
⟭⟬Chapter 14 - Voldemort's Horcruxes⟭⟬

Taehyung's POV

As I sent Kookie away to call Eomma, Appa, and Jiminie and to do his work I prepare the books that Appa will be borrowing for him to study them as I pack the books and put them to a bag so that Appa won't be suffering a backache when he lifts the books so I gave him a bag. as I was putting the to the bag I heard the door open and it reveals Eomma,Appa, and Jiminie.

"Please sit," I say as they walked and sit in front of me.

" What do you want to talk about Tae?" Eomma asks as I looked at them.

" I called because I want to plan about getting the Prophecy and about something else and before we do that Appa here are the books that you want to borrow I put them in a bag," I say as I hand him the bag he reached them and looked inside the bag consist of Book of spells, history of the magical world and the book of the fantastic beast and where to find them

Book Of Spells

History of the Magical World

Book of the fantastic beast and where to find them.

"And another thing when I get Into my 3rd months of pregnancy I want you to teach the other about the magic the books will teach you how and what is the purpose of each and every spells," I say as he nodded stand he was about to leave but I called him again. " Please teach them well especially Jungkook I want him to be ready because there are still many of them are about to attack us all," I say he nodded and give me a simple smile and leave the room I was looking for a book the Encantus I still need to finish it but I remembered that Eomma and Jiminie are still here and he will plan on getting the Prophecy.

"So Tae what's the plan and please a reminder don't stress yourself or else the baby will be affected" Eomma warns me I nodded as a response as I found my book I place it at the table and ready to read it. But I still need to plan so I'll plan

"So the plan is that of course, we need to first pack the stuff at Aunty Yeona's house and I'm sure as heaven she's bored and we have to that fast then fix her wand then prepare to get the Prophecy if the guys are ready and if we get an attack at the Hall them make them be ready and make sure that they'll be safe we all three are only the experienced in this kind of Things and especially the battle but for now I want your help," I say they nodded

" What do you want us to do?" Jiminie says

" I was wondering if you want to help me with my stuff cuz theirs still a lot to unpack and I can't do it alone," I say they nodded as we start to u pack my stuff to the books to the potions and everything but Eomma saw something and called me.

"Tae you have a Golden Snitch huh where did you get this?" Eomma asks.

"It's from my Grandfather you know Dumbledore when he died he gave me that and I have to tell you something," I say as they sit and I start telling them and story where I and my Great Grand Father took one of the Horcruxes of Voldemort.

"When I was still in Hogwarts my Grandfather called me in his office and talked to me about Voldemort's Horcruxes while we were talking he showed me the Dairy when you were already Graduated a lot happened actually when we all are sleeping you know Son Chae-young right?" I asked them

" Yeah, I know her she was the one who always flirted at every single Boy in Hogwarts," Eomma says.

" Yeah, she's one kind of slut in our Year," Jiminie says.

" Well when I was buying some books at Diagon Alley you know that Death Eater Lucius Malfoy he was they and out the diary in her books then he glared at me I just ignore him then that night she started attacking me then disappeared we all started on finding her I ended up in the girl's Bathroom then I start speaking in snake language then the sinks start to open and they're a hole I went into it I realized that its the Chamber of Secrets then I saw Chaeyoung laying in the ground unconscious the Tom Riddle shows up then he throws me the Dairy says ' The mighty Kim Taehyung saves the day what a pity little baby' then I speak back ' why are you doing this who are you?' I say then he answers 'you don't know me to follow me' I follow him and spells his name and it shows I am Lord Voldemort then a giant basilisk appeared then the Phoenix of Dumbledore shows up throwing the sorting hat I saw a silver outlining in it so I pick is and it appears as the Sword of Gryffindor then I stab the basilisk I snapped a fang on it then Voldemort speaks ' don't you dare we could be a good friend we could rule the world with me' but I didn't listen to him I stab it then black blood starts to spill on me then we disappeared I was taken to the office that night and added points to Gryffindor and we slept peacefully." I finished telling them what happened then Eomma Jin speaks

"I'm sorry Tae you have to face that kind of thing I wished we could be there for you but we weren't we forgot about you I'm sorry, " Eomma's says

" We're sorry Tae but now we'll be for you now we'll support you." I nodded but then we heard a shout from Jungkook's Office we rushed to it and I saw Jungkook burning in range his nose show mist of little smoke.

I rushed towards me to calm him down but Appa stops me

"No don't Tae his Mad don't come forward he'll hurt you," Appa says the others agree but I didn't.

" He won't. He loves me." I say as he clenched his fist in anger as I walked towards him. I looked at me with a smile that is full of passion, adoration, Tenderness, care, and LOVE. I walked towards him and touch his cheeks and he instantly relaxed at my warmth he calmed down." you have done enough Kookie calm down. What Happened? What are you so mad about?" I ask softly my love moment was cut off by Suga Hyung talking.

"Well, it's because EXO is planning on attacking the Company and taking all the leftover money and weapons in it."Suga Hyung states he clenched his fist again remembering about it I then hold his hand and speak.

"Well, we better plan on defending the company then." I say he shook his head 'no' and I turn around to look at him. He looked at me with rage, anger, and concern on his eyes.

