
The Saddest Outcome

"So, what now?" Kyle's low voice on the other end of the line sounded somewhat distant, muffled by the background city noise. 

"Well, one problem solved," Samantha answered, getting comfortable in her car seat, "but don't let them go just yet. Especially that wench Penelope. Keep her there for a few more days just so that moron Jason really believes that I was not joking around."

"Very well," Kyle replied calmly, "and what about Tyler?"

Samantha paused, looking out of the car's window. She did not really care for the man and frankly, it would have been a lot better if he did not exist at all. 

A dangerous thought was formed in her head right at that moment. "Get rid of him. And I mean it, Kyle. Make him disappear."

Kyle ended the call and let out a loud sigh. He turned his head to the right, looking at the smooth black rectangular of the building's intercom, trying to remember the numbers he had to punch in without looking back at his phone.