
No Regrets

Amelie accepted the visitor's pass from one of the tall and slender police officers at the precinct and followed the guard to the prison cell where Johnathan Radcliffe had been held captive for the last couple of days. 

"Here you are, Mrs. Ashford. You have half an hour."

The tall and rather wide man in the police uniform pointed at the man Amelie was looking for with his finger and nodded, walking away with almost inaudible steps. 

Mrs. Ashford approached the cell and greeted the man behind the bars. 

"Mr. Radcliffe? You must be surprised. My name is Amelie Ashford, I am––"

Johnathan interrupted her. "I know who you are, Mrs. Ashford. You are quite a famous socialite and Elizabeth has told me a lot about you too."

Amelie couldn't help but smile. Although it was not the time or the place, she felt somewhat happy that Lizzy talked about her to someone as important as the man she was in love with.