
⟭⟬ Chapter 13 - Threat ⟭⟬

Jeon Jungkook's POV

As we enter the Library Tae sits at his desk and I grabbed a chair and sit next to him and put my hand on his thighs.

"Ok, Aunty Yeona I just want to know to use the Memory Extraction so that I can see the full scene of you talking with the Order Of The Phoenix and to be sure about it" Aunt Yeona nodded and walked to the side of Tae's Study and open a door and reveals a font of what so ever and it is surrounded with glass and the water is glowing blue with swirling white lines.

"I didn't know that your Grand Father would give you his Pensieve in his office well it's kinda impressive" Tae nodded shy because of what she said I snaked my hands at his waist. Tae looked at her and give her his wand.

"Please be careful with it. it's the only thing that my Grand Father left for me" Tae says I feel sad for Tae because his family died just to protect him. but like me I'll die for him to be safe. I'll do anything for him. As Aunt Yeona puts the tip of the wand in his temple a swirling white lines shows and she put in the Pensieve they call it then Tae crouches his head in it and sees things I can say he's in a state of trance and I don't want to ruin it he pulls his head away from the Pensieve and looks at me then to Aunt Yeona he nodded.

"I'll call all of you when I have set a plan on the Prophecy. Kookie you too attend the businesses you needed to with the hyungs and please send Appa, Eomma, and Jiminie up here we have something to talk about. Aunt Yeona you can wander around." Tae says we noticed he was stressed I shook my head and looked at him walked towards him and hug him behind as Aunt Yeona left the room.

"Tae your pregnant you can't be stressed or the baby will be affected, "I say softly he looked at me with a smile.

" I'm fine look I'm not stressing out. Don't worry too much. You need to attend your business and while you do that I do my job also and once I'm done we'll get Aunty Yeona's things and fix her wand and get the Prophecy. I'll be fine" Tae's assures me but I'm not convinced.

" Ok, I'll get going now. You better rest after this or else you'll be punished and you don't want me to punish you" I say seductively I lean forward and lick his ear lobe.

" I won't I promise"

"Good. Now I'll attend my businesses and they'll be here soon. Bye I love you" I bid my goodbye as I kiss him

" Bye I love you too" Tae responds as I walked to the door and to the living room where the guys are hanging out.

"Appa we need to get updates about the Mafia but before that, you're being called by Tae including Eomma and Jimin Hyung," I say they nodded. They walked towards the library " as they talked we must get some updates to about the Mafia if they're all ok and the company is doing fine let's go to my office shall we?" Suga and Hobi Hyung nodded as we walked to my Office where the library is close and enter my office.

"Ok, Kooks we need to get some updates on the company because our rivals EXO and Blackpink are maybe planning on visiting our company." I nodded

" Well let's get to work," I say as Suga Hyung is in charge of the weapons and Hobi Hyung is in charge of accountancy and Appa is in charge of hacking and me of course I need to make sure everything is doing and going good. As I was checking some papers and signing some like my everyday job Appa enters the room.

"Hey, Kids how's work?" Appa asks

"Well it's going fine Appa maybe you'll join us we kinda need you to check the system in the Mafia and the Company." Hobi Hyung says I and Suga Hyung nodded agreeing at his statement.

" Ok I'll be starting on my work now," Appa says I then got confused what did Tae and the others talked about cuz if it's important we all would be there all maybe I should ask.

"Appa what did you and Tae and the others talked about?" I ask and Suga Hyung and Hobi Hyung looked at him also interested and confused as well and Appa looked at us.

"Well Tae will be handing me the books that I will be borrowing and he asked Jin and Jimin to teach you other spells and while we were talking we also planned about getting Aunt Yeona's stuff and fixing her wand and also getting the Prophecy from the Hall of the Prophecy." He says I shook my head disappointed at Tae.

" I told him not to stress himself and he didn't listen to me. Maybe I'll talk to him later we only work on Fridays and we'll practice using magic and everything maybe and someday we'll have a relaxing and happy family day and everything will be alright."

" well, maybe kooks but we still have to take care of our rivals attacking our Company because they are planning to," Appa says as I looked at him quite angry.

" WHAT?!"

"Well they are planning on taking the money and the Company I guess," Suga Hyung says

" Well that quite impossible because the money and weapons are in the safe volt here," Hobi Hyung says

" Well you're quite wrong their Hobi there are leftovers at the Company," Appa says as he types on his computer looking at the leftover weapons and money's on the company.

"Well shit were all gonna die," Suga Hyung says

"AHHHHH!!!!" I scream in frustration as the guys cover their ears because of the loudness the others burst in the room Tae rushed towards me.

"No don't Tae his Mad don't come forward he'll hurt you," Appa says the others agree but he didn't.

