
Chapter 36: Slimy Subordinate


The sound of chirping birds reaches my ears, causing me to slowly wake up. Disoriented from not remembering how I fell asleep, I let my eyes open just a crack, dawn breaking outside my window and sun starting to stream in.

Morning. I can't even remember the last time I slept through a night. And all because...

I turn and look at Ella, asleep beside me, though she's in the middle of what looks to be a fitful sleep. Her skin is slick with sweat, and she moans with discomfort in her sleep. Something's wrong.

I reach over and feel her forehead, careful not to be too forceful and wake her up. She must be having a nightmare because she's unable to form coherent sentences and twitches every minute or so.

"The horse is in the lake."

I lean back and blink at this sentence. Well, whatever nightmare she's having, it seems to be an interesting one.