
The Divine Wolf... or?

Ark is a young Swedish man. Growing up without the loving care of parents had a big impact on his life and his personality turned out rather cold, even though he is a good person. His life ends abruptly when he suddenly dies of a rare disease, but his story doesn't. In fact, he gets reincarnated in a world of swords and magic... as a wolf? Follow Ark as he tries his hardest to evolve and survive in this new world fraught with danger, after all, power is everything. I have a discord as well if anyone wants to join, but its nothing special. Link: https://discord.gg/fhBASQ4

Tyrone_Bedoire · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
250 Chs

Mysterious beauty?

After having left the humans behind dumbfounded, Ark decided to go back to his little hole to think a little bit. First of all, he wanted to think about the possibility of returning to human society and what he would do if it were possible. It's always good to have a plan just in case he was someday able to maybe speak to humans or even becoming one himself, this was a world of magic so who knew what was possible right?

Ark wasn't sure if he wanted to go back to human society, or well he was kind of sure but there was still a shred of hesitation left. The reason he still had a shred of hesitation left was because of his former life, his life had been miserable, so he didn't know what would happen in this world. The most significant reason he had such a miserable life in his former world was that he was an orphan.

But in this world it didn't matter as much as long as you were strong enough, I mean who would have the right to judge you if you were a lot stronger than them, well at least not someone who still wanted to keep their head. Of course, not all people would just behead you if you badmouthed them a little bit but there was still a chance, and it would just be stupid to offend someone strong in the first place.

After a little bit of thought, Ark decided that he would try and live in human society should the opportunity present itself. If he were to somehow turn back into a human though he at least wanted to keep his magic since his life as a human would be pointless and bad otherwise. He could also consider living with humans if he found out a way to communicate with them, and as long as they didn't try and do something to him since he was a wolf after all.

Another thing he hadn't thought about is how he should act if a human attacked him. Of course, Ark didn't want to kill fellow humans as there was a pretty big difference in killing humans and killing monsters. But at the same time if he needed to he wouldn't hesitate, in the end, Ark just decided that he would decide depending on the circumstances of the situation. I mean if a human attacked him because it thought he was a threat he would just teach them a little lesson and then leave them alone, he would do the same after all.


Whilst this was going on you could see two humans quickly running into the town of Merelia, it was quite small and could barely be called a town but it was still a territory governed by a Baronet family, namely the Hughes family. The two people who were rushing into town was, in fact, Grant and Lily, after having experienced being saved by the wolf the duo quickly ran back to their town to report to the adventurers guild as well as Grant's father what had happened.

Since the wolf seemed to be intelligent there were two different possibilities, that was that it would either become a divine creature or a demonic creature. If it were to become a demonic creature then it would have immeasurable strength as well as being incredibly evil so it was best to strike it down before it could grow up to become a large threat. And if it were to develop into a divine creature then it would be best to try and protect as soon as possible since they would often be targeted by other beasts and they were usually nice.

Divine creatures were thought to be the messengers of God, at least to some people, whilst some people merely thought that they were legendary creatures that would be great to have as an ally. The world that Ark had gotten himself reincarnated into was called the Aries Plane. It mainly consisted of one main continent that was surrounded by numerous smaller continents. On the large continent, you could find all kinds of races and creatures, but the most dominant was the humans and the demon race.

The continent was essentially split into two parts, one where the demons resided that was called Geneha and then the other part which was where all the humans lived, this was called the Oshwalt Empire. Under this empire existed 15 kingdoms of varying sizes. The kingdom that Ark was currently in was the fourth largest country that was called the Estridsen Kingdom, after the royal family that possessed the family name of Estridsen.

After Grant and Lily had run into the city they were shot a lot of conflicting gazes and looks, it wasn't normal to be running in the middle of the city in broad daylight, if you were a kid then it was normal but it would bring quite a bit of attention when two adventurers were running in the city in a state of panic. When the two was halfway to the guild they suddenly heard a voice call out to them.

"Excuse me"

The one who had spoken had been a woman who had been sitting in a carriage that they had just passed. Since they were in a hurry they didn't notice the majestic gold embroidered snow-white carriage that was in the middle of the road.

What was even more impressive was that it had been dragged behind a special breed of white horse that was called "the snow horse". What was special about these horses was the fact that they were not only very physically capable but also knew snow magic, and they were very expensive. Hearing the really beautiful voice that came from this expensive entourage made both Grant and Lily visibly gulp.

After the door to the carriage was opened a lady clad in a white suit of armor stepped out. She was quite tall for a woman and was about 175 centimeters in height. Her legs were long and slender and she had all her curves in the right places. Her hair was a really bright and almost sparkling shade of platinum blonde. Her eyes were also really bright and purple, they kind of looked like two mysterious gems that were being shone upon by ethereal moonlight, it was a pity though since the rest of her face was covered up behind a thin veil. The white suit of armor enticed her beauty even more since it had some really beautiful engravings on it that seemed to emit a magical force.

After the lady stepped out both Lily and Grant were dumbfounded, who was this mysterious lady? Where had she come from? And why was she here of all places? A lot of different thoughts went through their heads as they were slowly being approached by the lady.

Double chapters!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

No but for real, i thought that i would give you an extra since i missed a day due to school.

Hope you enjoy and have great day!

Tyrone_Bedoirecreators' thoughts