
The double vampire

Ousa_001 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


It was very early in the morning, the weather was cool, the breeze of the ocean was breezing calmly. It was the first Sunday of the summer and it's always a norm that every family to attend the church in the first Sunday of the summer. Lucy, a tall brown and God fearing lady, a single mother of two twins Cate and John, who have not seen their father for more than twenty years, since they were born.

The family was busy that morning, preparing to attend first mass as it was always there routine to attend every Sunday Mass. This Sunday they over slept, something which has never happened on Sunday, but no matter what happens they have to attend the first mass.

They were about to be late, but Lucy even though she was approaching his forties of age , she manage to hurry up, take a shower apply some few make up so that she can look cute, being that she was the chair lady of the church she need to dress smart and neat. She wear a blue sky dress which fit her well, with brown gold earring which make her glowing like a young lady.

The two twins were also busy preparing for church, Cate the elder twin, wear her beloved sky blue trouser and red glowing shirt. She was twenty years of age, virgin and never interacted with any man before, because of the advices given by her mother to wait until she reached twenty four of age. She was a third year in the university perusing a degree in medicine specializing in human brain. She was expecting to graduate the next summer.

John was a young man twenty years of age just same as his sister Cate, he was tall dark and handsome man. Being that today is the first Sunday of the summer he decided to wear a Chinese suit with a Italian shoe combining it with Japanese belt making him look the most handsome man in the world. He was having jovial face and a loving character something which making love his sister and mother so much. Unfortunately he was a virgin too, never interacted with any lady before because her mother was too strict on him, telling him to concrete on future not ladies. He was in aviation school studying to become a pilot in the next two years, and her mother was so proud of him.

The family arrived in the car, Lucy was the driver, Cate sat next to her mother, and john sat in the back seat, Lucy start the engine of the latest Lamborghini car and drive towards the church. Everybody were quirt john was just busy on his phone enjoying the ride, cate was looking like someone who is thinking a lot of thoughts, after two miles drive, cate suddenly said.


"Yes darling" Lucy reply with a soft smiling voice looking at her gently.

"I has been twenty years from now and we haven't meet dad, why don't you tell us something about him."

"Darling your father was a terrible devil man and I promise you don't need to know about him, but don't worry one day I will tell when you are read, the story of your father when you are read"

"When am ready? That's crazy mum, I'm read, I'm past eighteen years of age I can handle everything again he was our father perhaps he needs our help am ready to accept him as my father no matter how crazy he was."

"Darling, just be patient, but for your protection I cannot tell you the story about your dad now, and please let stop that conversation."

Cate was hungry and never satisfied with what her mother tells told, John was not interested in the conversation, he was still busy on his phone placing a video game. Said while hungry Cate hunger was rising and suddenly she hit her mother's hand which was on a staring wheel, her mother loses control of the car and before she could realize the car missed the road and role several times before it could hit on a big log of tree. The accident was so sudden and none of them was able to escape it. John loses consciousness and he was not able to see or talk, he was having a minor injury on his neck, There unfortunately mother hit her chest on the staring wheel something which make her bleed vigorously, Cate on the other hands was normal was not having any injuries at all except on his hand but it was a minor one.

Cate quickly pick her phone and dial 999 to call the police for help, then she quickly open her seat belt so she could help her mother who was stack on the car. Before she could remove the seat belt from her mother, suddenly her mother's eye's turn red something which was not normal and she hold Cate's hand and she said in a low weak voice.

" listen to me very carefully daughter, our family have a lot of history which nobody will tell you except me and soon you will discover a lot of secrete about our family, what you should know is that you are not a human daughter, but your blood has vampire, wolf and witch. we were all cursed by My mother who was a very powerful witch seventy years ago, She turn you, your brother John and your father into a vampire and wolf so that you can be immortal. For you to activate your powers you need to kill someone a human. Being that I've already suffered internal injuries, I want you to do me a small favor am in pain and am not going to make it, so please daughter, kill me, so that so that you can unlock your powers and again you will discover where your father he is, he is barely a life."

"No mum, we will find another way, let me help, you so that I can take you to the hospital, the police are coming I've already called them, I don't need dad at this moment I need you mum, please let me help you"

cate said while trying to remove the seat belt of her mother, she was crying and afraid of her mother's conditions whose blood keep on coming out.

"Daughter, if you really don't want to see your father then let me die on myself, look at me am dying kill me now and help your brother the car is going to explode."

When Cate make gaze on the engine of the car, she realize the fuel was licking and in deed it was about to explode. Cate run out of options, she was confused, lose hope and she wanted to die with the entire family, suddenly her mother grab Cates hands and twisted her neck in a way that Cate was the one who killed her. Cate could not believe that she was the one who killed her mother, without wasting time, she hurriedly remove Her brother John from the back seat of the car and before she could turn and go back to remove her mother the car exploded and she terribly watch her mother burn into ashes.

The police arrived in the scene as soon as possible, Lucy's body was taken to the mortuary, Cate and her brother John was taken to the hospital for checkup. When they arrived in the hospital both of their wounds have heal something which surprise everybody. Cate who was having clue of what might happen to them, asked the police to drive them home.

It was about 3 pm, they lost their mother, they don't know what to do next. They have no any relative to call for help, no friends to consult them, only police who keep on asking them a lot of question about the accident.

A lot of thing run into Cate's head, his brother was tired and sleeping on the one of the seat in the living room. Cate was still thinking a lot of things, especially what will his brother do when he realize she was the one who killed their own mother, surprisingly clues came to his head and she thought there was a room into this house where there mother could not allow them to enter. It was having red steal door with a big padlock.

She stand peacefully from where she was seating and walk up to upstairs in front of that room door, she was not having any key to open that big padlock. Suddenly she said.

"Yaw dhout"

a command by the witch meaning "I command the door to be open."

Suddenly the door opens and she could not able to get in because of the darkness.