"No, you're not going. You'll be staying here with Aunt Yeona or maybe get the stuff of Auntie Yeona and fix her wand but don't come with us it's our business and I don't want you to get hurt." He says as he looked at me fondly.

" Ok I'll stay we'll pack Auntie Yeona's stuff on his house but you better come back here in one piece," I say as we heard the others talking as well.

"You better be safe or else you won't be getting any ass for a month you got me?" Jiminie says I heard Jungkook chuckled a bit soundless as Suga and Hobi Hyung answers.

" Yah don't you use your ass against us but we know you won't give it to us for punishment if get our selves hurt and we know you're not bluffing." Suga Hyung says

" Yeah Suga Hyung your right we better be safe or else we won't get a ass for a month," Hobi Hyung says

" Oh, that's not it. you'll get worse. the worst punishment ever if you get hurt" Jiminie says as he leans forward towards their ear lobes and licking it seductively and smirks as we all see's their growing boner.

Suga Hyung and Hobi Hyung looked at Jiminie with lust and hunger as they growl.

"So you better be safe or you'll be punished." Jimin Hyung says as we listen to Eomma talking to Appa.

"And you Mister you better be as well safe or you want me to punish you also. Well worst than the punishment than Jimin's Punishment to Suga And Hoseok."Eomma says as he puts his hand on Appa's erection as he licks his lips seductively and Appa, as I can see Appa, is horny well very horny.

"I won't I promise you to know how I feel when you punish me it's so hot but at the same time painful. please don't be too hard on me you know that I love you right" Appa pleads

" Oh well if don't want to be punished you better be in one piece when you come back, "Eomma says as I pulling Jungkook's face to face him and there I stood acting hot and seductively

"How about you Daddy do you want to be punished as well," I ask as my hands explore the inside of his shirt to his pants as I feel him hardening as well.

"Well baby boy I'll be safe and I don't want to be punished I can see you being hot bit I can see it in your eyes you'll make me suffer more than Eomma and Jimin Hyung."

"So well you better come back here Without a scratch or else you'll be facing a menacing and dangerous punishment that you don't want to face and feel," I say as I touch his hard rock dick in his pants as pre-cum come out of him as I spread it with my thumb to the slit he can feel the pleasure as he moaned to the base of his cock.

"Ahh~" the guys looked at us and Eomma and Jimin Hyung smirks and the guys looked terrified. I then pulled my hands out of his pants then looked at him smirking I can feel that he wants to kiss me so he did. But before his lips could crash with mine I put a hand at his mouth to block him from kissing me.

"Uhh-uhh you won't get a kiss until the attacked is done make sure you'll be back in one and whole piece, "I say as I lick

my lips seductively he nodded painfully because of his hard-on.

"I will I promise." He says as j pecks his lips and smile as nothing happened I looked at the guys and speaks

"Well go back to your work now and we will go back to ours be make sure to be safe and be back without a scratch," j says as we submissive smirks and walked out off the room and we looked at them as they looked at each other with terrified faces as we closed the door Eomma speaks

" We'll see if they go back here with a scratch I have something on my mind that will make Joonie suffer so much at the will regret coming in that battle," Eomma says

mischievously smiling I smirk myself as Jiminie speaks.

" Well I have to myself I will make them suffer so much," Jiminie says as well they looked at me like I'm crazy as I smirk evilly they smirk as well.

"Well, the Innocent Tae is gone now maybe he'll be back after the punishment," Jiminie says as they laughed.

" Oh, I have something that Jungkook will truly and surely suffer he'll be begging for me too and I won't stop buahhhh~~~" I laughed evilly as I walked to the room but stopped by Eomma and Jiminie.

"Hey, Tae let's prepare they'll sure be going tomorrow afternoon and I'm sure the attack will be also tomorrow let's prepare the toys." I looked at them smirking.

"Let's go then" as we walked to a secret room that Jiminie hides his so-called 'toys' we picked what we want as we pick ours when we got finished we got back to our room and hide our punishments I lay on the bed and I was about to sleep but the door open and Jungkook enters.

"Hey, babe you going to sleep?" He asks

"Yeah I am" I answered

"Tae your bluffing when you told me and the guys that we all have a punishment when we got hurt or even a scratch? " He asks me I smirk mischievously he looked at me after he changes into something more comfortable and lays beside me then answers.

"Ohh I'm not bluffing when I told you don't me back without a scratch. Me, Eomma, and Jiminie already prepared our Punishments. So when the attack? " I ask concerned he looked at me.

" Well it's tomorrow we'll leave afternoon but it will get us there for about a 3hour of flight so we'll live 12 pm" I nodded

" Well I and the others will leave early maybe around 7 am cuz Aunt Yeona told us hat their a lot to pack and the wand fixing will be kinda will take a while so we will arrive shorts for about 11 sharp we're done before you'll go. " I say as he nodded.

" Let's go sleep love we have a long day ahead of us," he says I nodded

" Good Night Kookie. I Love You" I say as I kiss his cheeks but he pouts signaling he wants a kiss on the lips I kiss him on the lips.

"Good night to Love. I love you " he says as he kissed me on the Cheeks and spoons me and I snuggled close to him.