
⟭⟬ Chapter 5 - Wands ⟭⟬

Jeon Jungkook's POV

" Who goes first ?" Then Hoseok raised his hand enthusiastically then walk in front " ok let's see ahh this one it's an Acacia wood with a Phoenix feather core "he hands the want to Hobi Hyung " well son give it a wave" he says with a smile the Hobi Hyung waves the wand then the light bulb explode Tae and Eomma and Jiminie laughed, Hobi Hyung pouts then puts the wand down "it's not well maybe this one its an Aspen wood with a Kneazle whiskers" then hands it to Hobi Hyung then waved it the air lights up a bit then smiles

"that's the one so who goes next?" He asks then Namjoon raised his hand then walks in front of the counter

" ah a very smart person I see maybe this one fits you is an Applewood wand with a dragon heartstring core" hands it to him he then waves the wand then there is a loud bum~~~ upstairs then we all laughed "well the wand fit you Appa you particularly destroy everything," Jiminie says and laughed

" it doesn't fit you I wonder what will fit you. Maybe this one it's a Holly wand with a Dragon Heartstrings" then he waved it then a certain object floats then the sunspots him "well better keep it safe if you destroy it you can't have another one who's next ?" Suga Hyung walked in front

" hum your quite a serious man, oh this one will be your if he wants you its a yew wand and has unicorn tail hair core " then hands it to Yoongi then waves it and there is a crack in the glass then Mr. Garrick takes the one "maybe not Son I'm sure this one will fit you it's a Red oak wand and has a Unicorn tail hair core" then waved it the light brighten then go back to normal " keep it safe and the last one the one Jeon well maybe.... Taehyung do you have your old wand with you?" he asks the Tae take it out

" hold it Taehyung if you are one of the Most Powerful Wizards and your true love, you and Taehyung you have the same wands that came from form the same Tree and same Basilisk that produced the same skin that I used to make you're wands, your wand consist of Elder Wood and Basilisk skin. " then hands me the wand then the light spots me with a crept of wind " take care of it when your wand and Taehyung old and new wands are together they're stronger than any other wand," he says as I nodded we then thank him and get back home then Tae says

" let's eat first then get some rest Kookie in the room I need to talk to you," he says in a serious that makes me nervous when he's serious he's scary then we heard a very loud roar then Eomma Jin and Jiminie stop us when we are about to run but stopped by them "it's only Tae he do that when he's scared or stressed let him be Jungkook you go to him I think you can calm him down, "Jin Eomma says I make my way to the room on to see the love of my life crying his eyes out as I made my way to him cried, even more, I then sit him on my lap then he put his head on his chest and cried even more

"What should I do?! your parents are trying to kill me they want me dead just like Voldemort what if he tries to use or hurt you I can't afford you getting hurt because of me Kookie please I don't want you to get hurt," he says as he cries more I then lift his head up then I wiped his tears away they cradle him until he calms down "thanks Kookie for being here by my side but I don't want you to get hurt the only way for that to happen is if I stay away from you guys," he says that made me crazy as hell

" Hell no Babe I don't want you to go we're in this together forever babe I love you and I will protect you ok," I say as I kiss his forehead then Jin Eomma enters the Room.

" Taetae come on downstairs we need to eat so we can start the lessons tomorrow," he says as I lift Tae as if on instinct he wrapped his hands on my neck then we walk downstairs then we saw the guys eating already then Tae lift his head the pout at me signaling that he what's something.

"What does my baby what?" I say as I smile at him. He then looks at the food the blushed I just chuckled at his baby attitude.

"You want me to fid you, baby?" I ask he shook his head 'yes' then blushed he hid his face on my chest as the guys watch they Coo'd at his cuteness I then sit down then he swirled in my lap then I got horny as fuck so I leaned in his ears.

"Wait for later babe I'll show you how I love you so much," I says as he looked at me confused " aww my baby is so innocent so perfect for me," I say as I kiss his forehead but then Eomma and Appa speaks at the same time

"Children stop were in the front of our food stop it or us sperate you both," they say in a serious manner I growled but I looked down when Appa looked at me we finished eating then got to our room only for Tae to as in immediately Sleep without taking his robes off I change into more comfortable clothes to change him as well then I feel my pants tighten as I take his shirt off I looked at him up and down but this is not the time for me to have fun I can have tomorrow after he teaches us but today no not today as I change him into proper clothes he then start stirring in his sleep finding me I then lay down he snuggled into me more the I can feel my eye close I let them close and let the warm feeling spread more.