" He won't. He loves me." He says as I clenched my fist in anger as he walked towards me. He looked at me with a smile that is full of passion, adoration, Tenderness, care, and LOVE. he walked towards me and touch my cheeks and I instantly relaxed at his warmth I calmed down."you have done enough Kookie calm down. What Happened? What are you so mad about?" He asks softly my love moment was cut off by Suga Hyung talking.

"Well, it's because EXO is planning on attacking the Company and taking all the leftover money and weapons in it."Suga Hyung states I clenched my fist again remembering about it Tae then hold my hand and speaks.

"Well, we better plan on defending the company then," Tae says I shook my head no and turn him around to look at me. I looked at him with rage, anger, and concern on my eyes.

"No, you're not going. You'll be staying here with Aunt Yeona or maybe and get the stuff of Auntie Yeona and fix her wand but don't come with us it's our business and I don't want you to get hurt." I say as I looked at him fondly.

" Ok, I'll stay we'll pack Auntie Yeona's stuff on his house but you better come back here in one piece," Tae says as I heard the others talking as well.

"You better be safe or else you both won't be getting any ass for a month you got me," Jimin Hyung says I chuckled a bit soundless as Suga and Hobi Hyung answers.

" Yah don't you use your ass against us, but we know you won't give it to us for punishment if we get our selves hurt and we know you're not bluffing." Suga Hyung says

" Yeah Suga Hyung you're right we better be safe or else we won't be getting any ass for a month," Hobi Hyung says

" Oh that's not it, You'll get the worst. The worst punishment ever if you get hurt" Jimin Hyung says as he leans forward towards their ear lobes and licking it seductively and smirks as we all see's their growing boner.

Suga Hyung and Hobi Hyung looked at Jimin Hyung with lust and hunger as they growl.

"So you better be safe or you'll be punished." Jimin Hyung says as I listen to Eomma talking to Appa.

"And you Mister you better be as well safe or you want me to punish you also. Well worst than the punishment than Jimin's Punishment to Suga And Hoseok."Eomma says as he puts his hand on Appa's erection as he licks his lips seductively and Appa, as I can see Appa, is well horny is an understatement I would say very horny.

"I won't I promise you to know how I feel when you punish me it's so hot but at the same time painful. please don't be too hard on me you know that I love you right" Appa pleads

" Oh well if you don't want to be punished you better be in one piece when you come back, "Eomma says as I feel Tae pulling my face to face him, and there stood the hottest and beautiful person I have ever seen seducing me.

"How about you Daddy do you want to be punished as well," he asks as I can feel his hands explore the inside of my shirt to my pants as I feel my self-hardening as well.

"Well baby boy I'll be safe and I don't want to be punished I can see you being hot, but I can see it in your eyes you'll make me suffer more than Eomma and Jimin Hyung."

"So well you better come back here Without a scratch or else you'll be facing a menacing and dangerous punishment that you don't want to face and feel," Tae says as he touches my hard rock dick in my pants as pre-cum come out of me as he spreads it with his thumb to the slit I can feel the pleasure as I moaned to the base of my cock.

"Ahh~" the guys looked at us and Eomma and Jimin Hyung smirks and the guys looked terrified. Tae then pulled his hands out of my pants then looked at me smirking oh how I wish I could kiss that smirk out off his face so I did. But before my lips could crash with his he puts his hand at his mouth to block me from kissing him.

"Uhh-uhh you won't get a kiss until the attacked is done make sure you'll be back in one and while piece." He says as he licks his lips seductively I nodded painfully because of my hard-on.

"I will I promise," I say as he pecks my lips and smiles as nothing happened he looked at the guys and speaks

"Well go back to your work now and we will go back to ours be make sure to be safe and be back without a scratch he says as the submissive smirks and walked out of the room and we looked at each other with terrified faces and I say.

"We better be safe or else we'll die because of their Punishments and Tae my fuck I can feel the cum out of my dick when he does that. So we better be back here without a scratch or else if we do the scratch will burn because of pleasure" I say

" Yeah you're right we better be I don't want to face Jin if I do have one the last time he punished me was when he saw my Assistant flirt me. My fuck that night he didn't let me sleep." Appa says while filling his boner with his hand.

" Me and Hobi when Jimin caught a girl grinding her boobs at our faces holy Shit he strips in front of us wearing a lingering and he fucking put a cock ring at us.  fucking dawn it's sure is painful." Suga Hyung says as Hobi agreed I think of Tae punishing me and a shiver run down my spine and the guys looked at me scared.

"Well you better be ready for the punishment because one of us saw what Tae did to you a while ago and it sure will be truly painful so be a ready young man," Appa says I nodded and we all got back to our works