying, sadistic smile that he was making even though he doesn't have a mouth, I could still feel that he was making a smile. I'm pretty sure that it sent me a small shiver down my spiritual spine. Hahaha i like it, no, I love it. I wonder what type of horrors are you going to make in my world, I can't wait any longer. 

Hey God?

???: Yes?

Well since I have accepted this great opportunity, I would like to know more about this word that you are creating. Like, how big is it? How many continents or masses of land does it have? Is it a fantasy world? Does it have magic? And how many races does it have? I don't want to offend you, it's just that every little bit of information is important and because Knowledge is power.

???: Undid it is. Well, the world is gonna be massive, five Hundred trillion Milky Way galaxies in radius and it's gonna have two massive continents surrounded by smaller masses of land on all sides. 


???: Yes, it will be a fantasy world and it's gonna be extremely rich in Aether and Nether…

Sorry, but what is Aether and Nether?

???: Oh sorry, I forgot that you don't understand this kind of stuff yet. Well Aether is life and Nether is death. Or in fantasy, you could say that Aether is every element of nature and so on and the Nether is every element about death and so on. So basically, it's magic.

Oh ok.

???: As for races. The intelligent ones are the Humans, Halfling, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Lizermen, Centaurs, Goblins, Ogers, Giants, Fairies, Nagas (snake people), Vespoid (Bee people), Harpy ( Falcon like people), Demon, Beastkin, Mermaid, Vampire, Lesser Dragon, Dragon, Elder Dragon, True Dragon. Then there are other races and monster but they are not considerate to have the same level of intelligence as other races thought some of them are very smart.

And what race will I be? 

???: Well I was gonna choose you to be a True Dragon, because it would be a very big boost in your beginning stages of life and conquest. 

Well I always wanted to be a dragon. But, what is a True Dragon?

???: A True Dragon is the most powerful dragon that can exist in the beginning stages of life, but of course if other dragons or even other races train their powers well then they can reach the power of a beginning stage True Dragon who is basically a Demigod in the mortal world. But if that same True Dragon also Trained then there's nobody that can stop him.

Holy shit… isn't that like cheating. That seems to be super Overpowered.

???: And you will still receive Five powers of your choosing. And!!! You will be able to personalize your avatar as you see fit. Of course that your powers in the beginning won't be like the powers of the Gods. But as you level up so do your powers and that will make them as you humans say, `even more broken´. 

???: …


???: You seem to be very excited. 

Of course i am. You are literally offering free super powers. Can I choose everything that comes to my mind when choosing my powers? 

???: As long as you don't ask to become a God right off the bat. I believe that everything is fine. Wh…

WWWOOOOOOHHHH. LETS FUCKING GOOO BITCHESSSSS. I´ ll become the strongest being in the world and then of the entire Verse.

???: Now that's the spirit. 

Wait. How will I know my level and the level of my abilities?

???:Mmmm… well I could give you one of those system windows so that you could see your level and abilities and also of other beings as well as yours and other people´s status.

YEAHHHHH, FUCK YEAH. I´m gonna be so fucking OP. Hehehehe.

???: Let 's begin. What abilities do you want?

Ok… hmm… ok, my powers are going to be:

1- An Omnipotent Body. 

So I want a body that is impossible to destroy even the soul, and won't take any physical damage and also wont take any magical damage. And that will become stronger the more I fight or train. Like Saitama. 

2- I want a skill that Absorbs my opponents levels, skills, souls and all their status and make it my own. And is also able to copy their skills so that I can transform their skills into a more powerful version of themselves. 

3- I want the power of Creation. So that i can create any living or nonliving thing that i want, that is also including any type of power or skill. 

4- I want to be able to freely manipulate Aether and Nether to my liking so that I could use any type of power and skill that I create. 

5- And finally I want Reality Manipulation.

???: Ok. But you won't be able to freely do whatever you want with your powers. You will have to train and get used to them first. For example, for you to use your power of creation you need to use creation power. One point of creation power lets you create one idea. And you get points by consuming souls, the more powerful the soul the more creation points. The other powers will get naturally stronger the more you use them or the more you fight with strong enemies. 

Fair enough.

???: Also for every time you level up, because of your omnipotent body, your reality manipulation and your absorbing powers, every stats level that you have will multiply three times. 


???: True, I almost feel sorry for the other races and that this will be too easy for you. Should we move to your character design?

Yes please.

In a millisecond a massive man with tan skin color appeared in front of me with ten deep black horns like the void, on his head with the tip of his horns slightly curved back. Each one of the horns was 5,50 meters long, with the base of each horn being where the thicker part is located and they were positioned on his head like a crown. 

???: This is your initial appearance. You can make whatever chance you want. 

God damn. That's the greatest body physic I have ever seen. Well in terms of body I won't change anything, those massive muscles and that eight pack abs are also staying. I´ ll change the eye color from golden to deep reptilian red eyes. The black hair will stay. Wait? How tall is this body compared to a normal human body? 

???: This body or to be more specific the bodies of True Dragons. They are between 9 to 10 meters tall. This body in particular is 20,90 meters tall without counting the horns on its head. 

Then a body of a human male about 1,70 meters tall appeared and was immediately dwarfed by the massive body of the dragon.

Jesus fucking christ. Thats tall. Even my avatar's dick is like five and a half times a normal human height. Like… damn. Wait…

Hey God. Do dragons here have a dragon transformation. And if yes, how big am I in my true dragon form?

???: Yes, you have a dragon form. And it resembles the fantasy serpentine Eldar Dragon of your world called Dalamadur, but with wings and the size of one hundred trillion super shearons. And your scales will be black with only your eyes and some parts of your body being fiery red. 

… that's… too… f-fucking… h-huge dont you think?

???: It 's fine. 

W-well if you say so then, I Think i'm ready to begin my journey. There weren't that many things I wanted to change about my avatar except the eye color. Everything else was just perfection, the face, the body, everything. 

???: Very well child. But remember that every intelligent being is still so primitive that there isn't even a common language between the intelligent races, including the dragons, and that every member of every individual race was born separated from his or her kin. So beginning to build your civilization and Empire will be a little difficult and will take some time but I have faith in you child. So, good luck, I'll be waiting for you in the heavens my child. 

Yes. We will meet again, you better w…

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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